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Created November 1, 2010 18:24
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Save nutrun/658643 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
s3curl, without the 5 second sleep when you pass it cmd line creds
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This software code is made available "AS IS" without warranties of any
# kind. You may copy, display, modify and redistribute the software
# code either by itself or as incorporated into your code; provided that
# you do not remove any proprietary notices. Your use of this software
# code is at your own risk and you waive any claim against Amazon
# Digital Services, Inc. or its affiliates with respect to your use of
# this software code. (c) 2006 Amazon Digital Services, Inc. or its
# affiliates.
use strict;
use POSIX;
# you might need to use CPAN to get these modules.
# run perl -MCPAN -e "install <module>" to get them.
use Digest::HMAC_SHA1;
use FindBin;
use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use constant STAT_MODE => 2;
use constant STAT_UID => 4;
# begin customizing here
my @endpoints = ( '' );
my $CURL = "curl";
# stop customizing here
my $cmdLineSecretKey;
my %awsSecretAccessKeys = ();
my $keyFriendlyName;
my $keyId;
my $secretKey;
my $contentType = "";
my $acl;
my $fileToPut;
my $createBucket;
my $doDelete;
my $doHead;
my $debug = 0;
my $DOTFILENAME=".s3curl";
my $EXECFILE=$FindBin::Bin;
if (-f $DOTFILE) {
open(CONFIG, $DOTFILE) || die "can't open $DOTFILE: $!";
my @stats = stat(*CONFIG);
if (($stats[STAT_UID] != $<) || $stats[STAT_MODE] & 066) {
die "I refuse to read your credentials from $DOTFILE as this file is " .
"readable by, writable by or owned by someone else. Try " .
"chmod 600 $DOTFILE";
my @lines = <CONFIG>;
close CONFIG;
die "Failed to eval() file $DOTFILE:\n$@\n" if ($@);
'id=s' => \$keyId,
'key=s' => \$cmdLineSecretKey,
'contentType=s' => \$contentType,
'acl=s' => \$acl,
'put=s' => \$fileToPut,
'delete' => \$doDelete,
'createBucket:s' => \$createBucket,
'head' => \$doHead,
'debug' => \$debug
die "Usage $0 --id AWSAccessKeyId (or friendly name) [--key SecretAccessKey (unsafe)] [--contentType text/plain] [--acl public-read] [--put index.html | --createBucket [Location constraint e.g. \"EU\"]| --head] -- [curl-options]"
unless defined $keyId;
if ($cmdLineSecretKey) {
$secretKey = $cmdLineSecretKey;
} else {
my $keyinfo = $awsSecretAccessKeys{$keyId};
die "I don't know about key with friendly name $keyId. " .
"Do you need to set it up in $DOTFILE?"
unless defined $keyinfo;
$keyId = $keyinfo->{id};
$secretKey = $keyinfo->{key};
my $method = "";
if (defined $fileToPut or defined $createBucket) {
$method = "PUT";
} elsif (defined $doDelete) {
$method = "DELETE";
} elsif (defined $doHead) {
$method = "HEAD";
} else {
$method = "GET";
my $contentMD5 = "";
my $resource;
# try to understand curl args
for my $arg (@ARGV) {
# resource name
if ($arg =~ /https?:\/\/([^\/:]+)(?::(\d+))?([^?]*)(?:\?(\S+))?/) {
my $host = $1;
my $port = defined $2 ? $2 : "";
my $requestURI = $3;
my $query = defined $4 ? $4 : "";
debug("Found the url: host=$host; port=$port; uri=$requestURI; query=$query;");
if (length $requestURI) {
$resource = $requestURI;
} else {
$resource = "/";
for my $attribute ("acl", "torrent", "location", "logging") {
if ($arg =~ /[?&]$attribute(=|&|$)/) {
$resource = "$resource?$attribute";
# handle virtual hosted requests
getResourceToSign($host, \$resource);
if ($arg =~ /\-X/) {
$method = "DELETE"; # cheesy
die "Couldn't find resource by digging through your curl command line args!"
unless defined $resource;
my $httpDate = POSIX::strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime );
my $aclHeaderToSign = defined $acl ? "x-amz-acl:$acl\n" : "";
my $stringToSign = "$method\n$contentMD5\n$contentType\n$httpDate\n$aclHeaderToSign$resource";
debug("StringToSign='" . $stringToSign . "'");
my $hmac = Digest::HMAC_SHA1->new($secretKey);
my $signature = encode_base64($hmac->digest, "");
my @args = ();
push @args, ("-H", "Date: $httpDate");
push @args, ("-H", "Authorization: AWS $keyId:$signature");
push @args, ("-H", "x-amz-acl: $acl") if (defined $acl);
push @args, ("-L");
push @args, ("-H", "content-type: $contentType") if (defined $contentType);
push @args, ("-H", "Content-MD5: $contentMD5") if (length $contentMD5);
push @args, ("-T", $fileToPut) if (defined $fileToPut);
push @args, ("-X", "DELETE") if (defined $doDelete);
push @args, ("-I") if (defined $doHead);
# createBucket is a special kind of put from stdin. Reason being, curl mangles the Request-URI
# to include the local filename when you use -T and it decides there is no remote filename (bucket PUT)
if (defined $createBucket) {
my $data="";
if (length($createBucket)>0) {
push @args, ("--data-binary", $data);
push @args, ("-X", "PUT");
push @args, @ARGV;
debug("exec $CURL " . join (" ", @args));
exec($CURL, @args) or die "can't exec program: $!";
sub debug {
my ($str) = @_;
$str =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
print STDERR "s3curl: $str\n" if ($debug);
sub getResourceToSign {
my ($host, $resourceToSignRef) = @_;
for my $ep (@endpoints) {
if ($host =~ /(.*)\.$ep/) { # vanity subdomain case
my $vanityBucket = $1;
$$resourceToSignRef = "/$vanityBucket".$$resourceToSignRef;
debug("vanity endpoint signing case");
elsif ($host eq $ep) {
debug("ordinary endpoint signing case");
# cname case
$$resourceToSignRef = "/$host".$$resourceToSignRef;
debug("cname endpoint signing case");
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