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Last active August 28, 2020 22:57
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Monad (join)
:: (Monad m, Applicative n)
=> (forall a. a -> m ())
-> (forall a. m a -> n a)
-> (forall a. n a -> m a)
-> m a
-> m b
-> (a -> c)
-> (a -> b -> d)
-> m ()
sendBoth postToTwitter mn nm ma mb g h =
join . nm $
(\a b -> postToTwitter $ h a b)
<$> mn ((\a -> nm (mn (postToTwitter $ g a) *> pure a)) =<< ma)
<*> mn mb
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Control.Monad (join)
:: (Monad m, Applicative n)
=> (forall a. (() -> a) -> n a)
-> (forall a. m a -> n a)
-> (forall a. n a -> m a)
-> m a
-> m b
-> (a -> c)
-> (a -> b -> d)
-> (b -> e)
-> m (c, d, e)
sendBoth async mn nm ma mb g h i =
join . nm $ (\(nc, a) (ne, b) -> nm $ (,,) <$> nc <*> async (\_ -> h a b) <*> ne)
<$> ((\a -> (async (\_ -> g a), a)) <$> mn ma)
<*> ((\b -> (async (\_ -> i b), b)) <$> mn mb)
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Control.Monad (join)
:: forall m n a b c d e
. (Monad m, Applicative n)
=> (forall x. (() -> x) -> m (n x))
-> (forall x. m x -> n x)
-> (forall x. n x -> m x)
-> m a
-> m b
-> (a -> c)
-> (a -> b -> d)
-> (b -> e)
-> m (c, d, e)
sendBoth async mn nm ma mb g h i = do
((nc, a), (ne, b)) <- nm (
(,) <$> mn ((\a -> (,a) <$> async (\_ -> g a)) =<< ma)
<*> mn ((\b -> (,b) <$> async (\_ -> i b)) =<< mb)
nd <- async (\_ -> h a b)
nm $ (,,) <$> nc <*> nd <*> ne
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This demands special semantics for n () in that an interpreter for such a value treats n () *> n a such that a is made available to subsequent computations as soon as n a is performed, without "waiting to observe ()".

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async is a model of just "send this evaluation to another core".

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I'm really being made to work for this! In this third installment, n represents the ability to wait for the completion of the evaluation of an asynchronous computation.

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