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Last active November 19, 2017 03:35
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A slightly safer eval: provide a constrained set of variables and whitelist attribute names for lookups
Support evaluation of a very limited subset of operations and literals.
EvalContext supports a subset of operations common across many languages,
while PythonEvalContext adds on Sets, Tuples, Slices, and the literals
True, False, and None.
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from eval_gist import EvalContext
>>> Container = type("Container", (object,), {})
>>> root = Container()
>>> intermediate = Container()
>>> root.first = intermediate
>>> intermediate.second = "hello"
>>> suffix = "world"
>>> ctx = EvalContext(
... exposed_variables={"a": root, "suffix": suffix},
... whitelisted_attribute_names={"first", "second"}
... )
>>> with ctx as local_eval:
... local_eval("a.first.second + ', ' + suffix")
... local_eval("suffix[0]") + local_eval("suffix[-1]")
'hello, world'
For one-off evaluation (or where your exposed variables change frequently),
use ``safe_eval``:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from eval_gist import safe_eval
>>> safe_eval(source="a * b", exposed_variables={"a": "!", "b": 3})
As always, be very careful using eval (in any form) on unconstrained user
input. This module has not been rigorously tested or reviewed.
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Set
import ast
import operator
__all__ = ["EvalContext", "PythonEvalContext", "safe_eval"]
_un_ops = {
ast.UAdd: operator.abs,
ast.USub: operator.neg,
_bin_ops = {
ast.Add: operator.add,
ast.Div: operator.truediv,
ast.FloorDiv: operator.floordiv,
ast.Mod: operator.mod,
ast.Mult: operator.mul,
ast.Pow: operator.pow,
ast.Sub: operator.sub,
def safe_eval(
*, source: str,
exposed_variables: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None,
whitelisted_attribute_names: Optional[Set[str]]=None) -> Any:
ctx = EvalContext(
return ctx.evaluate(source)
class EvalContext:
"""Exposes a collection of variables and a subset of their attributes.
The following operations are supported:
unary operators:
+ (abs), - (negate)
binary operators:
+, -, *, /, //, %, **
variable lookup (within the scope of provided variables)
attribute lookup (whitelisted attribute names only)
subscripts (without slices)
The following literals are supported:
def __init__(
self, *,
exposed_variables: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None,
whitelisted_attribute_names: Optional[Set[str]]=None) -> None:
self.variables = exposed_variables or {}
self.attr_whitelist = whitelisted_attribute_names or set()
def __enter__(self):
return self.evaluate
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def evaluate(self, source: str) -> Any:
root = ast.parse(source=source, mode="eval").body
return self._eval(root)
def _eval(self, node: ast.AST) -> Any:
# Literals
if isinstance(node, ast.Num): # "3"
return node.n
elif isinstance(node, ast.Str): # "'3'"
return node.s
elif isinstance(node, ast.List): # "[1, '2']"
return [self._eval(x) for x in node.elts]
elif isinstance(node, ast.Dict): # "{'foo': "bar", 1: 2}"
return {
self._eval(key): self._eval(value)
for key, value in zip(node.keys, node.values)
# Operators
elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): # "3 / 4"
return _bin_ops[type(node.op)](self._eval(node.left), self._eval(node.right))
elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): # "-3" or "+4"
return _un_ops[type(node.op)](self._eval(node.operand))
# Whitelisted lookups
elif isinstance(node, ast.Name): # "center"
obj_name =
return self.variables[obj_name]
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError(f"Tried to access unknown variable {obj_name}")
elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute): # "center.x"
attr_name = node.attr
if attr_name not in self.attr_whitelist:
raise RuntimeError(f"Tried to access non-whitelisted attr {attr_name!r}")
# can't just use since this may not be an ast.Name,
# but a chained value eg. "root.first.second"
obj = self._eval(node.value)
return getattr(obj, attr_name)
# Subscripts
elif isinstance(node, ast.Subscript): # "x[2]"
obj = self._eval(node.value)
index = self._eval(node.slice)
return obj[index]
elif isinstance(node, ast.Index): # second part of "x[2]"
return self._eval(node.value)
# Not supported
else: # "some_func()"
raise TypeError(node)
class PythonEvalContext(EvalContext):
"""Exposes additional Python-specific nodes.
Additional literals:
True, False, None
Additional syntax:
subscript slices (x[::-1])
def _eval(self, node: ast.AST) -> Any:
if isinstance(node, ast.NameConstant): # "True"
# This guard is a bit silly, but maybe some versions of Python add
# an unexpected NameConstant that provides an escape mechanism?
assert node.value in {True, False, None}
return node.value
elif isinstance(node, ast.Set): # "{1, '2'}"
return {self._eval(x) for x in node.elts}
elif isinstance(node, ast.Tuple): # "(1, None, '3')
return tuple(self._eval(x) for x in node.elts)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Slice):
return slice(
return super()._eval(node)
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