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Created June 13, 2021 12:31
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AES encryption frida
import time
import frida
import json
enc_cipher_hashcodes = [] #cipher objects with Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE will be stored here
dec_cipher_hashcodes = [] #cipher objects with Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE will be stored here
def my_message_handler(message, payload):
#mainly printing the data sent from the js code, and managing the cipher objects according to their operation mode
if message["type"] == "send":
my_json = json.loads(message["payload"])
if my_json["my_type"] == "KEY":
print("Key sent to SecretKeySpec()", payload.hex())
elif my_json["my_type"] == "IV":
print("Iv sent to IvParameterSpec()", payload.hex())
elif my_json["my_type"] == "hashcode_enc":
elif my_json["my_type"] == "hashcode_dec":
elif my_json["my_type"] == "Key from call to cipher init":
print("Key sent to cipher init()", payload.hex())
elif my_json["my_type"] == "IV from call to cipher init":
print("Iv sent to cipher init()", payload.hex())
elif my_json["my_type"] == "before_doFinal" and my_json["hashcode"] in enc_cipher_hashcodes:
#if the cipher object has Cipher.MODE_ENCRYPT as the operation mode, the data before doFinal will be printed
#and the data returned (ciphertext) will be ignored
print("Data to be encrypted :", payload)
elif my_json["my_type"] == "after_doFinal" and my_json["hashcode"] in dec_cipher_hashcodes:
print("Decrypted data :", payload)
print('*' * 16)
device = frida.get_usb_device()
pid = device.spawn(["com.exam.numnum"])
time.sleep(1) # Without it Java.perform silently fails
session = device.attach(pid)
with open("s5.js") as f:
script = session.create_script(
script.on("message", my_message_handler) # register the message handler
console.log("Script loaded successfully 55");
Java.perform(function x() {
var secret_key_spec = Java.use("javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec");
//SecretKeySpec is inistantiated with the bytes of the key, so we hook the constructor and get the bytes of the key from it
//We will get the key but we won't know what data is decrypted/encrypted with it
secret_key_spec.$init.overload("[B", "java.lang.String").implementation = function (x, y) {
send('{"my_type" : "KEY"}', new Uint8Array(x));
//console.log(xx.join(" "))
return this.$init(x, y);
//hooking IvParameterSpec's constructor to get the IV as we got the key above.
var iv_parameter_spec = Java.use("javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec");
iv_parameter_spec.$init.overload("[B").implementation = function (x) {
send('{"my_type" : "IV"}', new Uint8Array(x));
return this.$init(x);
//now we will hook init function in class Cipher, we will be able to tie keys,IVs with Cipher objects
var cipher = Java.use("javax.crypto.Cipher");
cipher.init.overload("int", "", "").implementation = function (x, y, z) {
if (x == 1) // 1 means Cipher.MODE_ENCRYPT
send('{"my_type" : "hashcode_enc", "hashcode" :"' + this.hashCode().toString() + '" }');
else // In this android app it is either 1 (Cipher.MODE_ENCRYPT) or 2 (Cipher.MODE_DECRYPT)
send('{"my_type" : "hashcode_dec", "hashcode" :"' + this.hashCode().toString() + '" }');
//We will have two lists in the python code, which keep track of the Cipher objects and their modes.
//Also we can obtain the key,iv from the args passed to init call
send('{"my_type" : "Key from call to cipher init"}', new Uint8Array(y.getEncoded()));
//arg z is of type AlgorithmParameterSpec, we need to cast it to IvParameterSpec first to be able to call getIV function
send('{"my_type" : "IV from call to cipher init"}', new Uint8Array(Java.cast(z, iv_parameter_spec).getIV()));
//init must be called this way to work properly
return cipher.init.overload("int", "", "").call(this, x, y, z);
//now hooking the doFinal method to intercept the enc/dec process
//the mode specified in the previous init call specifies whether this Cipher object will decrypt or encrypt, there is no functions like cipher.getopmode() that we can use to get the operation mode of the object (enc or dec)
//so we will send the data before and after the call to the python code, where we will decide which one of them is cleartext data
//if the object will encrypt, so the cleartext data is availabe in the argument before the call, else if the object will decrypt, we need to send the data returned from the doFinal call and discard the data sent before the call
cipher.doFinal.overload("[B").implementation = function (x) {
send('{"my_type" : "before_doFinal" , "hashcode" :"' + this.hashCode().toString() + '" }', new Uint8Array(x));
var ret = cipher.doFinal.overload("[B").call(this, x);
send('{"my_type" : "after_doFinal" , "hashcode" :"' + this.hashCode().toString() + '" }', new Uint8Array(ret));
return ret;
}, 1000);
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