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Created September 2, 2012 21:13
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Some old hash table code
#include "dict.h"
/* Initializes the hash table at table.
* Arguments:
* init_size: the initial number of chains in the hash table. If 0, defaults
* to a hardcoded value.
* key_hash: a hashing function that operates on keys
* key_eq: function which returns nonzero iff two keys are equal.
* Returns 1 on success, 0 on memory allocation failure
int hash_table_init(hash_table_t *table, size_t init_size,
size_t (*key_hash)(const void*),
int (*key_eq)(const void *, const void *)) {
size_t bytes;
table->mem_size = init_size ? init_size : DEFAULT_SIZE;
bytes = table->mem_size * sizeof(hash_entry_t*);
table->mem = (hash_entry_t**)
return 0;
table->load = 0;
table->key_hash = key_hash;
table->key_eq = key_eq;
memset(table->mem, 0, bytes); // Invalidate every chain
return 1;
/* Frees the memory associated with this table. To prevent memory leaks, make
* sure to obtain the entries out of this table first using
* hash_table_to_array().
void hash_table_release(hash_table_t *table) {
size_t mem_size = table->mem_size;
for(size_t i=0;i<mem_size;i++) {
if(!table->mem[i]) continue;
hash_entry_t *head, *next;
for(head = table->mem[i];head;head = next) {
next = head->next;
/* Inserts an entry in the given hash table.
* Arguments:
* table: Location of the hash table struct
* key: Key, hashable by the hashing function with which the table was
* initialized.
* value: Value to insert.
* evicted: If non-NULL, and if an entry is found with a matching key to
* this function's key parameter, the evicted key/value pair will
* be stored at this pointer.
* Returns: Negative on failure, zero on successful insert with no key/value
* pairs evicted from the table, positive on successful insert with
* key/value pairs evicted from table.
int hash_table_insert(hash_table_t *table, void *key, void *value,
dict_keyval_t *evicted) {
int ret = hash_table_loose_insert(table, key, value, evicted);
// If the original insertion failed, also fail.
if(ret < 0)
return -1;
size_t load = table->load;
dict_keyval_t *pairs;
hash_table_t new_table;
if(MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_DEN*load > MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_NUM*table->mem_size) {
// Table's load factor is too high. Build a new, larger table with the
// same elements.
new_table = *table;
new_table.load = 0;
new_table.mem_size *= 3; // Triple the size of the array
new_table.mem = (hash_entry_t**)
malloc(new_table.mem_size * sizeof(hash_entry_t*));
memset(new_table.mem, 0, new_table.mem_size * sizeof(hash_entry_t*));
goto cleanup3;
pairs = (dict_keyval_t*)
malloc(table->load * sizeof(dict_keyval_t));
if(!pairs) {
goto cleanup2;
hash_table_to_array(table, pairs);
for(size_t i=0;i<load;i++) {
if(hash_table_loose_insert(&new_table, pairs[i].key,
pairs[i].value, NULL) < 0) {
goto cleanup1;
table->mem = new_table.mem;
table->mem_size = new_table.mem_size;
return ret;
/* If we fail at any point, be sure to free up used resources and remove
* the inserted element from the hash table. We don't need to worry about
* evicted entries because we know that this insert increased the load
* factor, so it cannot have simply replaced an existing entry. */
hash_table_remove(table, key, NULL);
return -1;
/* Finds and removes the entry with the given key from the hash table.
* Arguments:
* table: Location of the hash table in memory.
* key: Key whose associated entry is to be removed from the table.
* evicted: If non-NULL, location where evicted key/value pair will be
* placed.
* Returns: Nonzero on successful removal, zero if key was not found.
int hash_table_remove(hash_table_t *table, void *key,
dict_keyval_t *evicted) {
size_t hash;
hash = (size_t) key;
hash = table->key_hash(key);
hash %= table->mem_size;
return 0;
hash_entry_t *head, *prev;
for(head = table->mem[hash];head;head = head->next) {
if((table->key_eq && table->key_eq(head->key, key)) ||
!table->key_eq && head->key == key) {
if(evicted) {
evicted->key = head->key;
evicted->value = head->value;
/* Now we must remove the entry from the list. There are two cases
* to consider: either this is the first entry in the list, and
* we need to adjust table->mem[hash], or this is not, and we need
* to adjust the previous node. */
if(head == table->mem[hash]) // This is the first entry in list
table->mem[hash] = head->next;
prev->next = head->next;
return 1;
prev = head;
return 0;
/* Searches the hash table for the given key an
* Arguments:
* table: Location of table in memory.
* key: Key for which we are to search.
* pair: If non-NULL, set to key/value pair at the entry.
