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Last active March 7, 2023 21:47
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Save nutterb/501c370418abb58bee78 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate a Report of Fields with Missing Values in a REDCap Database Using the redcapAPI package
#### Intended for use with the `redcapAPI` package
#' @name missingSummary
#' @aliases missingSummary.redcapApiConnection
#' @aliases missingSummary.redcapDbConneciton
#' @aliases missingSummary_offline
#' @export missingSummary
#' @export missingSummary.redcapApiConnection
#' @export missingSummary.redcapDbConnection
#' @export missingSummary_offline
#' @title Report of Missing Values
#' @description Returns a data frame of subject events with missing values.
#' @param rcon A recapConnection object.
#' @param proj A redcapProjectInfo object.
#' @param batch.size Batch size parameter for \code{exportRecords}
#' @param records a filename pointing to the raw records download from REDCap
#' @param meta_data a filename pointing to the data dictionary download from REDCap
#' @param excludeMissingForms If all of the fields in a form are missing, would
#' you like to assume that they are purposefully missing? For instance, if
#' a patient did not experience an adverse event, the adverse event form would
#' contain no data and you would not want it in this report.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to other methods. Currently ignored.
#' @details The intention of this function is to generate a list of subject
#' events that are missing and could potentially be values that should have
#' been entered.
#' The branching logic from the data dictionary is parsed and translated into
#' and R expression. When a field with branching logic passes the logical
#' statement, it is evaluated with \code{}, otherwise, it is set to
#' \code{FALSE} (non-missing, because there was never an opportunity to
#' provide a value).
#' Optionally, forms that are entirely missing can be determined to be
#' non-missing. This is applicable when, for instance, a patient did not
#' have an adverse event. In this case, a form dedicated to adverse events
#' would contain meaningless missing values and could be excluded from the
#' report.
#' @author Benjamin Nutter
missingSummary <- function(rcon, excludeMissingForms=TRUE, ...){
#' @rdname missingSummary
missingSummary.redcapDbConnection <- function(rcon,
excludeMissingForms=TRUE, ...){
message("Please accept my apologies. The missingSummary method for redcapDbConnection objects\n",
"has not yet been written. Please consider using the API.")
#' @rdname missingSummary
missingSummary.redcapApiConnection <- function(rcon,
excludeMissingForms = TRUE,
batch.size = -1,
bundle = getOption("redcap_bundle"),
error_handling = getOption("redcap_error_handling")){
coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
checkmate::assert_class(x = rcon,
classes = "redcapApiConnection",
add = coll)
checkmate::assert_logical(x = excludeMissingForms,
len = 1,
add = coll)
checkmate::assert_integerish(x = batch.size,
len = 1,
add = coll)
error_handling <- checkmate::matchArg(x = error_handling,
choices = c("null", "error"),
add = coll)
# Import the records ----------------------------------------------
# records will be used to store the results of tests for missingness
# records_orig will be used to conduct the tests
records_orig <- exportRecords(rcon,
factors = FALSE,
labels = TRUE,
dates = FALSE,
survey = FALSE,
dag = TRUE,
batch.size = batch.size)
# Import the Meta Data --------------------------------------------
meta_data <- exportMetaData(rcon)
meta_data <- meta_data[meta_data$field_type != "descriptive", ]
logic <- parseBranchingLogic(meta_data$branching_logic)
names(logic) <- meta_data$field_name
records <- .missingSummary_isMissingInField(records_orig,
if (excludeMissingForms){
records <- .missingSummary_excludeMissingForm(records,
#' @rdname missingSummary
#' @export
missingSummary_offline <- function(records,
excludeMissingForms = TRUE){
coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
checkmate::assert_file_exists(x = records,
add = coll)
add = coll)
checkmate::assert_logical(x = excludeMissingForms,
len = 1,
add = coll)
records_orig <- read.csv(records,
meta_data <- read.csv(meta_data,
col.names=c('field_name', 'form_name', 'section_header',
'field_type', 'field_label', 'select_choices_or_calculations',
'field_note', 'text_validation_type_or_show_slider_number',
'text_validation_min', 'text_validation_max', 'identifier',
'branching_logic', 'required_field', 'custom_alignment',
'question_number', 'matrix_group_name', 'matrix_ranking',
meta_data <- meta_data[meta_data$field_type != "descriptive", ]
logic <- parseBranchingLogic(meta_data$branching_logic)
names(logic) <- meta_data$field_name
records <- .missingSummary_isMissingInField(records_orig,
if (excludeMissingForms){
records <- .missingSummary_excludeMissingForm(records,
# UNEXPORTED --------------------------------------------------------
.missingSummary_isMissingInField <- function(records_orig,
records <- records_orig
for (i in seq_along(records)){
# Actual field name
this_field <- names(records)[i]
# Remove checkbox suffixes. This allows logic to be matched to the field.
this_field_base <- sub("___.+$", "", this_field)
# get the logic expression for this iteration of the loop
this_logic <- logic[[this_field_base]]
# We are only going to look at fields that are informative as missing.
# we skip fixed fields (see unexported) and the ID variable.
if (!this_field %in% c(.missingSummary_fixedFields,
meta_data$field_name[1]) &
# get the name of the form on which the field is saved
tmp_form <- meta_data$form_name[meta_data$field_name ==
sub("___[[:print:]]", "", names(records)[i])]
tmp_form <- paste0(tmp_form, "_complete")
# NOTE: in the result, TRUE means the value is missing
# FALSE means the value is non-missing
if (tmp_form == "_complete"){
# If we are here, we didn't find a matching form name. We will
# assume variables not on a form are always non-missing.
records[[i]] <- rep(FALSE, nrow(records))
else if (!tmp_form %in% names(records)){
# If we are here, we are evaluating a `[form]_complete` field.
# We just want to know if it is missing or not.
records[[i]] <-[[i]])
} else if (!is.expression(this_logic)) {
# If we are here, there is not branching logic.
# If the `[form]_complete` field is missing, we return FALSE
# If the `[form]_complete` is non-missing, we return the missingness of the value
records[[i]] <- ifelse(test =[[tmp_form]]),
yes = FALSE,
no =[[i]]))
# Here we have branching logic.
# If the `[form]_complete` field is missing, we return FALSE
# If the `[form]_complete` is non-missing:
# The branching logic is satisfied: return the missingness of the value
# The branchign logic is not satisfied: return FALSE
records[[i]] <- ifelse(test =[[tmp_form]]),
yes = FALSE,
no = ifelse(test = with(records_orig, eval(this_logic)),
yes =[[i]]),
no = FALSE))
.missingSummary_excludeMissingForm <- function(records,
# Get the `[form]_complete` fields.
form_names <- unique(meta_data$form_name)
form_complete_names <- paste0(form_names, "_complete")
for (i in seq_len(nrow(records))){
# For each record, find the fields associated with the forms
# where the `[form]_complete` field is missing.
completeFormMissing <- lapply(form_names,
flds <- meta_data$field_name[meta_data$form_name %in% f]
flds <- flds[!flds %in% meta_data$field_name[1]]
flds <- flds[!flds %in% meta_data$field_name[meta_data$field_type == "checkbox"]]
if (length(flds) == 0){
else if (all(unlist(records[i, flds, drop = FALSE]) | sapply(logic[flds], is.expression))){
else {
# If the `[form]_complete` field is missing, we set the missingness value of the
# record for fields on that value to FALSE, indicating that they are non-missing
# That is, we don't consider a value missing unless the form is marked either 'Complete' or 'Incomplete'
completeFormMissing <- unlist(completeFormMissing)
if (!is.null(completeFormMissing)){
records[i, completeFormMissing] <- FALSE
.missingSummary_makeResultFrame <- function(records,
# These are the identifier fields in the result
start_field <- c(meta_data$field_name[1],
start_field <- start_field[start_field %in% names(records)]
# Make the initial data frame of results. Only the identifiers here
MissingSummary <- records[start_field]
# Remove the identifier fields from `records`.
# This makes it easier to run an apply statement on the rows
records <- records[!names(records) %in% start_field]
# Number of missing values
MissingSummary$n_missing <- numeric(nrow(records))
MissingSummary$missing <- character(nrow(records))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(MissingSummary))){
missing_this_row <- vapply(records[i, ],
FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
MissingSummary$n_missing[i] <- sum(missing_this_row)
MissingSummary$missing[i] <- paste0(names(records)[missing_this_row],
collapse = ", ")
# The field names listed here are those generated by REDCap. We are
# not interested in if they are missing and so will skip them.
# Their values can make useful labels, so we want to leave them
# untouched.
.missingSummary_fixedFields <- c("redcap_event_name",
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You are missing one of the operators that is possible in the branching logic. "<>" which is really just the same as !=.

