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Last active May 12, 2019 18:22
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; proof of concept (but usable!) implementation of immutable persistent 'blocks' in Red
; author: Jay G. Porcasi (@numberjay)
; the exported API is at the bottom, starting with: set '<function name> ...
; free to use without any warranty of any kind: use at your own leisure and risk
; for bugs, suggestions, questions... comment here below or reach me on Gitter (@numberjay)
; copyright Jay G. Porcasi 2017
context [
; all functions ending with ' are helper functions working on 'immutable' blocks only
; all functions ending with ! destructively mutate their argument
branching-level: 5 ; any level from 0 (linear) to n ((2^n)-ary tree)
branching-factor: does [2 ** branching-level]
dec: function [n] [n - 1] ; decrement
inc: function [n] [n + 1] ; increment
rem: function [n] [n and dec branching-factor] ; bit masking for fast remainder
quot: function [n] [shift n branching-level] ; bit shifting for fast quotient
start: 2 ; position of 'pointer' to first element of block
end: 3 ; position of 'pointer' to last element of block
tag: <_IBLOCK_> ; arbitrary tag to mark our immutable blocks
ilength?': function ["return number of items in immutable block"
iblock [block!]] [ ; difference between end and start pointers gives number of elements in block
iblock/:end - iblock/:start]
pick-deep: function ["like pick, but for nested blocks (takes a path or block of indexes instead of an index)"
series [series!] path [block! path!]] [
get to path! compose [series (path)]]
; poke-deep: function [series path value] [set to path! compose [series (path)] value series] ; actually not needed here
index->path: function ["maps a (linear) index to a (tree based) 'path' (block of indexes)"
index [integer!]] [
case [zero? index [copy []]
zero? q: quot index [append copy [] rem index]
zero? r: rem index [append index->path dec q branching-factor]
'else [append index->path q r]]]
path->slot: function ["given a path returns the index of the tree that contains the element at the path"
path [block!]] [
end + length? path]
ipick-one': function ["like pick, for immutable blocks"
iblock [block!] index [integer!]] [
if 0 < index and (index <= ilength?' iblock)
[pick-deep iblock/(path->slot p: index->path index + iblock/:start)
ipick-one: function ["like pick but works for both mutable and immutable blocks"
block [block!] index [integer!]] [
                     unless index <= 0
                            [either immutable? block
                                    [ipick-one' block
                                    [pick block
singleton?: function ["true if series of exactly one element"
series [series!]] [
unless empty? series [empty? next series]]
poke': function ["like poke but returns the block instead of the value"
block [block!] index [integer!] value] [
                 poke block
ipoke!': function ["mutable poke for tree based blocks"
root [block!] path [block!] value] [
                   either (i: first path) > length? root ; need to append?
                          [either singleton? path ; no need to navigate?
                                  [append/only root
                                  [append/only root
                                               ipoke!' copy []
                                                       next path
                          [either singleton? path
                                  [poke' root
                                         i ; first path
                                  [ipoke!' pick root
                                                i ; first path
                                           next path
ipoke': function ["immutable poke for tree based blocks"
root [block!] path [block!] value] [
                  either (i: first path) > length? root: copy root ; need to append?
                         [either singleton? path ; no need to navigate?
