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Created May 27, 2012 18:29
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さっそくGTAでDPの練習 ref:
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
module Main where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Tensor.TypeLevel
import GTA.Data.JoinList
import GTA.Core hiding (items)
import NumericPrelude
knightMoves :: [Vec2 Int]
knightMoves = [Vec :~ x :~ y | x <- [-2..2], y<-[-2..2], x^2 + y^2 == 5]
canMoveTo :: Vec2 Int -> Vec2 Int -> Bool
canMoveTo a b = (a - b) `elem` knightMoves
bdSize :: Int
bdSize = 8
maxStep :: Int
maxStep = 7
knightSeq' :: JoinList (Vec2 Int) -> Bool
knightSeq' = isJust . ws
ws Nil = Just Nothing
ws (Single r) = Just $ Just (r,r)
ws (x1 `Times` x2) = do
a1 <- ws x1
a2 <- ws x2
case (a1, a2) of
(Nothing, _) -> return a2
(_, Nothing) -> return a1
(Just (r0,r1),Just (r2,r3))
| canMoveTo r1 r2 -> return $ Just (r0,r3)
| otherwise -> Nothing
knightSeq :: (Maybe a -> Bool, JoinListAlgebra (Vec2 Int) (Maybe (Maybe (Vec2 Int, Vec2 Int))))
knightSeq = (isJust) <.> ws
ws = JoinListAlgebra{..} where
nil = Just Nothing
single r = Just $ Just (r,r)
x1 `times` x2 = do
a1 <- x1
a2 <- x2
case (a1, a2) of
(Nothing, _) -> return a2
(_, Nothing) -> return a1
(Just (r0,r1),Just (r2,r3))
| canMoveTo r1 r2 -> return $ Just (r0,r3)
| otherwise -> Nothing
knightSeq2 :: (Maybe a -> Bool, JoinListAlgebra (Vec2 Int, t) (Maybe (Maybe (Vec2 Int, Vec2 Int))))
knightSeq2 = (isJust) <.> ws
ws = JoinListAlgebra{..} where
nil = Just Nothing
single (r,_) = Just $ Just (r,r)
x1 `times` x2 = do
a1 <- x1
a2 <- x2
case (a1, a2) of
(Nothing, _) -> return a2
(_, Nothing) -> return a1
(Just (r0,r1),Just (r2,r3))
| canMoveTo r1 r2 -> return $ Just (r0,r3)
| otherwise -> Nothing
fromTo :: Eq a => a -> a -> (a1 -> a1, JoinListAlgebra (a, Int) Bool)
fromTo start goal = id <.> joken where
joken = JoinListAlgebra{..}
c1 `times` c2 = c1 && c2
single (r,n)
| n == 1 = start == r
| n == maxStep = goal == r
| otherwise = True
nil = True
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStr $ pprint2$ assigns [Vec :~ x :~ y| x<- [1..bdSize], y<-[1..bdSize]] [1..maxStep]
`filterBy` knightSeq2
`filterBy` fromTo (Vec :~ 1 :~ 1) (Vec :~ bdSize :~ bdSize)
`aggregateBy` result
return ()
pprint :: Bag (JoinList (Vec2 Int)) -> String
pprint (Bag xs) = unlines $ map (unwords . map (\ (Vec :~ x :~ y) -> show x ++ "," ++ show y) . dejoinize) xs
pprint2:: Bag (JoinList (Vec2 Int,Int)) -> String
pprint2(Bag xs) = unlines $ map (unwords . map (\ ((Vec :~ x :~ y),_) -> show x ++ "," ++ show y) . dejoinize) xs
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