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Creates migration files for existing sequelize models [custom]
#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const models = require("./src/api/models");
for (const model in models) {
const { tableName } = models[model];
let defaultValue = "";
let onUpdate = "";
let type = "";
let template = `'use strict';
module.exports = {
up: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
return queryInterface.createTable('${tableName}', {\n`;
const attributes = models[model].tableAttributes;
for (const column in attributes) {
delete attributes[column].Model;
delete attributes[column].fieldName;
delete attributes[column]._modelAttribute;
template += ` ${attributes[column].field || column}: {\n`;
delete attributes[column].field;
if (attributes[column].defaultValue) {
if (
.match(/NOW/i) ||
) {
defaultValue = "Sequelize.literal('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')";
} else {
defaultValue = attributes[column].defaultValue.toString();
if (attributes[column].onUpdate) {
if (
JSON.stringify(attributes[column].onUpdate).toString().match(/NOW/i) ||
) {
defaultValue = "Sequelize.literal('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')";
onUpdate = "Sequelize.literal('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')";
if (attributes[column].type) {
let dataType = attributes[column].type.toString();
dataType = dataType.replace("DATETIME", "DATE");
dataType = dataType.replace("VARCHAR", "STRING");
dataType = dataType.split(" ").join(".");
type = `Sequelize.${dataType}`;
for (const property in attributes[column]) {
if (property.toString().match(/^_/i)) {
delete attributes[column][property];
if (property === "type") {
template += ` type: ${type},\n`;
} else if (property === "defaultValue") {
if (column === "createdAt") {
template += ` defaultValue: ${defaultValue},\n`;
} else {
template += ` defaultValue: '${attributes[column].defaultValue}',\n`;
} else if (property === "onUpdate") {
template += ` defaultValue: ${defaultValue},\n`;
template += ` onUpdate: ${onUpdate},\n`;
} else if (typeof attributes[column][property] === "object") {
template += ` ${property}: {\n`;
for (const p in attributes[column][property]) {
if (typeof attributes[column][property][p] === "object") {
template += ` ${p}: {\n`;
for (const sp in attributes[column][property][p]) {
template += ` ${sp}: '${attributes[column][property][p][sp]}',\n`;
template += " },\n";
} else if (typeof attributes[column][property][p] === "boolean") {
template += ` ${p}: ${attributes[column][property][p]},\n`;
} else {
template += ` ${p}: '${attributes[column][property][p]}',\n`;
template += " },\n";
} else if (typeof attributes[column][property] === "boolean") {
template += ` ${property}: ${attributes[column][property]},\n`;
} else {
template += ` ${property}: '${attributes[column][property]}',\n`;
template += " },\n";
template += ` });
down: (queryInterface) => {
return queryInterface.dropTable('${tableName}');
if (models[model].tableName !== undefined) {
const now = new Date();
`./tmp/${now.toISOString().replace(/[^\d]/g, "").slice(0, -3)}-create-${
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