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Created August 19, 2015 18:51
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choose_partner <- function(People){
Males <- filter(People, gender == "M")
Females <- filter(People, gender == "F")
if (nrow(Males) <= nrow(Females)){
Males$partner_id <- sample(Females$id, nrow(Males))
People <- full_join(Males, Females,
by = c("partner_id" = "id")) %>%
mutate(coupling = 1:n()) %>%
arrange(coupling) %>%
gather(group, gender,
gender.x, gender.y) %>%
arrange(coupling) %>%
mutate(hiv = ifelse(gender == "F", hiv.y, hiv.x)) %>%
select(-hiv.x, -hiv.y, -group) %>%
rename(male_id = id,
female_id = partner_id) %>%
arrange(coupling, female_id, male_id) %>%
group_by(coupling) %>%
mutate(hiv = ifelse(, hiv,
ifelse(hiv == "No" & any(hiv %in% "Yes"),
sample(c("No", "Yes"), 1, prob = c(.9, .1)),
Females$partner_id <- sample(Males$id, nrow(Females))
People <- full_join(Females, Males,
by = c("partner_id" = "id")) %>%
mutate(coupling = 1:n()) %>%
arrange(coupling) %>%
gather(group, gender,
gender.x, gender.y) %>%
arrange(coupling) %>%
mutate(hiv = ifelse(gender == "M", hiv.y, hiv.x)) %>%
select(-hiv.x, -hiv.y, -group) %>%
rename(female_id = id,
male_id = partner_id) %>%
arrange(coupling, female_id, male_id) %>%
group_by(coupling) %>%
mutate(hiv = ifelse(, hiv,
ifelse(hiv == "No" & any(hiv %in% "Yes"),
sample(c("No", "Yes"), 1, prob = c(.9, .1)),
People %>%
gather(id_group, id, female_id, male_id) %>%
filter(!(gender == "M" & id_group == "female_id") &
!(gender == "F" & id_group == "male_id")) %>%
select(-coupling, -id_group)
simulate_hiv_rates <- function(nrep, People){
hiv_rates <- data.frame(rep_num = 0:nrep,
n_hiv = rep(NA, nrep + 1),
p_hiv = rep(NA, nrep + 1))
hiv_rates$n_hiv[1] <- sum(People$hiv == "Yes")
hiv_rates$p_hiv[1] <- sum(People$hiv == "Yes") / nrow(People)
for (i in 1:nrep){
People <- choose_partner(People)
hiv_rates$n_hiv[i + 1] <- sum(People$hiv == "Yes")
hiv_rates$p_hiv[i + 1] <- sum(People$hiv == "Yes") / nrow(People)
People <- data_frame(gender = sample(c("M", "F"), 5000, replace = TRUE),
hiv = sample(c("Yes", "No"), 5000, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.003, 0.997))) %>%
mutate(id = 1:n())
(hiv_rates_10 <- simulate_hiv_rates(10, People))
(hiv_rates_100 <- simulate_hiv_rates(100, People))
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