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Created October 19, 2012 09:51
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package com.nutiteq.rasterlayers;
* A raster layer class that uses an URL as a source for the map tile data. The request are generate in this manner:
* <p>
* <p>
* baseUrl + zoom + separator + x + separator + y + format
* <p>
* <p>
* For example if: baseUrl = "", separator = "/", format = ".png"
* <p>
* "" + "0" + "/" + "0" + "/" + "0" + ".png"
* <p>
* Result:
import java.util.Map;
import com.nutiteq.components.TileQuadTreeNode;
import com.nutiteq.log.Log;
import com.nutiteq.projections.Projection;
import com.nutiteq.tasks.NetFetchTileTask;
public class TMSMapLayer extends RasterLayer {
protected final String separator;
protected final String format;
private boolean tmsY = false;
private int offsetX = 0;
private int offsetY = 0;
private int offsetZoom = 0;
private Map<String, String> httpHeaders;
* Class constructor. Creates a new raster layer that uses a specified URL as a source for the tile data. Tiles that
* are out of the specified minimum / maximum zoom range are not downloaded. The id used should be unique to each
* rasterlayer, if two or more raster layers use the same id, they will also share the tiles in the cache. Supported
* image formats are .jpg and .png.
* Note: by default is based on "OSM tile schema", with flipped Y coordinate, change it using setTmsY()
* @param projection
* the desired projection
* @param minZoom
* the minimum zoom
* @param maxZoom
* the maximum zoom
* @param id
* the user generated id for this raster layer
* @param baseUrl
* the base URL
* @param separator
* the seperator for the URL
* @param format
* the image format for the url
public TMSMapLayer(Projection projection, int minZoom, int maxZoom, int id, String baseUrl,
String separator, String format) {
super(projection, minZoom, maxZoom, id, baseUrl);
this.separator = separator;
this.format = format;
* Change highest level ("World") tile to something else than global 0,0,0
* Useful for regional maps, with #com.nutiteq.projections.SingleTileEPSG3857
* @param offsetX
* @param offsetY
* @param offsetZoom
public void setWorldTile(int offsetX, int offsetY, int offsetZoom){
this.offsetX = offsetX;
this.offsetY = offsetY;
this.offsetZoom = offsetZoom;
* Use this to set that Y axis is according to TMS standard, ie with origin in southeast.
* Otherwise it is in northeast, like in common public servers: OpenStreetMap and others
* @param tmsY true if TMS standard Y orientation is needed. Default is false
public void setTmsY(boolean tmsY){
this.tmsY = tmsY;
* Add HTTP headers. Useful for referer, basic-auth etc.
* @param httpHeaders
public void setHttpHeaders(Map<String, String> httpHeaders) {
this.httpHeaders = httpHeaders;
public void fetchTile(TileQuadTreeNode tile) {
// adjust to WorldTile (if default 0,0,0 then no change)
int zoomPow2 = 2 << (tile.zoom-1); // same as Math.pow(2,tile.zoom)
int tileX = offsetX * zoomPow2 + tile.x;
int tileY = offsetY * zoomPow2 + tile.y;
int tileZoom = tile.zoom + offsetZoom;
if (tileZoom < minZoom || tileZoom > maxZoom) {
StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer(location);
// flip Y coordinate for standard TMS
url.append( (1<<(tileZoom))-1-tileY);
String urlString = url.toString();"TMSMapLayer: Start loading " + urlString);
components.rasterTaskPool.execute(new NetFetchTileTask(tile, components, tileIdOffset, urlString, this.httpHeaders));
public void flush() {
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