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Last active May 27, 2022 06:54
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A rough Swift implementation of the Vose alias method
// What is an alias method?
// If we have a list of elements with different frequencies,
// like the letters in the English language…
let frequencies = [
("a", 8.167), ("b", 1.492), ("c", 2.782), ("d", 4.253), ("e", 12.702),
("f", 2.228), ("g", 2.015), ("h", 6.094), ("i", 6.966), ("j", 0.153),
("k", 0.772), ("l", 4.025), ("m", 2.406), ("n", 6.749), ("o", 7.507),
("p", 1.929), ("q", 0.095), ("r", 5.987), ("s", 6.327), ("t", 9.056),
("u", 2.758), ("v", 0.978), ("w", 2.360), ("x", 0.150), ("y", 1.974),
("z", 0.074), (" ", 22.861)
// …an alias method can take these probabilities to build a structure…
var aliasMethod = VoseAliasMethod(frequencies)
// …and that structure can be used to generate elements randomly based on the
// distribution in constant time!
var randStr = ""
for _ in 0..<77 {
randStr +=
print(randStr) // Prints:
// ieee m ru p sing crrigevelichb ic redu kv rodtrc eiheermtcyontlh flteh ltha
But how??!
An alias method selects its output by the roll of a fair die to choose a
possible output. Upon choosing that element, it flips an unfair coin to
determine if it should change its choice to a different element.
This is easiest to understand by visualizing it. Let's look at the
probabilities of a streetlight's colour at any given time:
6| @@@
5| ### @@@
4| ### @@@
3| ### @@@
2| ### @@@
1| ### *** @@@
red yel grn
Visually, what an alias method does is change the three bars so they are
the same height:
4| ### @@@ ###
3| ### @@@ @@@
2| ### @@@ @@@
1| ### *** @@@
red yel grn
Now, to produce an element the algorithm chooses a bar at random:
If the algorithm selects red (the first bar):
red is produced every time
If the algorithm selects yel (the middle bar):
flip a biased coin to produce yel 1/4 of the time and grn 3/4 of the time
If the algorithm selects grn (the last bar):
flip a biased coin to produce grn 3/4 of the time and red 1/4 of the time
public struct VoseAliasMethod<Element> {
/* It's expected that the vast majority of people won't care about
* customizing the specific rng used by this type, so an existential is
* preferable to another generic parameter. */
private struct AnyRandomNumberGenerator : RandomNumberGenerator {
var n: () -> UInt64
init(_ rng: RandomNumberGenerator) {
var r = rng
n = { }
mutating func next() -> UInt64 {
return n()
// (choice, % to keep choice, alternate)
private let a: [(Element, Double, Element)]
// rng for producing elements
private var r: AnyRandomNumberGenerator
public init(
_ probs: [(Element, Double)],
rng: RandomNumberGenerator = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
) {
precondition(probs.count > 0)
let totalP = probs.reduce(0.0, { (r, e) in
let (_, p) = e
precondition(p > 0.0)
return r + p
let bucketP = totalP / Double(probs.count)
// Sort the elements as more or less likely than average
var larger = [Int: Double]()
var smaller = [Int: Double]()
for i in probs.indices {
let (_, p) = probs[i]
if p >= bucketP {
larger[i] = p
} else {
smaller[i] = p
var field = [(Element, Double, Element)]()
for _ in 0..<probs.count {
/* `larger` may be empty during the last iteration due to
* roundoff error. In that case, the last value will be in
* `smaller` with a probability very close to bucketP. */
let (bigI, bigP) = larger.popFirst() ?? smaller.popFirst()!
let (bigE, _) = probs[bigI]
// If there are no smaller options, use a 0% chance…
let (smallI, smallP) = smaller.popFirst() ?? (-1, 0.0)
// …of selecting the big element
let (smallE, _) = smallI >= 0 ? probs[smallI] : probs[bigI]
// The 0% chance is important to ensure this math is correct
let newBigP = bigP - (bucketP - smallP)
if newBigP >= bucketP {
larger[bigI] = newBigP
} else {
smaller[bigI] = newBigP
// (choice, % to keep choice, alt)
field.append((smallE, smallP / bucketP, bigE))
assert(field.count == probs.count)
assert(larger.count == 0)
// `smaller` may contain one element with a near-zero probability
a = field
r = AnyRandomNumberGenerator(rng)
public mutating func next() -> Element {
let (choice, pToKeep, alt) = a.randomElement(using: &r)!
return Double.random(in: 0.0..<1.0, using: &r) < pToKeep ? choice : alt
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numist commented Jun 25, 2019

Here's another implementation in Java, and an article that goes into more depth.

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