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Created April 12, 2012 22:35
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[LibGit2Sharp] *Untested* mocked proof of concept of a TreeDefinition - A building block to ease the generation of Trees in the odb
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApplication97854
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Building a Tree with the following structure
var repo = new Repository();
* Nested version
var rootInline =
new TreeDefinition()
.Add("path", new TreeDefinition()
.Add("to", new TreeDefinition()
.Add("another", new TreeDefinition()
.Add("file3", "/path/another/file3"))
.Add("file2", "/path/to/file2")
.Add("file1", "/path/to/file1")));
Tree inlineTree = repo.ObjectDatabase.Insert(rootInline);
* Flatened version
var another = new TreeDefinition()
.Add("file3", "/path/another/file3");
var to = new TreeDefinition()
.Add("another", another)
.Add("file2", "/path/to/file2")
.Add("file1", "/path/to/file1");
var path = new TreeDefinition()
.Add("to", to);
var root = new TreeDefinition().Add("path", path);
Tree tree = repo.ObjectDatabase.Insert(root);
* Non hierarchical version
var flatIsBack = new TreeDefinition2()
.Add("path/to/another/file3", "/path/to/another/file3")
.Add("path/to/file1", "/path/to/file1")
.Add("path/to/file2", "/path/to/file2");
Tree otherTree = repo.ObjectDatabase.Insert(flatIsBack);
A Tree with the following structure already has just been built in the repo
A new entry Blob "file4" is added under "/path/to".
We want to create a new Tree containing the previous entries and the new one
/* Easy one, but not that realistic: update the flatened TreeDefinition */
to.Add("file4", "/path/to/file4");
Tree newTree = repo.ObjectDatabase.Insert(root);
/* A bit less cheesy: Build a new TreeDefinition reusing existing Trees and Blobs */
var anotherTreeEntry = tree["path/to/another"];
var file1TreeEntry = tree["path/to/file1"];
var file2TreeEntry = tree["path/to/file2"];
var update =
new TreeDefinition()
.Add("path", new TreeDefinition()
.Add("to", new TreeDefinition()
.Add("file4", "/path/to/file4")));
Tree updatedTree = repo.ObjectDatabase.Insert(update);
/* Another option: let's get rid of the hierarchical approach */
var update2 = new TreeDefinition2()
.Add("path/to/file4", "/path/to/file4");
/* Idea:
- Find a way to generate a TreeDefinition from a Tree (Not that complex, but could take time on a large DAG, unless it's lazily built)
- Signature proposal: TreeDefinition TreeDefinition.From(Tree tree);
- Allow Removal and Update of entries
- Submodules and Symlinks?
// Unfortunately this is...
throw new NotImplementedException();
class ObjectDatabase
internal readonly Repository _repo;
public ObjectDatabase(Repository repo)
_repo = repo;
public bool Contains(string oid)
return true; //Dummy value
public Blob Insert(string path)
return null; //Dummy action
public Tree Insert(TreeDefinition td)
return td.Build(this);
public Tree Insert(TreeDefinition2 td)
return td.Build(this);
internal class Repository
public Repository()
ObjectDatabase = new ObjectDatabase(this);
public ObjectDatabase ObjectDatabase { get; private set; }
public T Lookup<T>(string sha) where T : new()
return new T();
internal class TreeDefinition
private readonly IList<Func<ObjectDatabase, Tuple<string, string, GitObject>>> booh = new List<Func<ObjectDatabase, Tuple<string, string, GitObject>>>();
/// <param name="name">Name of the Blob in the Tree to be created</param>
/// <param name="fullpath">Full path to a file which content will be stored in a Blob</param>
public TreeDefinition Add(string name, string fullpath)
booh.Add((odb) =>
var mode = RetrieveAttributes(fullpath);
var entry = odb.Insert(fullpath);
return new Tuple<string, string, GitObject>(name, mode, entry);
return this;
private string RetrieveAttributes(string fullpath)
return "100644"; //Dummy value
public TreeDefinition Add(string name, Blob entry, string mode)
booh.Add((odb) => new Tuple<string, string, GitObject>(name, mode, entry));
return this;
public TreeDefinition Add(string name, Tree entry)
