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Created November 22, 2016 02:11
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(ns math-6.core
(:require [clojure.math.numeric-tower :refer [abs]]))
(def boundaries (range -100 100))
(defn- get-cs-after-second
[c-before-before c-before]
(when-let [c (mod c-before-before c-before)]
(if (zero? c)
(lazy-seq (cons c (get-cs-after-second c-before c))))))
(defn get-cs
[A B]
(concat [A B] (get-cs-after-second A B)))
(defn- get-k
[cs i c]
(if (< i 3)
(/ (- (nth cs (- i 2)) c)
(nth cs (dec i)))))
(defn get-ks
(map-indexed #(get-k cs %1 %2) cs))
(defn- find-a-b
[A B c]
(->> (for [a boundaries
b boundaries
:when (= c (+ (* a A) (* b B)))]
[a b])
(sort-by #(abs (first %)))
(defn get-a-bs
(map-indexed #(cond
(zero? %1) [1 0]
(= 1 %1) [0 1]
:else (find-a-b (first cs) (second cs) %2))
(defn get-table
[A B]
(let [cs (get-cs A B)
ks (get-ks cs)
a-bs (get-a-bs cs)]
(map #(apply vector %1 %2 %3) cs ks a-bs)))
(defn get-expected-table
(->> (for [A (range 2 100)
B (range 1 A)]
(get-table A B))
(filter #(= (count %) 7))
(defn print-table!
(println "c\tk_i\ta_i\tb_i\t")
(doseq [[c k a b] table]
(println c "\t" k "\t" a "\t" b)))
(print-table! (get-expected-table))
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