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Created October 4, 2012 11:49
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RunWP7UnitTestsInEmulator task
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity;
using System.Threading;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
namespace MyMsBuildTask
public class RunWP7UnitTestsInEmulator:Task
private int defaultNumberOfMiliSecondsToProcess = 50000;
public string PathToUnitTestXapFile { get; set; }
public string ProductGuid { get; set; }
public int NumberOfMilliSecondsToProcess { get; set; }
public override bool Execute()
if (NumberOfMilliSecondsToProcess == 0)
Log.LogMessage(string.Format("Using default processing time: {0}", defaultNumberOfMiliSecondsToProcess));
NumberOfMilliSecondsToProcess = defaultNumberOfMiliSecondsToProcess;
Log.LogMessage(string.Format("NumberOfMilliSecondsToProcess: {0}", NumberOfMilliSecondsToProcess));
Log.LogMessage("Running tests in XAP: " + PathToUnitTestXapFile);
var productGuid = new Guid(ProductGuid);
var emulator = GetWP7Emulator();
Log.LogMessage("Connecting to Emulator.");
Log.LogMessage("After call to Connect().");
//Deploy application
if (emulator.IsApplicationInstalled(productGuid))
emulator.InstallApplication(productGuid, productGuid, "NormalApp", null, PathToUnitTestXapFile);
//Run application
var application = emulator.GetApplication(productGuid);
//Get Results from Isolated Store on device
var isostorefile = application.GetIsolatedStore();
var localTestResultFileName = "EmulatorTestResults-" + productGuid + ".txt";
isostorefile.ReceiveFile(@"\TestResults\testresults.txt", localTestResultFileName, true);
var testResults = File.ReadAllText(localTestResultFileName);
if (testResults.Contains("Exception:"))
Log.LogError("Failing test found. Look for exception in: " + localTestResultFileName);
return false;
Log.LogMessage("All tests passed.");
return true;
private Device GetWP7Emulator()
var manager = new DatastoreManager(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID);
var wp7Platform = manager.GetPlatforms().Single(platform => platform.Name == "Windows Phone 7");
return wp7Platform.GetDevices().Single(device => device.Name == "Windows Phone Emulator(JA)");
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