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Created November 22, 2017 12:25
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I/O monitoring
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use POSIX 'strftime';
sub read_proc {
my %stats = ();
my @io_files = glob "/proc/**/io";
foreach (@io_files) {
/\/proc\/(\d+)\/io/ or next;
my $pid = $1;
my %s = ();
open(FIN, $_) or die "$!";
while (<FIN>) {
/^(write|read)_bytes: (\d+)$/ or next;
$s{$1} = int($2);
$stats{$1} = \%s;
return %stats;
sub assoc_proc_name {
my $stats = $_[0];
my $ps = `ps -ef`;
foreach (split /\n/, $ps) {
my @c = split(/\s+/, $_);
next if $c[0] eq "UID";
$$stats{$c[1]}{"proc"} = join(" ", @c[7..$#c]);
sub diff_stats {
my $stats_now = $_[0];
my $stats_prev = $_[1];
my @stats_diff = ();
foreach (keys(%$stats_now)) {
next if not exists($$stats_prev{$_});
my %s = ();
$s{"pid"} = $_;
$s{"proc"} = $$stats_now{$_}{"proc"};
$s{"write"} = $$stats_now{$_}{"write"} - $$stats_prev{$_}{"write"};
$s{"read"} = $$stats_now{$_}{"read"} - $$stats_prev{$_}{"read"};
push(@stats_diff, \%s);
return @stats_diff;
my $first_time = 1;
my %stats_prev;
my $time;
while (1) {
my %stats = &read_proc;
if (!$first_time) {
my @stats_diff = &diff_stats(\%stats, \%stats_prev);
my $elapsed = tv_interval($time);
my $unit = 1000 * 1000;
my $now = strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime);
@stats_diff = sort {($a->{"write"} + $a->{"read"}) <=> ($b->{"write"} + $b->{"read"})} @stats_diff;
print "=== [" . $now . "] ===\n";
foreach (@stats_diff) {
print $$_{"proc"} . ": (w) " . $$_{"write"} / ($elapsed * $unit) . "[MB/s], (r) " . $$_{"read"} / ($elapsed * $unit) . "[MB/s]\n";
%stats_prev = %stats;
$time = [gettimeofday];
$first_time = 0;
sleep 1;
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