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Created February 22, 2014 21:54
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Bouncing logo demo
import Signal
import Window
(block_width, block_height) = (100, 100)
speed = 1.5
dimensions = Window.dimensions
width = lift fst dimensions
height = lift snd dimensions
image = fittedImage block_width block_height ""
bound s width height = {s | vx <- if | s.x < 0 -> abs s.vx
| (s.x + block_width) > width -> -(abs s.vx)
| otherwise -> s.vx,
vy <- if | s.y < 0 -> abs s.vy
| (s.y + block_height) > height -> -(abs s.vy)
| otherwise -> s.vy}
step dt state width height =
let s = bound state width height in
{s | x <- s.x + s.vx * dt, y <- s.y + s.vy * dt}
-- Ticks with the screen dimensions every millisecond
clock = sampleOn (every millisecond) dimensions
block = foldp (\(width, height) state -> step 1.0 state (toFloat width) (toFloat height))
{x = 0, y = 0, vx = speed, vy = speed} clock
pos = lift (\s -> (s.x, s.y)) block
main = lift3 collage width height <|
combine [lift2 move pos <|
lift toForm <| lift4 container width height (constant bottomLeft) (constant image)]
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