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Created June 14, 2023 16:47
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Extract abstracts for EDRN's publications
# encoding: utf-8
'''Extract abstracts used by EDRN publications.
To use::
python3.10 -m venv .venv
.venv/bin/pip install --quiet --upgrade setuptools pip wheel build
.venv/bin/pip install biopython~=1.81 rdflib~=6.3.2
.venv/bin/python > all-abstracts.txt
from Bio import Entrez
import logging, rdflib, time, contextlib
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Logging
Entrez.tool = 'edrn-pubs' # Name of our "tool" for Entrez API identification = '' # Owner of the "tool"
_batch_size = 20 # How many abstracts to get at a time
_wait_betwixt = 5 # How long in seconds to let the API rest between batches
# RDF predicate that contains pub med IDs
_pubmed_predicate = rdflib.URIRef('')
# Sources of EDRN publications
_rdf_sources = [
'', # Biomarker database publications
'' # DMCC-tracked publications
def _read_rdf(url: str) -> dict[rdflib.URIRef, dict[rdflib.URIRef, list[rdflib.URIRef | rdflib.Literal]]]:
'''Read RDF from the given ``url`` and return a dictionary of statements made, which are
subject URIs to predicates. The predicates are themselves a dictionary of predicate URIs to
sequences of objects, which are either other URI references or literals.
graph = rdflib.Graph()
_logger.debug('Parsing RDF at %s', url)
statements = {}
for s, p, o in graph:
if s not in statements:
statements[s] = {}
predicates = statements[s]
if p not in predicates:
predicates[p] = []
return statements
def _get_pub_med_ids(rdf_sources: list[str]) -> set[str]:
'''Given a list of possible sources of RDF-based information, determine the unique set of
PubMedIDs represented.
_logger.debug('Geting RDF from %r', rdf_sources)
ids = set()
for rdf_source in rdf_sources:
statements = _read_rdf(rdf_source)
for s, p in statements.items():
pubmeds = p.get(_pubmed_predicate, [])
for pubmedid in pubmeds:
_logger.debug('Found %d unique pubmed IDs', len(ids))
return ids
def _divvy(ids: list[str], batch_size: int) -> list[str]:
'''Divvy up a list of string ``ids`` into ``batch_size`` parts.'''
while len(ids) > 0:
batch, ids = ids[:batch_size], ids[batch_size:]
yield batch
def _retrieve_abstracts(ids: list[str]) -> list[str]:
'''Retrieve the abstracts for pubmed ``ids`` and return them as a sequence of strings.'''
_logger.debug('Retrieving abstracts for %d pubmed IDs', len(ids))
abstracts = []
with contextlib.closing(Entrez.efetch(db='pubmed', retmode='xml', rettype='medline', id=ids)) as ef:
records =
for record in records['PubmedArticle']:
pubmedid = str(record['MedlineCitation']['PMID'])
abstract = '\n'.join([str(i) for i in record['MedlineCitation']['Article']['Abstract']['AbstractText']])
except KeyError:'No abstract available for pubmed ID %s; skipping it', pubmedid)
return abstracts
def main():
'''Write all known EDRN abstracts to the standard output.'''
pub_med_ids = list(_get_pub_med_ids(_rdf_sources))
for batch in _divvy(pub_med_ids, _batch_size):
abstracts = _retrieve_abstracts(batch)
for abstract in abstracts:
if len(batch) == _batch_size:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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