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Created October 19, 2010 00:24
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using active_record/sqlite3 gem, due to the apache log analysis, LOC95
??#core#define_method 0 2862
Class#new 0 129760932
??#core#define_singleton_metho 0 504
Array#each 33076237 7633579
Kernel#require 1 3
Module#private 164 0
??#require 0 2
Kernel#methods 2 0
Module#=== 50888085 0
Kernel#extend 0 39
Module#private_method_defined? 11 0
??#core#set_method_alias 0 150
Kernel#gem_original_require 73 250
Fixnum#* 2544431 0
Fixnum#+ 2544531 0
Fixnum#-@ 3 0
Kernel#freeze 137 0
??#new 0 2544349
Module#alias_method 0 172
Module#private_class_method 25 4
Module#include 0 106
BasicObject#! 58519752 0
Module#undef_method 0 91
Module#remove_method 0 25
Module#module_eval 0 290
Module#method_defined? 13 0
Module#attr_accessor 0 69
String#== 12722609 0
??#dirname 61 0
String#chomp! 1 0
Hash#[]= 30532738 4
Hash#each 2 3
Kernel#dup 0 2544824
Hash#each_value 0 3
String#gsub 242 55
String#[] 7633117 0
Hash#[] 162838218 1
String#replace 53 0
Kernel#autoload 1 0
Hash#merge! 1 0
Module#attr_reader 0 80
Kernel#respond_to? 48342233 71241346
Kernel#lambda 12 0
Hash#keys 10177304 0
Array#map 3 314
??#quote 9 0
Array#join 5088681 2
Module#attr_writer 0 33
Module#class_eval 0 282
??#now 0 10177309
Time#to_i 2 0
??#at 1 0
Time#gmt_offset 1 0
Bignum#+ 1 0
Bignum#% 1 0
Time#- 1 0
Array#first 473 0
Array#<< 128 0
String#intern 2544356 0
Kernel#nil? 45797925 0
NilClass#nil? 43253563 0
Array#flatten 10177473 0
Array#compact! 52 0
Array#uniq! 53 0
Array#empty? 10177592 0
Array#== 0 52
Array#map! 0 52
Kernel#class 173014298 0
String#to_s 43253902 0
Regexp#=~ 52 0
String#=~ 334 0
String#strip! 94 0
String#scan 95 0
String#to_i 12722132 0
Fixnum#- 2544357 1
Module#define_method 0 40
Module#autoload 70 0
Exception#message 0 8
String#end_with? 8 0
Kernel#raise 0 16
??#sysconfdir 1 0
??#join 139 0
Module#protected 47 0
Mutex#lock 291 0
Mutex#unlock 291 0
String#+ 5088679 0
??#expand_path 51 0
??#[] 133 0
Array#select 97 21
Array#compact 3 0
??#dump 0 2
??#load 2 0
??#exists? 3 0
Kernel#untaint 41 0
Hash#merge 0 4
Hash#key? 11 0
??#exist? 19 0
String#split 439 0
Array#collect 90 2544611
Hash#clear 2544326 0
Array#reverse_each 0 1
??#glob 2 0
??#read 18 0
Kernel#binding 18 0
Kernel#eval 0 18
Kernel#instance_variable_set 789 0
Kernel#=== 36 958
Kernel#block_given? 53430903 0
Enumerable#any? 0 19
String#strip 18 0
Kernel#is_a? 10177937 0
Kernel#Array 48 0
??#local 2544337 2544325
Comparable#>= 0 22
Array#size 38 0
Fixnum#> 7632993 0
Integer#upto 0 16
Array#[] 75 0
BasicObject#!= 0 30534483
Fixnum#<=> 16 0
Array#last 2544463 0
Array#pop 282 0
Array#length 48 0
Fixnum#== 5088699 5088650
Array#include? 116 298
Enumerable#map 0 7632978
Array#sort 1 1
String#<=> 49 0
Numeric#nonzero? 0 50
Kernel#object_id 17810880 0
??#directory? 22 0
Array#+ 25443257 0
Array#uniq 1 0
Enumerable#find 0 8
??#file? 4 0
String#empty? 211 0
??#escape 25 0
Hash#values 2544341 0
Enumerable#all? 0 3
Proc#call 0 3
Comparable#== 0 3
Enumerable#sort_by 0 15
Symbol#== 33076333 0
Array#unshift 10 0
Array#index 0 4
Kernel#instance_variable_defin 13 0
Array#insert 59 0
Module#instance_methods 134 0
Symbol#to_s 152686582 0
??#blank_slate_method_added 2432 0
Comparable#< 0 17
??#basename 33 0
Array#- 2544419 0
Module#blankslate_original_app 107 0
Module#module_function 2 29
Kernel#Rational 0 12
Fixnum#** 4 0
Enumerable#each_with_index 0 2
String#downcase 2544338 0
