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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Color palette generator
#include "ColorPalette.h"
#include "cinder/CinderAssert.h"
#include "cinder/Rand.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
using namespace ci;
using namespace col;
///////////////////////////// MEDIAN CUT VEC CUBE ///////////////////////////////
RgbCube::RgbCube( const std::vector<ivec3>& colors )
: mColorVecs( colors )
// Here we set the bounds of the cube
mBounds[0] = { 255, 0 };
mBounds[1] = { 255, 0 };
mBounds[2] = { 255, 0 };
for( auto color : mColorVecs ) {
// Iterate over all 3 color channels
for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
if( color[i] < mBounds[i].first )
mBounds[i].first = color[i];
if( color[i] > mBounds[i].second )
mBounds[i].second = color[i];
int RgbCube::getSize( ColorChannel channel ) const
size_t idx = static_cast<size_t>( channel );
int s = mBounds[idx].second - mBounds[idx].first;
CI_ASSERT( s >= 0 );
return s;
std::pair<uint8_t, uint8_t> RgbCube::getBounds( ColorChannel channel ) const
return mBounds[static_cast<size_t>( channel )];
ColorChannel RgbCube::getLongestAxis() const
int sr = getSize( RED );
int sg = getSize( GREEN );
int sb = getSize( BLUE );
int m = math<int>::max( math<int>::max( sr, sb ), sb );
if ( m == sr ) return RED;
if( m == sg ) return GREEN;
return BLUE;
ci::Color8u RgbCube::calcMeanColor() const
vec3 sum( 0 );
for( auto& c : mColorVecs ) {
sum += c;
sum /= (float) mColorVecs.size();
return Color8u( sum.x, sum.y, sum.z );
std::pair<RgbCube, RgbCube> RgbCube::splitAtMedian()
ColorChannel longest = getLongestAxis();
// Sort the colors according the the specified color channel
switch( longest ) {
case RED:
std::sort( mColorVecs.begin(), mColorVecs.end(), []( const ivec3& c0, const ivec3& c1 ) -> bool { return c0.x < c1.x; } );
case GREEN:
std::sort( mColorVecs.begin(), mColorVecs.end(), []( const ivec3& c0, const ivec3& c1 ) -> bool { return c0.y < c1.y; } );
case BLUE:
std::sort( mColorVecs.begin(), mColorVecs.end(), []( const ivec3& c0, const ivec3& c1 ) -> bool { return c0.z < c1.z; } );
// Separate at median & subdivide into two new cubes
CI_ASSERT( mColorVecs.size() >= 2 );
size_t medianIdx = mColorVecs.size() / 2;
auto cube0 = RgbCube{ std::vector<ivec3>{ mColorVecs.begin(), mColorVecs.begin() + medianIdx } };
auto cube1 = RgbCube{ std::vector<ivec3>{ mColorVecs.begin() + medianIdx, mColorVecs.end() } };
return std::pair< RgbCube, RgbCube>{ cube0, cube1 };
/////////////////////////// COLOR PALETTE GENERATOR /////////////////////////////
PaletteGenerator::PaletteGenerator( ci::Surface8u surface )
Surface8u::ConstIter iter = surface.getIter();
while( iter.line() ) {
while( iter.pixel() ) {
mColorsVecs.emplace_back( iter.r(), iter.g(), iter.b() );
Color8u PaletteGenerator::randomSample() const
size_t idx = (size_t) math<float>::floor( Rand::randFloat() * mColorsVecs.size() );
auto cv = idx );
return Color8u( cv.x, cv.y, cv.z );
float getLuminance( const glm::ivec3& c )
return ( c.r + c.r + c.g + c.b + c.b + c.b ) / ( 255.0f * 6.0f );
float getLuminance( const Color8u& c )
return float( c.r + c.r + c.g + c.b + c.b + c.b ) / ( 255.0f * 6.0f );
std::vector<ci::Color8u> PaletteGenerator::randomPalette( size_t num, float luminanceThreshold ) const
std::vector<ci::Color8u> samples;
while ( samples.size() < num ) {
Color8u sample = randomSample();
if( getLuminance( sample ) >= luminanceThreshold ) {
samples.emplace_back( sample );
return samples;
std::vector<Color8u> PaletteGenerator::medianCutPalette( size_t num, bool randomize, float luminanceThreshold ) const
std::list<RgbCube> cubes;
if( luminanceThreshold > 0.0f && luminanceThreshold < 1.0f ) {
std::vector<ivec3> trimmedColorVecs = mColorsVecs;
auto newEnd = std::remove_if( trimmedColorVecs.begin(), trimmedColorVecs.end(),
[luminanceThreshold]( const ivec3& c ) {
float luminance = getLuminance( c ) - 0.5f;
return( ( 0.5f - math<float>::abs( luminance ) ) < luminanceThreshold );
} );
trimmedColorVecs.erase( newEnd, trimmedColorVecs.end() );
cubes.emplace_back( RgbCube{ trimmedColorVecs } );
} else {
cubes.emplace_back( RgbCube{ mColorsVecs } );
// split the cubes until we get required amount of colors
while( cubes.size() < num ) {
auto& parent = cubes.front();
const auto& pair = parent.splitAtMedian();
// Randomize order non-power-of-two number of colors
if( randomize && Rand::randBool() ) {
cubes.emplace_back( pair.second );
cubes.emplace_back( pair.first );
} else {
cubes.emplace_back( pair.first );
cubes.emplace_back( pair.second );
// get the final palette
std::vector<Color8u> palette;
for( auto& cube : cubes ) {
palette.emplace_back( cube.calcMeanColor() );
return palette;
std::vector<ci::Color8u> PaletteGenerator::kmeansPalette( size_t num ) const
RgbCube cube( mColorsVecs );
auto redBounds = cube.getBounds( RED );
auto greenBounds = cube.getBounds( GREEN);
auto blueBounds = cube.getBounds( BLUE );
std::vector<ivec3> centroids;
for( size_t i=0; i<num; ++i ) {
int r = Rand::randInt( redBounds.first, redBounds.second + 1 );
int g = Rand::randInt( greenBounds.first, greenBounds.second + 1 );
int b = Rand::randInt( blueBounds.first, blueBounds.second + 1 );
centroids.emplace_back( r, g, b );
CI_ASSERT_MSG( false, "Not fully implemented yet..." );
return {};
std::vector<ci::Color8u> randomPalette( ci::Surface8u surface, size_t num )
PaletteGenerator generator( surface );
return generator.randomPalette( num );
#pragma once
#include "cinder/Color.h"
#include "cinder/ImageIo.h"
#include "cinder/Surface.h"
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <future>
namespace col {
enum ColorChannel {
RED = 0,
GREEN = 1,
BLUE = 2
// Testing out for performance!
