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Last active July 7, 2017 16:46
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Reinforcement learning through imitation of successful peers

Reinforcement learning through imitation of successful peers


Reinforcement learning is a mode of machine learning driven by the feedback from the environment on how good a string of actions of the learning agent turns out to be.

We consider here a reinforcement learning mechanism for neural networks that is similar to policy gradients (see A. Karpathy's introduction) but with the following distinction: several agents collected in a "culture" interact with the environment independently, and rather than updating the policy according to their own score, each agent learns from the experience of a peer with a better score.

Briefly, agents imitate the more successul peers.

This learning mechanism may also be seen as an evolutionary algorithm applied to behavioral memes. In particular:

  • No structural compatibility between neural networks of individual agents is necessary beyond the input and output layers, which allows for coevolution of different designs.
  • It is easy to parallelize the computation across the independent agents.

This "cultural diffusion" has been observed in bumblebees, for example.

The environment we look at is a very simplified version of pac-man. At each time step the agent (dark dot) performs one of five actions: stay/up/down/left/right. The aim is to collect as many tokens (brighter dots) as possible within a round of 100 time steps (frames). The score for the round is the number of collected tokens. Five tokens appear in random locations a) initially and b) as soon as the present tokens are collected. The boundary of the playfield is periodic, and it is presented to the agent shifted by the coordinates of the agent.

Here is what the response of an agent typically looks like a) before training, b) with some training, c) with substantial training:

a) b) c)

(See the archive attached for producing these images.)

Installation and license

If in doubt, use python3.

Required libraries: numpy, keras (with tensorflow or theano), matplotlib.pyplot.

License: CC BY 4.0.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import randint, seed, choice
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
class Env :
# Grid size
xm = 12
ym = 15
def __init__(self, I=100) :
# I = number of moves per round
self.I = I
# X = history of the last round
self.X = []
def P2R(self, P) :
# Convert a list of token locations to a matrix
R = np.zeros((self.xm, self.ym))
for (x, y) in P : R[x, y] += 1
return R
def __call__(self, ai, show=False) :
# Announce new round
self.X = []
# Initial location of the agent
(xa, ya) = (0, 0)
# List of token locations
P = []
# Initial score
score = 0
# Coordinates wrap-around helper
MOD = (lambda x, y : (x % self.xm, y % self.ym))
# Play the round
for i in range(self.I) :
# Put tokens
if (not P) :
while (len(P) < 5) :
P.append((randint(0, self.xm), randint(0, self.ym)))
self.X.append( (P[:], (xa, ya)) )
# State relative to the agent's location (as a row vector)
S = self.P2R([MOD(x - xa, y - ya) for (x, y) in P]).reshape((1,-1))
# Ask the agent for a direction
(dx, dy) = [(0,0), (-1,0), (1,0), (0,-1), (0,+1)][ ai.move(S) ]
# Move the agent in that direction
(xa, ya) = MOD(xa + dx, ya + dy)
# Pick up tokens
while (xa, ya) in P :
P.remove((xa, ya))
score += 1
self.X.append( (P[:], (xa, ya)) )
if show : self.visualize()
return score
def visualize(self, i=None) :
X = self.X if (i is None) else [self.X[i]]
for (P, p) in X :
im = self.P2R(P)
im[p] = -1
plt.cla(); plt.axis('off')
plt.imshow(im, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-1, vmax=5)
if (i is None) : plt.ion();; plt.pause(0.001)
class AI :
def __init__(self) :
# Experience buffer
self.X = []
# Size of visual input
idim = Env.xm * Env.ym
# Number of possible actions
odim = 5
self.nn = Sequential()
self.nn.add(Dense(odim, activation='softmax', init='normal', input_dim=idim))
self.nn.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
def pdf(a) :
# Convert numpy.ndarray to a list with sum = 1
# Corrects float32 rounding errors of the NN prediction
b = [float(x) for x in list(a.flat)]
b = [x/sum(b) for x in b]
return b
def ready(self) :
# Reset the experience buffer
self.X = []
def move(self, S) :
# Ask the neural network for a direction
# Interpret as probabilities on classes
p = self.pdf(self.nn.predict(S))
# Choose one direction according to those proba
d = choice(range(len(p)), p=p)
# d-th unit vector
a = np.eye(1, len(p), k=d)
# Record state-action pair
self.X.append((S, a))
# Return the chosen direction
return d
def learn_from(self, peer, nb_epoch=8) :
I = np.vstack(S for (S, _) in peer.X)
O = np.vstack(a for (_, a) in peer.X)
# Train the NN on the I-O pairs of the peer, O, nb_epoch=nb_epoch, verbose=0)
class Culture :
def __init__(self, agent_type=None, N=17) :
self.pool = [agent_type() for _ in range(N)]
def evolve(self, fitness_criterion, gens=99) :
for gen in range(gens) :
# Measure the fitness of each agent
for agent in self.pool : = fitness_criterion(agent)
# Agents learn from fitter peers
self.pool.sort(key=(lambda agent:
for (n, agent) in enumerate(self.pool) :
if n : agent.learn_from(choice(self.pool[:n]))
if (__name__ == "__main__") :
seed(0) # for numpy.random
c = Culture(AI)
for era in range(1000) :
print("Evolving culture", "(Era #{})".format(era))
print("Fitness:", [ for agent in c.pool])
# Visualize the performance of a random agent
Env(I=80)(choice(c.pool), show=True)
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