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Created February 28, 2020 17:55
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encoding and spark
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val urlDecoder = (u: String) => URLDecoder.decode(u.replaceAll("%(?![0-9a-fA-F]{2})", "%25").replaceAll("\\+", "%2B"), "UTF-8")
val urlEncoder = (u: String) => URLEncoder.encode(u, "UTF-8")
val countSlashes = (u: String) => u.count(_ == '/')
spark.sql("SET spark.sql.shuffle.partitions = 1024")
spark.udf.register("url_decode", urlDecoder)
spark.udf.register("url_encode", urlEncoder)
spark.udf.register("count_slashes", countSlashes)
val df ="/wmf/data/wmf/mediarequest/year=2019/month=9")
val d = df.selectExpr("replace(base_name, '%20', '_') as bn").distinct
val d2 = d.selectExpr("bn", "url_decode(bn) as dbn").cache()
val d3 = d2.selectExpr("bn", "dbn", "replace(url_encode(dbn), '%2F', '/') as ebn")
val replacements = Map(
"%21" -> "!",
"%22" -> "\"",
"%23" -> "#",
"%24" -> "\\$",
"%25" -> "%",
"%26" -> "&",
"%27" -> "'",
"%28" -> "(",
"%29" -> ")",
"%2B" -> "+",
"%3A" -> ":",
"%3B" -> ";",
"%3C" -> "<",
"%3D" -> "=",
"%3E" -> ">",
"%3F" -> "?",
"%40" -> "@",
"%5B" -> "[",
"%5C" -> "\\\\",
"%5D" -> "]",
"%5E" -> "^",
"%60" -> "`",
"%7B" -> "\\{",
"%7C" -> "\\|",
"%7D" -> "\\}",
"%7E" -> "~"
val replace = (u: String) => replacements.foldLeft(u)((s, r) => s.replaceAll(r._1, r._2))
spark.udf.register("my_replace", replace)
val d4 = d3.selectExpr("bn", "my_replace(ebn) as fbn")
val findFirstDiff = (s1: String, s2: String) => s1 diff s2
spark.udf.register("diff", findFirstDiff)
val ddiff = d4.where("fbn <> bn").cache()
ddiff.selectExpr("diff(bn, fbn)", "bn", "fbn"), false)
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