class RgbCube {
RgbCube( const std::vector<glm::ivec3>& colors );
//! Get the longest cube channel/axis
ColorChannel getLongestAxis() const;
//! Get the channel cube dimension
int getSize( ColorChannel channel ) const;
//! Get the channel cube bounds
std::pair<uint8_t, uint8_t> getBounds( ColorChannel channel ) const;
//! Calculate the mean color (centroid) of the cube
ci::Color8u calcMeanColor() const;
//! WARNING! This method is non-const: it sorts the color std::vector
std::pair<RgbCube, RgbCube> splitAtMedian();
//! pair of min-max for each color channel (R-G-B in order)
std::array< std::pair<uint8_t, uint8_t>, 3 > mBounds;
//! Collection of all colors referenced by cube
std::vector<glm::ivec3> mColorVecs;
class PaletteGenerator {
PaletteGenerator( ci::Surface8u surface );
ci::Color8u randomSample() const;
std::vector<ci::Color8u> randomPalette( size_t num, float luminanceThreshold = 0.0f ) const;
std::vector<ci::Color8u> medianCutPalette( size_t num, bool randomize = false, float luminanceThreshold = -1 ) const;
std::vector<ci::Color8u> kmeansPalette( size_t num ) const;
std::vector<glm::ivec3> mColorsVecs;
typedef std::future<std::vector<ci::Color8u>> AsyncPalette;
#include "cinder/app/App.h"
#include "cinder/app/RendererGl.h"
#include "cinder/gl/gl.h"
#include "ColorPalette.h"
template<typename R>
bool is_ready(std::future<R> const& f)
{ return f.valid() && f.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(0)) == std::future_status::ready; }
using namespace ci;
using namespace ci::app;
using namespace std;
class ColorQuantizationApp : public App {
void setup() override;
void update() override;
void draw() override;
void fileDrop( FileDropEvent event ) override;
std::vector<Color8u> mRandomSampleColors;
std::vector<Color8u> mMedianCutColors;
col::AsyncPalette mRandomAsyncPalette, mMedianAsyncPalette;
void ColorQuantizationApp::setup()
void ColorQuantizationApp::update()
if( is_ready( mRandomAsyncPalette ) ) {
mRandomSampleColors = mRandomAsyncPalette.get();
if( is_ready( mMedianAsyncPalette ) ) {
mMedianCutColors = mMedianAsyncPalette.get();
void drawColorCircle( std::vector<Color8u> colors ) {
if( colors.empty() )
float radius = 100.0f;
int idx = 0;
for( auto& color : colors ) {
gl::color( color );
float angle = - idx / float( colors.size() ) * 2.0f * M_PI;
vec2 pos( radius * cos( angle ), radius * sin( angle ) );
gl::drawSolidCircle( pos, 60.0f );
void ColorQuantizationApp::draw()
gl::clear( Color::gray( 0.5f * ( sin(app::getElapsedSeconds()) + 1.0f ) ) );
Font font("Arial", 16 );
ColorA col( ColorA::white() );
gl::ScopedMatrices push;
gl::translate( getWindowWidth() / 4, getWindowHeight()/2 );
drawColorCircle( mRandomSampleColors );
gl::drawStringCentered( "Random", vec2( 0, - getWindowHeight()/2.15f ), col, font );
gl::translate( getWindowWidth() / 2, 0 );
drawColorCircle( mMedianCutColors );
gl::drawStringCentered( "Median cut", vec2( 0, - getWindowHeight()/2.15f ), col, font );
std::vector<Color8u> getPalette( const fs::path& imageFile, size_t nb, bool random )
try {
col::PaletteGenerator generator( Surface8u( loadImage( loadFile( imageFile ) ) ) );
return ( random ) ? generator.randomPalette( nb, 0.35f ) : generator.medianCutPalette( nb );
catch( ... ) {
app::console() << "Palette generation failed." << std::endl;
return {};
void ColorQuantizationApp::fileDrop( FileDropEvent event )
auto file = event.getFile(0);
size_t nb = 64;
mMedianAsyncPalette = std::async(std::launch::async, getPalette, file, 64, false );
mRandomAsyncPalette = std::async(std::launch::async, getPalette , file, 64, true );
CINDER_APP( ColorQuantizationApp, RendererGl, []( App::Settings * settings )
int height = 450;
settings->setWindowSize( 2 * height, height );
} )
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