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Last active June 14, 2021 07:06
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Pedagogical std::sync::mpsc::channel
// Pedagogical Impl of std::sync::mpsc::channel
// Crust of Rust: Channels, Gjenset 2020
use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex};
use std::collections::VecDeque;
// Channel flavours:
// - Synchronous channels (Bounded channels): send() can block. Bounded capacity.
// - Mutex + Condvar + VecDeque
// - Atomic VecDeque + thread::park + thread::Thread::notify
// - Asynchronous channels (Unbounded channels): send() won't block because it has unbounded capacity.
// - Mutex + Condvar + VecDeque
// - Mutex + Condvar + LinkedList
// - Atomic Linked List
// - Atomic block linked list (LL<VecDeque<T>>)
// - Rendezvous channels: A Bounded channel that has capacity 0. Send always blocks unless there is a
// blocking recv() waiting at that exact point. At which point both send() and recv()'s blocks cease,
// hence a "rendezvous".
// - Oneshot channels: Could be bounded or unbounded, but send() is onle ever called once.
pub struct Sender<T> {
shared: Arc<Shared<T>>,
impl<T> Sender<T> {
pub fn send(self: &mut Self, t: T) -> () {
let mut behind_mutex = self.shared.mutex.lock().unwrap();
behind_mutex.quque.push_back(t); // <-- [1]
// In this implementation the sender cannot block.
// If data is sent at a greater rate than it is being consumed,
// The Vec grows without bound, and there is no backpressure.
// Maybe, we want the producer to get blocked if the Vec reaches
// a certain size. That is the std::sync::mpsc::SyncSender.
// [1]: This inocuous push_back() is not free in a unbounded-queue
// channel. If the Vec has capacity 16 and you push the 17th
// element, this is expensive.
// Should have (Sender: Clone) because "multiple producer"
impl<T> Clone for Sender<T> {
fn clone(self: &Self) -> Self {
let mut behind_mutex = self.shared.mutex.lock().unwrap();
behind_mutex.senders_count += 1;
Sender { shared: Arc::clone(&self.shared) }
// Clone cannot be derived because derive necessitates T: Clone
// here, that constraint does not make sense, hence manual impl.
impl<T> Drop for Sender<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let mut behind_mutex = self.shared.mutex.lock().unwrap();
behind_mutex.senders_count -= 1;
let i_am_the_last = behind_mutex.senders_count == 0;
// Must drop the mutex guard (free the mutex) before notifying.
// Because the consumer will acquire the mutex after catching this signal,
// If by that time the mutex is still acquired then that's a race condition.
if i_am_the_last { self.shared.avail.notify_one() }
// After sending this notify_one(), this is the matching arm the consumer will use:
// match behind_mutex.queue.pop_front() {
// ...
// None if behind_mutex.senders_count == 0 => { return None }
// ...
// }
pub struct Receiver<T> {
shared: Arc<Shared<T>>,
swap_buffer: VecDeque<T>,
// [2] This swap_buffer is a commonplace optimization,
// if we acquire the shared.mutex.queue, and it's not empty, then
// we might as well steal the entire queue and consume that one by one
// This way we only ever need to lock the behind_mutex once for each
// queue.
impl<T> Receiver<T> {
pub fn recv(self: &mut Self) -> Option<T> {
if let Some(t) = self.swap_buffer.pop_front() { return Some(t) }
let mut behind_mutex = self.shared.mutex.lock().unwrap();
loop {
match behind_mutex.quque.pop_front() {
Some(t) => {
// <-- [2]
if !behind_mutex.quque.is_empty() { std::mem::swap(&mut self.swap_buffer, &mut behind_mutex.quque) }
return Some(t)
None if behind_mutex.senders_count == 0 => { return None }
// ^ In this case, we see that all senders are dropped. Reading further is
// pointless and we convey that fact by returning None.
None => { behind_mutex = self.shared.avail.wait(behind_mutex).unwrap() }
// ^ In this case, wait for the shared.avail signal. When the signal is raised,
// we assume that the mutex is acquireable, and we acquire it, then restart the
// loop, and we see if we can do anything.
impl<T> Iterator for Receiver<T> {
type Item = T;
fn next(self: &mut Self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
struct Shared<T> {
mutex: Mutex<BehindMutex<T>>,
avail: Condvar,
struct BehindMutex<T> {
quque: VecDeque<T>,
senders_count: usize,
impl<T> Default for BehindMutex<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
BehindMutex { quque: VecDeque::new(), senders_count: 1 }
pub fn channel<T>() -> (Sender<T>, Receiver<T>) {
let shared = Shared { mutex: Mutex::default(), avail: Condvar::new() };
let arc_shared = Arc::new(shared);
return (
Sender { shared: arc_shared.clone() },
Receiver { shared: arc_shared.clone(), swap_buffer: VecDeque::new() }
mod test {
use super::*;
fn ping_pong() {
let (mut tx, mut rx) = channel::<()>();
assert_eq!(rx.recv(), None);
let (mut tx, mut rx) = channel();
assert_eq!(rx.recv(), Some(42));
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