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Created April 11, 2018 03:42
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# Ensure wxallowed in /usr/local in fstab
# Inventory should have for each obsd host: ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/bin/python become_method=doas
# ./ hostname user
# Add host key to known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -H $1 >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
# Add host to inventory
echo $1 ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/bin/python become_method=doas >> $INVENTORY
# Prime doas
ansible $1 -i $INVENTORY -m raw -b -a "echo 'permit nopass :wheel as root' >> /etc/doas.conf" --become-method=su -kK -u $2
# Setup installurl for packages.
ansible $1 -i $INVENTORY -m raw -a "doas sh -c 'echo '' > /etc/installurl'" --become-method=su -kK -u $2
# Install python for ansible
ansible $1 -i $INVENTORY -m raw -a "doas pkg_add -z python-2" --become-method=su -kK -u $2
# Setup python for use.
ansible $1 -i $INVENTORY -m raw -a "ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python2.7 /usr/local/bin/python; ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python2.7-2to3 /usr/local/bin/2to3 ; ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python2.7-config /usr/local/bin/python-config; ln -sf /usr/local/bin/pydoc2.7 /usr/local/bin/pydoc" -b --become-method=su -Kk -u $2
# Create ansible user
ansible $1 -i $INVENTORY -m shell -a "useradd -c 'Ansible User' -d /home/${ANSIBLE_USER} -m -G wheel ${ANSIBLE_USER}" -b --become-method=doas -u $2
KEY=`cat ~/.ssh/`
# Setup authorized_key for
ansible $1 -i $INVENTORY -m shell -a "mkdir -p ~${ANSIBLE_USER}/.ssh; echo ${KEY} >> ~${ANSIBLE_USER}/.ssh/authorized_keys ; chown control:control ~control/.ssh" --become-method=doas -kK -bu $2
# Test ansible control.
ansible $1 -i $INVENTORY -m shell -a "touch /root/test; rm /root/test" -b --become-method=doas
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