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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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[Unity] 複数の端末の解像度に対応させる1 - Sceneに表示される解像度を固定化する ref:
var offset : Vector2 = Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); // 中心からのずれ
var scale : Vector2 = Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f); // カメラの拡大率
var cam : Camera = null; // アスペクト比を固定化するカメラ
private var width : float = 640.0f; // 横幅 (目標解像度)
private var height : float = 960.0f; // 高さ (目標解像度)
var targetAspect : float; // 目標のアスペクト比
var curAspect : float; // 補正前の「Scene」のアスペクト比
var ratio : float; // 補正前の「Scene」のアスペクト比 ÷ 目標のアスペクト比
targetAspect = width / height;
curAspect = Screen.width * 1.0f / Screen.height; // 補正前の「Scene」の横幅・縦幅はSceneのメンバ変数から取得可能
ratio = curAspect / targetAspect;
// 表示領域の横幅・高さ・左上のXY座標をセット
// 横長の場合
if (1.0f > ratio) {
cam.rect.x = 0.0f + offset.x;
cam.rect.width = 1.0f;
cam.rect.y = (1.0f - ratio) / 2.0f + offset.y;
cam.rect.height = ratio;
cam.orthographicSize = Screen.width / (2.0f * scale.x);
// 縦長の場合
else {
ratio = 1.0f / ratio;
cam.rect.x = (1.0f - ratio) / 2.0f + offset.x;
cam.rect.width = ratio;
cam.rect.y = 0.0f + offset.y;
cam.rect.height = 1.0f;
cam.orthographicSize = Screen.height / (2.0f * scale.y);
// Aspect Ratio Controller Ver 1.0
#pragma strict
var resolution : Vector2 = Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);
var targetDevice : iPhoneGeneration;
var enable : boolean = true; // enable fixed aspect ratio
var offset : Vector2 = Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); // offset
var scale : Vector2 = Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f); // scaling
var cam : Camera = null; // 'Camera' object
private var width : float = 640.0f; // width (actual resolution)
private var height : float = 960.0f; // height (actual resolution)
private var camRect : Rect; // camera's rectangle
function Start()
function Update()
var targetAspect : float;
var curAspect : float;
var ratio : float;
if (!enable) { return; }
if (!cam) { return; }
#if UNITY_EDITOR // for Unity editor
targetAspect = width / height;
curAspect = Screen.width * 1.0f / Screen.height;
ratio = curAspect / targetAspect;
if (1.0f > ratio) {
cam.rect.x = 0.0f + offset.x;
cam.rect.width = 1.0f;
cam.rect.y = (1.0f - ratio) / 2.0f + offset.y;
cam.rect.height = ratio;
cam.orthographicSize = Screen.width / (2.0f * scale.x);
else {
ratio = 1.0f / ratio;
cam.rect.x = (1.0f - ratio) / 2.0f + offset.x;
cam.rect.width = ratio;
cam.rect.y = 0.0f + offset.y;
cam.rect.height = 1.0f;
cam.orthographicSize = Screen.height / (2.0f * scale.y);
camRect = cam.rect;
private function SetActualResolution()
#if UNITY_EDITOR // for Unity editor
#elif UNITY_IPHONE // for iPhone/iPad
#elif UNITY_ANDROID // for Android
private function SetEditorActualResolution(device : iPhoneGeneration)
if (device == iPhoneGeneration.Unknown) {
width = resolution.x;
height = resolution.y;
private function SetiPhoneActualResolution(generation : iPhoneGeneration)
switch (generation) {
case iPhoneGeneration.iPhone4S:
width = 640.0f;
height = 960.0f;
case iPhoneGeneration.iPhone5:
case iPhoneGeneration.iPhone5C:
case iPhoneGeneration.iPhone5S:
width = 640.0f;
height = 1136.0f;
case iPhoneGeneration.iPad1Gen:
case iPhoneGeneration.iPad2Gen:
width = 768.0f;
height = 1024.0f;
case iPhoneGeneration.iPad3Gen:
case iPhoneGeneration.iPad4Gen:
case iPhoneGeneration.iPad5Gen:
case iPhoneGeneration.iPadMini2Gen:
width = 1536.0f;
height = 2048.0f;
width = 640.0f;
height = 960.0f;
private function SetAndroidActualResolution()
height = 1280.0f;
width = 800.0f;
// get actual resolution width
function GetWidth() : float
return width;
// get actual resolution height
function GetHeight() : float
return height;
// get camera rect
function GetCameraRect() : Rect
return camRect;
@script AddComponentMenu( "Colorful Pico/Lib/Cross Platform/Aspect Ratio Controller" )
#pragma strict
var cam : Camera = null; // アスペクト比を固定化するカメラ
var width : float = 640.0f; // 横幅 (目標解像度)
var height : float = 960.0f; // 高さ (目標解像度)
var camRect : Rect;
function Update()
var targetAspect : float; // 目標のアスペクト比
var curAspect : float; // 補正前の「Scene」のアスペクト比
var ratio : float; // 補正前の「Scene」のアスペクト比 ÷ 目標のアスペクト比
targetAspect = width / height;
// 補正前の「Scene」の横幅・縦幅はSceneのメンバ変数から取得可能
curAspect = Screen.width * 1.0f / Screen.height;
ratio = curAspect / targetAspect;
// 表示領域の横幅・高さ・左上のXY座標をセット
// 横長の場合
if (1.0f > ratio) {
cam.rect.x = 0.0f;
cam.rect.width = 1.0f;
cam.rect.y = (1.0f - ratio) / 2.0f;
cam.rect.height = ratio;
cam.orthographicSize = Screen.width / 2.0f;
// 縦長の場合
else {
ratio = 1.0f / ratio;
cam.rect.x = (1.0f - ratio) / 2.0f;
cam.rect.width = ratio;
cam.rect.y = 0.0f;
cam.rect.height = 1.0f;
cam.orthographicSize = Screen.height / 2.0f;
camRect = cam.rect;
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