* Returns: Nonzero if the hash table contains the key, zero otherwise.
int hash_table_get(hash_table_t *table, void *key, dict_keyval_t *pair) {
size_t hash;
hash = (size_t) key;
hash = table->key_hash(key);
hash %= table->mem_size;
/* If the hash chain is empty, then fail. */
return 0;
hash_entry_t *head;
for(head = table->mem[hash];head;head = head->next) {
// If the keys are equal, return true.
if((table->key_eq && table->key_eq(head->key, key)) ||
!table->key_eq && head->key == key) {
if(pair) {
pair->key = head->key;
pair->value = head->value;
return 1;
/* If we searched the whole chain and didn't find the entry, fail. */
return 0;
/* Writes out a series of key-value pairs to the array at "array", which *must*
* be large enough to hold at least table->load pairs. */
void hash_table_to_array(hash_table_t *table, dict_keyval_t *array) {
size_t j = 0;
for(size_t i=0;i<table->mem_size;i++) {
if(!table->mem[i]) continue;
hash_entry_t *head;
for(head = table->mem[i];head;head = head->next) {
array[j++] = (dict_keyval_t)
{.key = head->key, .value = head->value};
hash_iter_t hash_table_get_iter(hash_table_t *table) {
// Put cursor at first entry in the hash table
hash_iter_t iter;
iter.table = table;
iter.chain = 0;
iter.cursor = *table->mem; // Place cursor at first slot in hash table
return iter;
int hash_iter_get_next(hash_iter_t *iter, dict_keyval_t *pair) {
// While our cursor is NULL, advance to the next item
while(!iter->cursor && iter->chain < (iter->table->mem_size - 1)) {
iter->cursor = iter->table->mem[++iter->chain];
if(!iter->cursor && iter->chain >= (iter->table->mem_size - 1))
return 0;
// Now iter->cursor points to a valid item in a chain.
if(pair) {
pair->key = iter->cursor->key;
pair->value = iter->cursor->value;
iter->cursor = iter->cursor->next;
return 1;
/* Called by hash_table_insert to actually do the insertion of the element
* into the table. hash_table_insert then checks if the load factor is in
* excess of the specified maximum load factor, and then recreates the table
* if necesary. */
static int hash_table_loose_insert(hash_table_t *table, void *key, void *value,
dict_keyval_t *evicted) {
size_t hash;
hash = (size_t) key;
hash = table->key_hash(key);
hash %= table->mem_size; // Get an index into our table
// If no chain exists yet at this spot, create one
if(!table->mem[hash]) {
hash_entry_t *bucket = (hash_entry_t*) malloc(sizeof(hash_entry_t));
return -1;
bucket->key = key;
bucket->value = value;
bucket->next = NULL;
table->mem[hash] = bucket;
return 0;
/* Iterate over each entry in the chain, checking for key equality. */
for(hash_entry_t *head = table->mem[hash];head;head = head->next) {
if((table->key_eq && table->key_eq(head->key, key)) ||
!table->key_eq && head->key == key) {
if(evicted) {
evicted->key = head->key;
evicted->value = head->value;
head->key = key;
head->value = value;
return 1;
if(!head->next) {
/* We've reached the end of the chain and didn't find the key, so
* create a new bucket and append it. */
hash_entry_t *bucket = (hash_entry_t*) malloc(sizeof(hash_entry_t));
return -1;
bucket->key = key;
bucket->value = value;
bucket->next = NULL;
head->next = bucket;
return 0;
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DEFAULT_SIZE 257 // Initial number of chains in the hash table
/* Structure for a hash table bucket. */
typedef struct hash_entry_t {
void *key;
void *value;
struct hash_entry_t *next;
} hash_entry_t;
/* Generic hash table structure */
typedef struct hash_table_t {
hash_entry_t **mem; // Region of memory containing the chains
size_t mem_size; // Number of hash_entry_t pointers in mem
size_t load; // Number of elements in the hash table
size_t (*key_hash)(const void *); // Hashing function for keys
int (*key_eq)(const void *, const void *); // Equality function for keys
} hash_table_t;
typedef struct dict_keyval_t {
void *key;
void *value;
} dict_keyval_t;
// Iterator state for getting key-value pairs from the hash table
typedef struct hash_iter_t {
hash_table_t *table;
size_t chain;
hash_entry_t *cursor;
} hash_iter_t;
int hash_table_init(hash_table_t *table, size_t init_size,
size_t (*key_hash)(const void*),
int (*key_eq)(const void *, const void *));
void hash_table_release(hash_table_t *table);
int hash_table_insert(hash_table_t *table, void *key, void *value,
dict_keyval_t *evicted);
int hash_table_remove(hash_table_t *table, void *key,
dict_keyval_t *evicted);
int hash_table_get(hash_table_t *table, void *key, dict_keyval_t *pair);
void hash_table_to_array(hash_table_t *table, dict_keyval_t *array);
// Iterator functions
hash_iter_t hash_table_get_iter(hash_table_t *table);
int hash_iter_get_next(hash_iter_t *iter, dict_keyval_t *pair);
// Internal insertion helper function
static int hash_table_loose_insert(hash_table_t *table, void *key, void *value,
dict_keyval_t *evicted);
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