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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • Save nunocodex/9641384 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nunocodex/9641384 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Custom routing with module implementation with cockpit / rapido
/* Load custom helpers */
require_once(__DIR__ . '/helpers.php');
/* Load custom config */
//$config = include(__DIR__ . '/config.php');
/* Load custom route */
require_once(__DIR__ . '/route.php');
return [
'lang' => [
'enable' => true,
'valid' => ['en', 'it', 'de'],
'default' => 'en'
* Dump on file.
* @param array Variable to dump.
if ( ! function_exists('dump') ) {
function dump($var) {
echo "<pre>" . print_r($var, true) . "</pre>";
* Dump on error_log.
* @param array Variable to dump.
if ( ! function_exists('dump_log') ) {
function dump_log($var) {
error_log(print_r($var, true));
/* Define site object */
$site = $this;
/* Get config (I need to found a valid way for this) */
$config = include(__DIR__ . '/config.php');
/* Route to content mapping for projects (ex. /projects) */
$site->bind("/projects", function() use($site) {
/* Get config (I need to found a valid way for this) */
$config = include(__DIR__ . '/config.php');
/* Define view */
$view = false;
/* Define route */
$route = str_replace('../', '', rtrim($site["route"], '/'));
/* Validate language config if enabled, in this case ignore this redirecting to the valid route */
if ( $config['lang']['enable'] ) {
/* Get all collection */
$collection = collection('projects')->find()->toArray();
/* Get file from route */
$path = $site->path("content:" . (strlen($route) ? $route : '/'));
/* Prevent direct access to files in the content folder */
if ( $path && is_file($path) ) return false;
/* Show page not found if not found any collections valid */
if ( ! $collection ) return false;
/* Assign view */
$view = $site->path("content:{$route}.php");
/* Render page with relative params */
return $view ? $site->module("rapido")->render_page($view, array('collection' => $collection)) : false;
/* Route to content mapping for projects (ex. /project/dummy-project) */
$site->bind('/project/:slug', function($params) use($site) {
/* Get config (I need to found a valid way for this) */
$config = include(__DIR__ . '/config.php');
/* Define view */
$view = false;
/* Define route */
$route = str_replace('../', '', rtrim($site["route"], '/'));
/* Grab slug from route */
$slug = $params['slug'];
/* Remove slug from route for found main file content */
$route = str_replace("/{$slug}", '', $route);
/* Validate language config if enabled, in this case ignore this redirecting to the valid route */
if ( $config['lang']['enable'] ) {
/* Get collection from slug */
$collection = collection('projects')->findOne([ 'slug' => $slug ]);
/* Get file from route */
$path = $site->path("content:" . (strlen($route) ? $route : '/'));
/* Prevent direct access to files in the content folder */
if ( $path && is_file($path) ) return false;
/* Show page not found if not found any collections valid */
if ( ! $collection ) return false;
/* Assign view */
$view = $site->path("content:{$route}.php");
/* Render page with relative params */
return $view ? $site->module("rapido")->render_page($view, array('collection' => $collection)) : false;
/* If lang is enabled, extend the routing */
if ( $config['lang']['enable'] ) {
/* Route to content mapping for projects with languages feature (ex. /en/projects) */
$site->bind('/:lang/projects', function($params) use($site) {
/* Define view */
$view = false;
/* Define route */
$route = str_replace('../', '', rtrim($site["route"], '/'));
/* Get language param */
$lang = $params['lang'];
/* Filter route with lang param */
$route = str_replace("/{$lang}", '', $route);
/* Get all collection based on lang avariable */
$collection = collection('projects')->find([ 'lang' => $lang ])->toArray();
/* Get file from route */
$path = $site->path("content:" . (strlen($route) ? $route : '/'));
/* Prevent direct access to files in the content folder */
if ( $path && is_file($path) ) return false;
/* Show page not found if not found any collections valid */
if ( ! $collection ) return false;
/* Assign view */
$view = $site->path("content:{$route}.php");
/* Render page with relative params */
return $view ? $site->module("rapido")->render_page($view, array('collection' => $collection)) : false;
/* Route to content mapping for projects with language feature (ex. /en/project/dummy-project) */
$site->bind("/:lang/project/:slug", function($params) use($site) {
/* Define view */
$view = false;
/* Define route */
$route = str_replace('../', '', rtrim($site["route"], '/'));
/* Get slug from route */
$slug = $params['slug'];
/* Get lang from route */
$lang = $params['lang'];
/* Remove slug from route for found main file content */
$route = str_replace('/' . $slug, '', $route);
/* Remove lang from route */
$route = str_replace('/' . $lang, '', $route);
/* Get collection from slug */
$collection = collection('projects')->findOne([ 'lang' => $lang, 'slug' => $slug ]);
/* Get file from route */
$path = $site->path("content:" . (strlen($route) ? $route : '/'));
/* Prevent direct access to files in the content folder */
if ( $path && is_file($path) ) return false;
/* Show page not found if not found any collections valid */
if ( ! $collection ) return false;
/* Assign view */
$view = $site->path("content:{$route}.php");
/* Render page with relative params */
return $view ? $site->module("rapido")->render_page($view, array('collection' => $collection)) : false;
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