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Created October 15, 2016 13:16
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Pixiedust with significance stars
#' @name pvalString
#' @export pvalString
#' @title Format P-values for Reports
#' @description Convert numeric p-values to character strings according to
#' pre-defined formatting parameters. Additional formats may be added
#' for required or desired reporting standards.
#' @param p a numeric vector of p-values.
#' @param format A character string indicating the desired format for
#' the p-values. See Details for full descriptions.
#' @param digits For \code{"exact"} and \code{"scientific"}; indicates the
#' number of digits to precede scientific notation.
#' @param stars \code{logical(1)}, should stars be appended to p-values to
#' denote significance level.
#' @param stars_break Numeric vector of values between 0 and 1. This vector
#' is passed to \code{\link{cut}} to determine the how many \code{stars_mark}
#' characters to append to the p-value.
#' @param stars_mark \code{character(1)}. Designates the character to append
#' to a p-value when \code{stars = TRUE}. No marks are added when the
#' p-value is larger than \code{max(stars_break)}, and one character is
#' added to each progressively decreasing category thereafter (ie \code{*},
#' \code{**}, and \code{***}).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to \code{format}
#' @details When \code{format = "default"}, p-values are formatted:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \emph{p > 0.99}: "> 0.99"
#' \item \emph{0.99 > p > 0.10}: Rounded to two digits
#' \item \emph{0.10 > p > 0.001}: Rounded to three digits
#' \item \emph{0.001 > p}: "< 0.001"
#' }
#' When \code{format = "exact"}, the exact p-value is printed with the
#' number of significant digits equal to \code{digits}. P-values smaller
#' that 1*(10^-\code{digits}) are printed in scientific notation.
#' When \code{format = "scientific"}, all values are printed in scientific
#' notation with \code{digits} digits printed before the \code{e}.
#' @author Benjamin Nutter
#' @examples
#' p <- c(1, .999, .905, .505, .205, .125, .09531,
#' .05493, .04532, .011234, .00834, .00261, .0003431, .000000342)
#' pvalString(p, format="default")
#' pvalString(p, format="exact", digits=3)
#' pvalString(p, format="exact", digits=2)
#' pvalString(p, format="scientific", digits=3)
#' pvalString(p, format="scientific", digits=4)
#' pvalString(p, format="default", stars = TRUE)
#' pvalString(p, format="exact", digits=4, stars = TRUE)
#' pvalString(p, format="exact", digits=2, stars = TRUE)
#' pvalString(p, format="scientific", digits=3, stars = TRUE)
#' pvalString(p, format="scientific", digits=4, stars = TRUE)
#' pvalString(p, stars = TRUE, stars_break = c(0.10, 0.05), stars_mark = "!")
pvalString_demo <- function (p,
format = c("default", "exact", "scientific"),
digits = 3,
stars = FALSE,
stars_break = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001),
stars_mark = "*",
coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
format <- checkmate::matchArg(x = format,
choices = c("default", "exact", "scientific"),
add = coll)
valid_p <- checkmate::test_numeric(x = p,
lower = 0,
upper = 1)
if (!valid_p)
notProb <- which(p < 0 | p > 1)
coll$push(sprintf("Element(s) %s are not valid probabilities",
paste(notProb, collapse = ", ")))
checkmate::assert_logical(x = stars,
len = 1,
add = coll)
if (stars)
checkmate::assert_numeric(x = stars_break,
lower = 0,
upper = 1,
add = coll)
checkmate::assert_character(x = stars_mark,
len = 1,
add = coll)
ps <- switch(
"default" = ifelse(test = p > 0.99,
yes = "> 0.99",
no = ifelse(test = p > 0.1,
yes = sprintf("%1.2f", p),
no = ifelse(test = p > 0.001,
yes = sprintf("%1.3f", p),
no = "< 0.001"))),
"exact" = ifelse(test = p < 1 * (10^-digits),
yes = format(p,
scientific = TRUE,
digits = digits),
no = format(round(p, digits),
digits = digits)),
"scientific" = format(p, scientific = TRUE, digits = digits)
if (stars)
star_append <- cut(x = p,
breaks = c(0, stars_break, 1))
star_append <-
vapply(nlevels(star_append) - as.numeric(star_append),
FUN = function(x, stars_mark)
rep(stars_mark, x) %>%
paste(collapse = "")
FUN.VALUE = character(1),
star_append <- stringr::str_pad(string = star_append,
width = max(nchar(star_append)),
side = "right",
pad = " ")
ps <- paste0(ps, star_append)
fit <- lm(mpg ~ qsec + wt + factor(am) + vs, data = mtcars)
dust(fit) %>%
sprinkle(pad = 3) %>%
sprinkle(cols = 2:4, round = 3) %>%
sprinkle(cols = "p.value",
fn = quote(pvalString_demo(value, stars = TRUE))) %>%
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