booh.Add((odb) => new Tuple<string, string, GitObject>(name, "040000", entry));
return this;
public TreeDefinition Add(TreeEntry entry)
booh.Add((odb) => new Tuple<string, string, GitObject>(entry.Name, entry.Attributes, entry.Target));
return this;
public TreeDefinition Add(string name, TreeDefinition definition)
booh.Add((odb) =>
var entry = definition.Build(odb);
return new Tuple<string, string, GitObject>(name, "040000", entry);
return this;
internal Tree Build(ObjectDatabase odb)
foreach (var func in booh)
Tuple<string, string, GitObject> tp = func.Invoke(odb);
NativeMethods.git_treebuilder_insert(tp.Item1, tp.Item3.Oid, tp.Item2);
string tree_oid;
NativeMethods.git_treebuilder_write(out tree_oid);
return odb._repo.Lookup<Tree>(tree_oid);
internal class TreeDefinition2
private readonly IList<Func<ObjectDatabase, Tuple<string, string, GitObject>>> booh = new List<Func<ObjectDatabase, Tuple<string, string, GitObject>>>();
private Dictionary<string, TreeDefinition2> definitions = new Dictionary<string, TreeDefinition2>();
/// <param name="targetPath">Path to the Blob within the Tree to be created</param>
/// <param name="fullpathOnDisk">Full path to a file which content will be stored in a Blob</param>
public TreeDefinition2 Add(string targetPath, string fullpathOnDisk)
(def, subPath) => def.Add(subPath, fullpathOnDisk),
name => booh.Add(odb =>
var mode = RetrieveAttributes(fullpathOnDisk);
var entry = odb.Insert(fullpathOnDisk);
return new Tuple<string, string, GitObject>(name, mode, entry);
return this;
private void ProcessMultiSegmentsPath(string path, Action<TreeDefinition2, string> subPathAdder, Action<string> nameAdder)
var segments = SplitPath(path);
// We're dealing with a name
if (segments.Item2 == null)
// We're dealing with a real path
TreeDefinition2 def = AddOrRetrieveTreeDef(segments.Item1);
subPathAdder(def, segments.Item2);
private TreeDefinition2 AddOrRetrieveTreeDef(string treeName)
TreeDefinition2 def;
if (definitions.TryGetValue(treeName, out def))
return def;
def = new TreeDefinition2();
definitions.Add(treeName, def);
return def;
private Tuple<string, string> SplitPath(string targetPath)
var segments = targetPath.Split(new [] { '/' }, 2);
return new Tuple<string, string>(segments[0], segments.Length == 2 ? segments[1]: null);
private string RetrieveAttributes(string fullpath)
return "100644"; //Dummy value
public TreeDefinition2 Add(string targetPath, Blob entry, string mode)
(def, subPath) => def.Add(subPath, entry, mode),
name => booh.Add((odb) => new Tuple<string, string, GitObject>(targetPath, mode, entry))
return this;
public TreeDefinition2 Add(string targetPath, Tree entry)
(def, subPath) => def.Add(subPath, entry),
name => booh.Add(odb => new Tuple<string, string, GitObject>(name, "040000", entry))
return this;
public TreeDefinition2 Add(TreeEntry entry)
(def, subPath) =>
if (entry.Target is Blob)
def.Add(subPath, (Blob)(entry.Target), entry.Attributes);
def.Add(subPath, (Tree)(entry.Target));
name => booh.Add((odb) => new Tuple<string, string, GitObject>(entry.Name, entry.Attributes, entry.Target))
return this;
internal Tree Build(ObjectDatabase odb)
foreach (var func in booh)
Tuple<string, string, GitObject> tp = func.Invoke(odb);
NativeMethods.git_treebuilder_insert(tp.Item1, tp.Item3.Oid, tp.Item2);
string tree_oid;
NativeMethods.git_treebuilder_write(out tree_oid);
return odb._repo.Lookup<Tree>(tree_oid);
internal class Blob : GitObject
public string mode;
internal class Tree : GitObject
public TreeEntry this[string path]
get { return new TreeEntry(); }
internal class TreeEntry
public string Attributes;
public string Name;
public string Path;
public GitObject Target { get { return null; } }
internal class GitObject
public string Oid;
internal class NativeMethods
public static int git_treebuilder_create()
return 0;
public static int git_treebuilder_insert(string filename, string id, string mode)
return 0;
public static int git_treebuilder_write(out string sha)
sha = "toto";
return 0;
public static int git_treebuilder_free()
return 0;
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