                                 [append/only root
                                 [append/only root
                                              ipoke' copy []
                                                     next path
                         [either singleton? path
                                 [poke' root
                                        i ; first path
                                 [poke' root
                                        first path
                                        ipoke' pick root
                                                    i ; first path
                                               next path
out-of-range-error: function ["causes an out of range error"
index [integer!]] [
poke []
ipoke-one!: function ["(mutable) poke that works for both mutable and immutable blocks"
block [block!] index [integer!] value] [
                     either 0 < index
                            [either immutable? block
                                    [either index <= ilength?' block
                                            [ipoke!' block/(path->slot p: index->path index + block/:start)
                                            [out-of-range-error index]]
                                     [poke' block
                            [out-of-range-error index]]
ipoke-one: function ["(immutable) poke that works for both mutable and immutable blocks"
block [block!] index [integer!] value] [
                     either 0 < index
                            [either immutable? block: copy block
                                    [either index <= ilength?' block
                                            [block/(s): ipoke' block/(s: path->slot p: index->path index + block/:start)
                                            [out-of-range-error index]]
                                     [poke' block
                            [out-of-range-error index]]
ipoke!: function ["extends ipoke-one! by also accepting paths and blocks of indexes for nested (mutable) pokes"
block [block!] path [integer! path! block!] value] [
case [integer? path [ipoke-one! block
empty? path [value]
empty? next path [ipoke-one! block
first path
'else [ipoke-one! block
first path
ipoke! ipick-one block
first path
next path
bump-end!: function ["(destructively) increment the end pointer by 1 (default) or by n (end pointer will never go below 0 even for negative n)"
iblock [block!] /by n] [
iblock/:end: max iblock/:end + either by
iappend-one!: function ["(mutable) append of first element from (non empty) elems to immutable block"
iblock [block!] elems [block!]] [
                        bump-end! iblock
                        either root: iblock/(path->slot p: index->path iblock/:end) ; root exists?
                               [ipoke!' root
                                        first elems
                               [append/only iblock
                                            ipoke!' copy []
                                                    first elems]]
first-n: function ["(immutable) first n elements from elems"
elems [block!] n [integer!]] [
                   case [(zero? n) or empty? elems [copy []]
                         n = 1 or empty? next elems [reduce [first elems]]
                         'else [first parse elems
[collect [keep n skip | keep thru end]]]]]
iappend-many!: function ["(mutable) append of up to branching-factor elements from (non empty) elems to immutable block"
iblock [block!] elems [block!]] [
                         es: first-n elems
                         either root: iblock/(path->slot p: index->path inc iblock/:end) ; root exists?
                                [ipoke!' root
                                         first-n p
                                                 (length? p) - 1
                                [append/only iblock
                                             ipoke!' copy []
                                                     first-n p
                                                             (length? p) - 1
                          bump-end!/by iblock
                                       length? es]
partition: func ["groups elements of series (thanks to @greggirwin and @9214)"
series [series!] group [integer!]] [
                 case [any [empty? series not positive? group] [copy series]
                       group = 1 [collect [forall series
                                                  [keep/only reduce [first series]]]]
                       'default parse series
                                      [collect some [keep group skip | pos: keep (copy pos) thru end]]]]
iappend-all!: function ["(mutable) append of all elements from (non empty) elems to immutable block"
iblock [block!] elems [block!]] [
                        len: length? elems
                        group: branching-factor
                        repeat _
                               length? index->path inc iblock/:end
                               [elems: partition elems
                        roots: copy []
                        until [append/only roots
                                           first elems
                               elems: partition next elems
                               empty? elems]
                        bump-end!/by append iblock
ones?: function ["true if block is empty or contains all 1's"
block [block!]] [
parse block
[any quote 1]]
iappend!': function ["(mutable) append of all elements from elems to immutable block, optimized for truly constant time per element"
iblock [block!] elems [block!]] [
                     case [empty? elems [iblock]
                           ones? index->path inc iblock/:end [iappend-all! iblock elems]
                           zero? rem iblock/:end [iappend!' (iappend-many! iblock elems) skip elems branching-factor]
                           'else [iappend!' (iappend-one! iblock elems) next elems]]]
iempty?': function ["true if immutable block is empty"
iblock [block!]] [
zero? ilength?' iblock]
iappend!: function ["extends (mutable) append to immutable blocks, optimized for truly constant time per element"
block [block!] value /only] [
either immutable? block
[case [only [iappend!' block reduce [value]]
block? value [iappend!' block value]
'else [iappend!' block reduce [value]]]]
[either only
[append/only block value]
[append block value]]]
iappend-one: function ["(immutable) append of first element from (non empty) elems to immutable block"
iblock [block!] elems [block!]] [
                       bump-end! iblock: copy iblock
                       either root: iblock/(s: path->slot p: index->path iblock/:end) ; root exists?
