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Last active May 23, 2020 00:50
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Monogame RenderQueue designs
00 06 14 15 26 32
┃pass 64┃layer 256┃ 0 ┃effect 512┃texture 256┃ BATCHED MATERIAL
┃pass 64┃layer 256┃ 1 ┃data ~2 bytes┃ DYNAMIC MATERIAL
00 06 14 15 32
64 passes
256 layers
510 effects (0=null, 511=variable)
254 textures (0=null, 255=variable)
17 bits layer data
Designed for the Monogame framework, this sorts materials:
1) by pass (background, foreground, camera, ui)
2) by layer (level tiles, obscurable, overhang)
3) any material renderable with a SpriteBatch
3A) by effect (since the batch flushes per effect change)
3B) by texture for a given effect (to minimize texture changes)
4) any mayerial that does not use the SpriteBatch
Keys are calculated once per (pass, layer, material) tuple and should be
cached to minimize computation. Batched materials with variable effects
or textures should set IsVariableEffect and/or IsVariableTexture to prevent
thrashing the sprite batch with extra flushes.
This grouping aims to pack renderable materials into the smallest number of
SpriteBatch flushes, while still allowing a material to specify a variable
texture and/or effect.
Each material is passed a RenderContext object and an opaque context object.
The RenderContext provides the following:
(readonly) final RenderTarget
(readonly) current pass Camera
(readonly) current pass RenderTarget
(readonly) current pass BlendState
(readonly) current pass Layer (int)
(mutable) current pass Effect
(fn) PauseBatch
(fn) ResumeBatch
The opaque object is usually specific to the Material subclass, although this
will depend on whatever is feeding the render queue. For a simple
ECS -> Render Queue setup, a Rendering System could simply feed
(material, entity) tuples and let the material look up necessary components
(transform, auras, etc) to render the material.
00 12 14 64
┃pass ┃ 00 ┃instruction ┃ PRE PASS
┃pass ┃ 01 ┃layer ┃ 00 ┃instruction ┃ PRE LAYER
┃pass ┃ 01 ┃layer ┃ 01 ┃ 00 ┃instruction ┃ PRE BATCH
┃pass ┃ 01 ┃layer ┃ 01 ┃ 01 ┃effect ┃texture ┃instruction┃ MATERIAL
┃pass ┃ 01 ┃layer ┃ 01 ┃ 10 ┃instruction ┃ POST BATCH
┃pass ┃ 01 ┃layer ┃ 10 ┃instruction ┃ POST LAYER
┃pass ┃ 10 ┃instruction ┃ POST PASS
00 12 14 26 28 30 42 54 64
4096 passes
4096 layers
4094 defined textures (0=null, 4095=variable)
4094 defined effects (0=null, 4095=variable)
50 bits pass instruction
36 bits layer instruction
34 bits batch instruction
10 bits material instruction
Designed for the Monogame framework, this is similar to the 32 bit
design with the addition of explicit pre- and post- steps for each pass
and layer.
In addition to expanding the limits of passes (64 -> 4096) et al. this
removes the concept of "batched" and "unbatched" since any non-batched
material may choose to render before or after the batch. In the 32bit
design, a simplifying assumption was made that non-sprite batched
materials are always rendered later.
The pre- and post- instructions were envisioned for mutating the rendering
state machine, including render target creation and targeting commands,
changing effect parameters, adjusting compositing instructions, creating
and moving cameras, etc.
This can be made arbitrarily complex by allowing the pre- and post-
instructions to modify the current instruction pointer, either to skip or
repeat previous rendering steps. For simplicity of reasoning and
implementation, modification of the render queue is not recommended.
Finally, note that all of this can be achieved in the 32bit version by
(ab)using the combined (pass, layer) index tuple to provide a maximum of 16k
"virtual passes" and simply packing a 17bit function pointer into the "data"
portion of a dynamic material.
The following pseudo classes demonstrate one way to
unpack and process a set of (key, material, ctx) tuples
from a generic ECS.
// ========================================
// Rendering
// ========================================
// SpriteBatch Draw overloads, omitting depth arg
// since that is defined as (Layer / MaxLayer)
Draw(Texture2D texture, ..)
bool IsVariableTexture
bool IsVariableEffect
abstract Render(RenderContext ctx, object o);
Material<T> : Material
void Render(RenderContext ctx, object o) => Render(ctx, (T)o);
abstract void Render(ctx, T o);
void Begin()
void Render(int key, Material m, object o);
void End()
int CalculateKey(int pass, int layer, Material m);
// ========================================
// ECS
// ========================================
RenderQueue rq;
EntitySet entities;
RenderingSystem(RenderQueue renderQueue) => rq = renderQueue;
RenderComponent Create() => new RenderComponent(rq);
void Render() {
foreach(var e in entities) {
var c = e.Get<RenderComponent>();
for (var (k, m) in c.MaterialPairs) {
rq.Render(k, m, e);
RenderQueue rq;
List<(int k, Material m)> MaterialPairs;
RenderComponent(RenderQueue renderQueue) => rq = renderQueue;
void AddMaterial(int pass, int layer, Material m) {
MaterialPairs.Add((rq.CalculateKey(pass, layer, m)), m);
BasicEntityMaterial: Material<Entity>
void Render(ctx, Entity e) {
var t = e.Get<Transform>();
ctx.Draw(Texture, t.Position, ..);
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