One other thing I noticed is that this script doesn't handle multiple instances of a form well. Not sure the best way to attack it, but I found handling the one-to-one forms (one record for one form) by itself and processing the one-to-many forms (repeated form instances) separately, then combining the results in the final summary.

This was super helpful btw and way better and more accurate than the existing redcap quality missing required fields check which seems to be very inaccurate and does not really follow the branching logic. Thank you!

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may0Lit3 commented May 3, 2019

I fixed the branching logic parser by adding
l <- gsub("[<] [=]", " <", l)
l <- gsub("[>] [=]", " >", l)

I noticed also that for checkbox options going beyond 9, the variable names will look like "var___10, var___11" etc
the sub("[[:print:]]) will match anything var___x to var in meta field name but it will not match a var___xx to var in meta field names due to the extra numeric. I added an asterisk "[[:print:]]*" to fix this. My apologies I am new to github and do not know how to write edits or contribute.

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Since It's not possible to request a pull for a gist a paste my code suggestion

records[[i]] <- ifelse([[tmp_form]]),
                               ifelse(with(records, eval(l)) %in% c(NA,F),

This deal with some NAs

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Hello, I have a relatively large project on REDCap which has multiple instruments and repeat instances. I set the up the script using : rcon <- redcapConnection(url='xxx', token='xxx') then proceeded to run the script above but unfortunately nothing was produced despite the entire script running with no errors.

I know it is connecting to the server fine as when I run individual lines of code, I can still extract data (e.g. below):

records <- exportRecords(rcon, factors=FALSE, labels=TRUE,
dates=FALSE, survey=FALSE, dag=TRUE,

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!!

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Hi Benjamin,

I'm getting the following error:
" Error in parse(text = x) : :1:39: unexpected input
1: investigation_arm_1mr_ctca == '1' & 90_
^ "

my code is as follows:

rcon<-redcapConnection(url="URL", token="API")
data<- missingSummary.redcapApiConnection(rcon)

I'm working with redcap v12.4.21

Many thanks,

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Wow!!! I just started an internal effort in our group to produce exactly this script. Love it. This should be an adjunct package to redcapAPI!!! Or even part of the package.

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kylerove commented Jan 24, 2023 via email

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