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Last active October 21, 2020 17:35
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Constraint uniq external reference for two rows
-- References:
-- 69463
-- Table Definition ----------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE accounts (
id bigint DEFAULT nextval('id_seq'::regclass) PRIMARY KEY,
natural_person_id bigint,
legal_entity_id bigint,
CONSTRAINT chk_only_one_is_not_null CHECK (num_nonnulls(natural_person_id, legal_entity_id) = 1)
-- Indices -------------------------------------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_pkey ON accounts(id int8_ops);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX legal_entity_uni_idx ON accounts (legal_entity_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX natural_person_uni_idx ON accounts (natural_person_id);
-- constraint -------------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE accounts ADD CONSTRAINT chk_only_one_is_not_null CHECK (num_nonnulls(natural_person_id, legal_entity_id) = 1);
-- Will be inserted -------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO accounts (natural_person_id, legal_entity_id) VALUES (1, NULL);
INSERT INTO accounts (natural_person_id, legal_entity_id) VALUES (2, NULL);
INSERT INTO accounts (natural_person_id, legal_entity_id) VALUES (NULL, 1);
-- Will be not inserted -------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO accounts (natural_person_id, legal_entity_id) VALUES (NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO accounts (natural_person_id, legal_entity_id) VALUES (3, 2);
SELECT * FROM accounts;
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