                              [iblock/(s): ipoke' root
first elems
                              [append/only iblock
                                           ipoke' copy []
                                                  first elems]]
iappend-many: function ["(immutable) append of up to branching-factor elements from (non empty) elems to immutable block"
iblock [block!] elems [block!]] [
                        es: first-n elems
iblock: copy iblock
                        either root: iblock/(s: path->slot p: index->path inc iblock/:end) ; root exists?
                               [iblock/(s): ipoke' root
first-n p
(length? p) - 1
                               [append/only iblock
                                            ipoke' copy []
                                                   first-n p
                                                           (length? p) - 1
                         bump-end!/by iblock
                                      length? es]
iappend-all: function ["(immutable) append of all elements from (non empty) elems to immutable block"
iblock [block!] elems [block!]] [
iappend-all! copy iblock
iappend': function ["(immutable) append of all elements from elems to immutable block, optimized for truly constant time per element"
iblock [block!] elems [block!]] [ ; only the first append is immutable, the others are mutable and don't produce intermediate immutable blocks to GC (cfr. transients in Clojure)
case [empty? elems [copy iblock]
ones? index->path inc iblock/:end [iappend-all iblock elems]
zero? rem iblock/:end [iappend!' (iappend-many iblock elems) skip elems branching-factor]
'else [iappend!' (iappend-one iblock elems) next elems]]]
empty-iblock: does [copy reduce [tag 0 0]] ; generates empty immutable block
atom?: function ["true for strings and non series"
x] [
                 (string? x) or not series? x]
comment flatten: function ["flattens ('un-nests') one level" ; commented out because not tail recursive and blows stack
blocks [block!]] [
case [empty? blocks [blocks]
'else [append copy first blocks
flatten next blocks]]]
flatten: function ["flattens ('un-nests') one level" ; iterative version of above, stack friendly
blocks [block!]] [
case [empty? blocks [blocks]
'else [b: copy []
foreach block
[append b
comment flatten-append: function ["the effect is to 'linearize' a tree based representation of a block" ; commented out because not tail recursive and blows stack
blocks [block!]] [
                          case [empty? blocks [blocks]
                                'else [append copy first blocks
                                              flatten flatten-append next blocks]]]
flatten-append: function ["the effect is to 'linearize' a tree based representation of a block" ; iterative version of above, stack friendly
blocks [block!]] [
                          case [empty? blocks [blocks]
                                'else [i: 1
b: copy first blocks
until [block2: second blocks
append b
repeat _
[block2: flatten block2]
i: i + 1
blocks: next blocks
empty? next blocks]
to-immutable': function ["makes a mutable block into immutable (shallow, not deep)"
block [block!]] [
                         iappend!' empty-iblock block]
to-mutable': function ["makes an immutable block into mutable (shallow, not deep)"
iblock [block!]] [
first-n skip flatten-append skip iblock
ilength? iblock]
ifirst': function ["like first but for immutable blocks"
iblock [block!]] [
                   ipick iblock
bump-start!: function ["(destructively) increment the start pointer by 1 (default) or by n (start pointer will never go below 0 even for negative n)"
iblock [block!] /by n] [
iblock/:start: max iblock/:start + either by
inext': function ["like next but for immutable blocks"
iblock [block!]] [
                  either iempty?' iblock
                  [bump-start! copy iblock]]
comment iskip': function ["like skip but for immutable blocks" ; this version would not allow prepending, not made my mind up yet
iblock [block!] offset [integer!]] [
                  either offset < ilength?' iblock
[bump-start!/by copy iblock
iskip': function ["like skip but for immutable blocks" ; this version would allow prepending (iprepend) as many elems as previously skipped
iblock [block!] offset [integer!]] [
bump-start!/by copy iblock
either offset < len: ilength?' iblock
ilast': function ["like last but for immutable blocks"
iblock [block!]] [
                  ipick iblock
                        ilength?' iblock]
imost': function ["returns all elements of an immutable block except the last (converse of inext')"
iblock [block!]] [
                  either iempty?' iblock
                  [bump-end!/by copy iblock
show-count: 80 ; limit items to show when printing immutable structures at the console
ishow': function ["returns the first show-count elements of an immutable block as if it were mutable (hides the implementation)"
iblock [block!]] [
b: copy []
repeat i
min show-count
ilength?' iblock
[append/only b
ipick-one' iblock
;;; public API follows:
set 'immutable? function ["true if value is an immutable block"
value] [
if block? value
[tag = first value]]
set 'ilength? function ["like length? but also works for immutable blocks"
block [block!]] [
either immutable? block
[ilength?' block]
[length? block]]
set 'ipick function ["like pick but also works with immutable blocks and accepts paths or blocks of indexes for nested 'picks'"
block [block!] path [integer! path! block!]] [
                     case [integer? path [ipick-one block
                           empty? path [none]
                           empty? next path [ipick-one block
                                                       first path]
                           'else [ipick-one block
                                            first path
                                            ipick ipick-one block
                                                            first path
                                                  next path]]]
set 'ipoke function ["like poke but also works with immutable blocks and accepts paths or blocks of indexes for nested (immutable) 'pokes'"
block [block!] path [integer! path! block!] value] [
                     case [integer? path [ipoke-one block
                           empty? path [value]
                           empty? next path [ipoke-one block
                                                       first path
                           'else [ipoke-one block
                                            first path
                                            ipoke ipick-one block
                                                            first path
                                                  next path
set 'iempty? function ["like empty? but also works with immutable blocks"
block [block!]] [
either immutable? block
[iempty?' block]
[empty? block]]
set 'iappend function ["like (immutable) append but also works with immutable blocks"
block [block!] value /only] [
either immutable? block
[case [only [iappend' block reduce [value]]
block? value [iappend' block value]
'else [iappend' block reduce [value]]]]
[either only
[append/only copy block value]
[append copy block value]]]
set 'to-immutable function ["converts a block to immutable (recursively if using /deep)" ; maybe should be /deep by default and use /shallow to limit to top level
value /deep] [
                            case [atom? value [value]
                                  empty? value [empty-iblock]
                                  deep [b: copy []
                                        to-immutable' foreach v
to-mutable value
[append/only b
to-immutable/deep v]]
                                  immutable? value [value]
                                  'else [to-immutable' value]]]
set 'to-mutable function ["converts a block to mutable (recursively if using /deep)"
value /deep] [
case [atom? value [value]
empty? value [copy []]
deep [b: copy []
foreach v
to-mutable value
[append/only b
to-mutable/deep v]]
immutable? value [to-mutable' value]
'else [value]]]
set 'ifirst function ["like first but also works with immutable blocks"
block [block!]] [
                      either immutable? block
                      [ifirst' block]
                      [first block]]
set 'inext function ["like next but also works with immutable blocks"
block [block!]] [
                     either immutable? block
                     [inext' block]
                     [next block]]
set 'ilast function ["like last but also works with immutable blocks"
block [block!]] [
                     either immutable? block
                     [ilast' block]
                     [last block]]
set 'imost function ["returns all elements of a mutable or immutable block except the last (converse of inext)"
block [block!]] [
                     either immutable? block
                     [imost' block]
                     [first-n block
                              dec length? block]]
set 'iskip function ["like skip but also works with immutable blocks"
block [block!] offset [integer!]] [
either immutable? block
[iskip' block
[skip block
set 'ishow function ["shows an immutable block at the console as if it were mutable (hides the implementation)"
value] [
either atom? value
[value: either immutable? value
[ishow' value]
[first-n value
                     b: copy []
                     either unset? foreach v
                                           [append/only b
                                                        ishow v]
                            [copy []]
] ; end of context
bench-it: function ["utility function to show memory and time performance"
block [block!] /count ct [integer!]] [
                    ct: any [ct 1]
                    t: now/time/precise
                    loop ct [do []]
                    baseline-t: now/time/precise - t
                    s: stats
                    t: now/time/precise
                    loop ct [do block]
                    reduce [stats - s now/time/precise - t - baseline-t]]
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