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Created October 4, 2013 06:39
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Classy Turing machines
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module TuringMachine where
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array
import Data.Default
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
-- |Possible moves on the tape
data Shift = ShiftLeft | ShiftRight deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
-- |Class for a tape monad with symbols in sym.
class Monad m => Tape m sym | m -> sym where
shift :: Shift -> m ()
scan :: m sym -- |Read the current symbol
store :: sym -> m () -- |Write a symbol
-- |The state of a tape backed by an array, with a "cursor" specifying an
-- index
data ArrayTapeState arr ix el = ATS {
atCursor :: ix,
atTape :: arr ix el
-- |Tape backed by an ST array. This is unsafe if the index isn't contained
-- in the array, which can happen if (ix ~ Int). This might be fixed by
-- using (i ~ Z/nZ) where n is the length of the array, thus making
-- the tape circular.
-- Type variables:
-- - ix: Type of the array index
-- - sym: Type of symbols on the tape
-- - s: Type of ST state thread
type ArrayTape ix sym s = StateT (ArrayTapeState (STArray s) ix sym) (ST s)
instance (Ix ix, Enum ix) => Tape (ArrayTape ix sym s) sym where
shift ShiftLeft = modify (\st -> st {atCursor = pred . atCursor $ st})
shift ShiftRight = modify (\st -> st {atCursor = succ . atCursor $ st})
scan = do
(ATS ix arr) <- get
lift $ readArray arr ix
store sym = do
(ATS ix arr) <- get
lift $ writeArray arr ix sym
data TM state sym = TM {
tmInit :: state,
tmTrans :: state -> sym -> Maybe (state, sym, Shift)
-- |Run a Turing machine, with effects in some tape monad
runTM :: Tape m sym => TM state sym -> m ()
runTM tm = do
sym <- scan
case tmTrans tm (tmInit tm) sym of
Just (st, sym', sh) -> do
store sym'
shift sh
runTM $ tm {tmInit = st}
Nothing -> return ()
-- Implementation of a two-state, two-symbol Turing machine
data TMSym = Blank | One deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
data TMState = StZero | StOne deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Default TMSym where
def = Blank
twoStateTM :: TM TMState TMSym
twoStateTM = TM {
tmInit = StZero,
tmTrans = \st sym -> case (st, sym) of
(StZero, Blank) -> Just (StOne, One, ShiftRight)
(StOne, Blank) -> Just (StZero, One, ShiftLeft)
(StZero, One) -> Just (StOne, One, ShiftLeft)
(StOne, One) -> Nothing
-- |Convenience function to create blank tapes
initArrayTapeState :: Default sym => Int
-> Int
-> ST s (ArrayTapeState (STArray s) Int sym)
initArrayTapeState size index = do
arr <- newListArray (0, size - 1) . replicate size $ def
return ATS {atCursor = index, atTape = arr}
-- |Helper function to unwrap the StateT monad transformer
-- and freeze the array holding the tape.
runArrayTapeState :: Ix ix => ArrayTape ix sym s a
-> ArrayTapeState (STArray s) ix sym
-> ST s (ArrayTapeState Array ix sym)
runArrayTapeState tapeAction initTape = do
tapeState <- execStateT tapeAction initTape
let mutArr = atTape tapeState
(frozenArr :: Array ix sym) <- freeze mutArr
return $ ATS (atCursor tapeState) frozenArr
-- Run a Turing machine in the ST monad. Freeze the array and print
-- out a pair (i, arr) where arr is an array representation of the
-- final contents of the tape, and i is an index representing the tape
-- head.
main = print . (atCursor &&& atTape) $ runST $ do
-- Tape of 10 elements
initState <- initArrayTapeState 10 4
runArrayTapeState (runTM twoStateTM) initState
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