Module#public 31 1
Module#public_class_method 0 1
String#dump 28 0
Hash#has_key? 10177328 0
Syck::Resolver#use_types_at 1 0
String#capitalize 1 0
Module#remove_const 1 0
Kernel#warn 1 0
Module#const_defined? 7633119 0
Time#year 2544326 0
Time#mon 1 0
Time#mday 1 0
Fixnum#<= 1 0
Fixnum#/ 2 0
Float#floor 4 0
Float#* 2 0
Fixnum#< 10 0
??#new! 0 1
Rational#+ 0 2
Numeric#divmod 0 1
BasicObject#instance_eval 0 11
Module#== 20354614 0
Array#& 0 1
Syck::Resolver#add_type 1 0
BasicObject#equal? 201 0
BasicObject#== 12721938 0
Hash#update 6 0
Kernel#instance_of? 8 0
Module#included 2 0
Kernel#method 2 0
Method#arity 2 0
Array#delete 68 0
String#upcase 16 0
Array#flatten! 1 0
Module#included_modules 1 0
String#chomp 1 0
Bignum#* 3 0
??#each_object 1 0
String#sub 42 0
Symbol#inspect 246 0
Module#public_method_defined? 37 0
Kernel#proc 2 0
Comparable#> 0 1
Regexp#match 15265965 0
??#core#undef_method 0 1
Module#private_instance_method 4 0
Module#instance_method 2 0
Hash#delete 5088656 0
Hash#each_pair 0 2
Module#const_set 46 0
String#force_encoding 3 0
Kernel#kind_of? 1 0
String#each_byte 0 3
Kernel#sprintf 9 0
String#<< 12 0
String#hex 9 0
Array#pack 63 0
String#encoding 1 0
Module#protected_method_define 9 0
Module#name 38164989 0
Module#constants 187 0
Array#concat 331 0
Enumerable#inject 0 2544432
Module#const_get 204 0
Array#* 96 0
Array#blank? 93 0
Array#delete_if 0 93
Kernel#caller 228 0
Float#/ 2 0
Float#-@ 1 0
??#current 20354617 0
Thread#[] 2544327 0
Thread#[]= 2 0
Class#superclass 152659521 0
Kernel#!~ 0 3
Kernel#singleton_class 1 0
Enumerable#each_entry 0 6
Hash#include? 17810521 0
Symbol#to_sym 12 0
Regexp#=== 180647143 0
Hash#delete_if 1 1
BasicObject#initialize 2 0
Kernel#puts 0 3
??#times 0 3
Array#[]= 2 0
Kernel#loop 0 7632980
Array#clear 3 0
String#gsub! 2544381 0
Symbol#=== 4 0
SQLite3::Statement#step 0 7632981
SQLite3::Statement#done? 7632981 0
SQLite3::Statement#column_coun 2 0
Integer#times 0 2
SQLite3::Statement#column_name 7 0
SQLite3::Statement#column_decl 7 0
Array#zip 4 0
SQLite3::Statement#close 7632978 0
Time#to_f 0 5088656
Float#- 2544332 0
Hash#each_key 0 1
Array#<=> 0 5
??#precision= 2 0
??#scale= 2 0
??#default= 2 0
??#null= 2 0
??#name 3 0
??#limit= 1 0
??#base 5 0
??#type 4 0
??#limit 2 0
??#precision 2 0
??#scale 2 0
??#null 2 0
??#default 2 0
Float#+ 2544329 0
Struct::Tms#utime 2 0
Struct::Tms#stime 2 0
Struct::Tms#cutime 2 0
Struct::Tms#cstime 2 0
String#% 1 0
ARGF.class#each 0 1
MatchData#[] 17810275 0
Date::Format::Bag#_comp= 2544325 0
String#sub! 12721625 0
Date::Format::Bag#hour= 2544325 0
Date::Format::Bag#min= 2544325 0
Date::Format::Bag#sec= 2544325 0
Fixnum#to_s 2544328 0
String#size 7632975 0
Date::Format::Bag#mon= 2544325 0
Date::Format::Bag#mday= 2544325 0
Date::Format::Bag#_comp 2544325 0
Date::Format::Bag#cwyear 2544325 0
Date::Format::Bag#year 2544325 0
Date::Format::Bag#zone 2544325 0
Struct#members 2544325 0
Struct#[] 58519475 0
Module#< 17810278 0
Enumerable#detect 0 1
String#tr 1 0
String#inspect 4 0
??#libversion 1 0
Enumerable#max 0 1
Array#push 2 0
ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods 20354600 2544325
Hash#empty? 15265952 0
Module#ancestors 2 0
Module#public_instance_methods 2 0
Array#| 4 0
Module#protected_instance_meth 2 0
String#to_sym 3 0
String#insert 1 0
Enumerable#to_a 0 2
Time#strftime 5088650 0
NilClass#to_s 1 0
SQLite3::Database#last_insert_ 2544325 0
Integer#to_i 5088650 0
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