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Forked from avesus/.bashrc
Created January 3, 2020 15:57
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Vim with NERDTree Adequate Defaults
# I love super fast keyboard. Most of my friends and colleagues can't follow
# I use `atkbd.softrepeat=1` on the kernel command line.
# Even Visual Assist plugin in Visual Studio doubles keyboard repeat rate with _a reason_.
# I'm working on my laptop without X installed to avoid procrastination.
# I've spend a working day googling how to make `kbdrate` using slower delay than 250.
# Add this to your /etc/profile.d/ sudo kbdrate -r 82 -d 150 if you want it in console.
# Note that it will force you type password twice. I didn't find any workarounds.
xset r rate 150 82
# When exiting from Vim, just type
# v filename
# and Ctrl+k after Vim shows up
# to open that file from any directory or default location
v() {
vim_id=`jobs|sed -n "/vim/s/\[\([0-9]\)\]+.*/\1/p"`
vim_pid=`jobs -p $vim_id`
file_path=`realpath $file_name`
echo "e $file_path"
if [ -n "$vim_id" ]; then
echo "e $file_path" > $HOME/.vim-swap-$vim_pid && fg $vim_id
vim $@
" Enables Pathogen
execute pathogen#infect()
" Preserve scroll position when switching between buffers
au BufLeave * if !&diff | let b:winview = winsaveview() | endif
au BufEnter * if exists('b:winview') && !&diff | call winrestview(b:winview) | unlet! b:winview | endif
" Switch between NERDTree and opened file
:nmap \e :wincmd w<CR>
" Create new file in the same folder where current edited file is located
:nmap <C-N> :wincmd w<CR>ma
" Delete current file
:nmap <C-D> :wincmd w<CR>md
" Switch between opened windows
:nmap <Tab> :bp<CR>
" Close current buffer
:nmap <expr> \q len(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)')) == 1 ? ':qa<CR>' : ':bp<CR>:bd #<CR>'
" Prevent Tab on NERDTree (breaks everything otherwise)
autocmd FileType nerdtree noremap <buffer> <Tab> <nop>
" Restore cursor position
au BufReadPost *
\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") && &filetype != "gitcommit" |
\ execute("normal `\"") |
\ endif
" calls NERDTreeFind iff NERDTree is active, current window contains a modifiable file, and we're not in vimdiff
function! s:syncTree()
let s:curwnum = winnr()
exec s:curwnum . "wincmd w"
function! s:syncTreeIf()
if (winnr("$") > 1)
call s:syncTree()
" Shows NERDTree on start and synchronizes the tree with opened file when switching between opened windows
autocmd BufEnter * call s:syncTreeIf()
" Automatically close vim if only NERDTree left
autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTree") && b:NERDTree.isTabTree()) | q | endif
" Focus on opened view after starting (instead of NERDTree)
autocmd VimEnter * call s:syncTree()
au VimEnter * :wincmd w
" Auto refresh NERDTree files
autocmd CursorHold,CursorHoldI * if (winnr("$") > 1) | call NERDTreeFocus() | call g:NERDTree.ForCurrentTab().getRoot().refresh() | call g:NERDTree.ForCurrentTab().render() | wincmd w | endif
" Show/Hide NERDTree
:nmap <expr> \a (winnr("$") == 1) ? ':NERDTreeFind<CR>' : ':wincmd o<CR>'
" Prevent this command activation in NERDTree
autocmd FileType nerdtree noremap <buffer> \a <nop>
" Load file specified in bash after switching to background using Ctrl+Z
" Works in conjuction with .bashrc script:
" v() {
" vim_id=`jobs|sed -n "/vim/s/\[\([0-9]\)\]+.*/\1/p"`
" vim_pid=`jobs -p $vim_id`
" file_name=$@
" file_path=`realpath $file_name`
" echo "e $file_path"
" if [ -n "$vim_id" ]; then
" echo "e $file_path" > $HOME/.vim-swap-$vim_pid && fg $vim_id
" else
" vim $@
" fi
" }
function! s:loadCtrlZFile()
let cs = $HOME . "/.vim-swap-" . getpid()
let quotedcs = "\"" . cs . "\""
if filereadable(cs)
exec 'source ' . cs
exec 'call delete(' . quotedcs . ')'
:nmap <C-k> :call <SID>loadCtrlZFile()<CR>
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