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Created February 14, 2014 04:48
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Free monads in OCaml, for great referential transparency
module type Functor = sig
type 'a t
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
module type Monad = sig
type 'a t
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val return : 'a -> 'a t
val join : ('a t) t -> 'a t
module Free = functor (F : Functor) -> struct
type 'a t = Return of 'a
| Wrap of ('a t) F.t
let return a = Return a
let rec bind m f = match m with
| Return x -> f x
| Wrap x -> Wrap ( (fun m -> bind m f) x)
let join m = bind m (fun x -> x)
let map f m = bind m (fun x -> return (f x))
module MonadUtils = functor (M : Monad) -> struct
type 'a t = 'a M.t
let map =
let return = M.return
let join = M.join
let bind m f = join (map f m)
let seq m n = bind m (fun _ -> n)
module IOOp = struct
type 'a t = Print_string of (string * 'a)
| Read_string of (string -> 'a)
let map f x = match x with
| Print_string (str, cont) -> Print_string (str, f cont)
| Read_string cont -> Read_string (fun str -> f (cont str))
module FreeIO = Free(IOOp)
module IO = MonadUtils(FreeIO)
(* Run a computation in the IO monad *)
module IOInterp = struct
let rec unsafePerform m = match m with
| FreeIO.Return x -> x
| FreeIO.Wrap f -> match f with
| IOOp.Print_string (msg, cont) -> print_string msg; unsafePerform cont
| IOOp.Read_string cont -> unsafePerform (cont (read_line ()))
let main =
let print_string msg = FreeIO.Wrap (IOOp.Print_string (msg, FreeIO.Return ())) in
let read_string = FreeIO.Wrap (IOOp.Read_string (fun msg -> FreeIO.Return msg)) in
let (>>=) m n = IO.bind m n in
let (>>) m n = IO.seq m n in
print_string "What's your name? " >>
read_string >>= fun name ->
print_string "Hello, " >>
print_string name >>
print_string "\n"
let _ = IOInterp.unsafePerform main
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