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Created June 14, 2019 07:12
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Scraping StackOverflow

In this project, we will be scraping StackOverflow website and:

We will divide our project into the above mentioned two goals.

Before starting our project, we need to understand few basics regarding Web Scraping.

Web Scraping Basics

Before starting our project, we need to understand few basics regarding Web Pages and Web Scraping.

When we visit a page, our browser makes a request to a web server. Most of the times, this request is a GET Request. Our web browser then receives a bunch of files, typically (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). HTML contains the content, CSS & JavaScript tell browser how to render the webpage. So, we will be mainly interested in the HTML file.


HTML has elements called tags, which help in differentiating different parts of a HTML Document. Different types of tags are:

  • html - all content is inside this tag
  • head - contains title and other related files
  • body - contains main cotent to be displayed on the webpage
  • div - division or area of a page
  • p - paragraph
  • a - links

We will get our content inside the body tag and use p and a tags for getting paragraphs and links.

HTML also has class and id properties. These properties give HTML elements names and makes it easier for us to refer to a particular element. Class can be shared among multiple elements and an element can have moer then one class. Whereas, id needs to be unique for a given element and can be used just once in the document.


The requests module in python lets us easily download pages from the web.
We can request contents of a webpage by using requests.get(), passing in target link as a parameter. This will give us a response object.

Beautiful Soup

Beautiful Soup library helps us parse contents of the webpage in an easy to use manner. It provides us with some very useful methods and attributes like:

  • find(), select_one() - retuns first occurence of the tag object that matches our filter
  • find_all(), select() - retuns a list of the tag object that matches our filter
  • children - provides list of direct nested tags of the given paramter/tag

These methods help us in extracting specific portions from the webpage.

Tip: When Scraping, we try to find common properties shared among target objects. This helps us in extracting all of them in just one or two commands.

For e.g. We want to scrap points of teams on a league table. In such a scenario, we can go to each element and extract its value. Or else, we can find a common thread (like same class, same parent + same element type) between all the points. And then, pass that common thread as an argument to BeautifulSoup. BeautifulSoup will then extract and return the elements to us.

Goal 1: Listing most tagged Languages

Now that we know the basics of Web Scraping, we will move towards our first goal.

In Goal 1, we have to list most tagged Languages along with their Tag Count. First, lets make a list of steps to follow:

Let's import all the required libraries and packages

We will download the tags page from stackoverflow, where it has all the languages listed with their tag count.



In order to acheive this, we need to understand HTML structure of the document that we have. And then, narrow down to our element of interest.

One way of doing this would be manually searching the webpage (hint: print body variable from above and search through it).
Second method, is to use the browser's Developr Tools.

We will use this second one. On Chrome, open tags page and right-click on the language name (shown in top left) and choose Inspect.

Image for Reference

Image for Reference

We can see that the Language name is inside a tag, which in turn is inside a lot of div tags. This seems, difficult to extract. Here, the class and id, we spoke about earlier comes to our rescue.

If we look more closely in the image above, we can see that the a tag has a class of post-tag. Using this class along with a tag, we can extract all the language links in a list.

[<a class="post-tag" href="/questions/tagged/javascript" rel="tag" title="show questions tagged 'javascript'">javascript</a>,
 <a class="post-tag" href="/questions/tagged/java" rel="tag" title="show questions tagged 'java'">java</a>]

Next, using list comprehension, we will extract all the language names.

['javascript', 'java', 'c#', 'php', 'android']

To extract tag counts, we will follow the same process.

On Chrome, open tags page and right-click on the tag count, next to the top language (shown in top left) and choose Inspect.

Image for Reference

Image for Reference

Here, the tag counts are inside span tag, with a class of item-multiplier-count. Using this class along with span tag, we will extract all the tag count spans in a list.

[<span class="item-multiplier-count">1824582</span>,
 <span class="item-multiplier-count">1557391</span>]

Next, using list comprehension, we will extract all the Tag Counts.

[1824582, 1557391, 1320273, 1289585, 1200130]

We will use Pandas.DataFrame to put the two lists together.
In order to make a DataFrame, we need to pass both the lists (in dictionary form) as argument to our function.

<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Languages Tag Count
0 javascript 1824582
1 java 1557391
2 c# 1320273
3 php 1289585
4 android 1200130

Now, we will plot the Top Languages along with their Tag Counts.


Now that we have collected data using web scraping one time, it won't be difficult the next time.
In Goal 2 part, we have to list questions with most votes along with their attributes, like:

  • Summary
  • Tags
  • Number of Votes
  • Number of Answers
  • Number of Views

I would suggest giving it a try on your own, then come here to see my solution.

Similar to previous step, we will make a list of steps to act upon:

We will download the questions page from stackoverflow, where it has all the top voted questions listed.

Here, I've appended ?sort=votes&pagesize=50 to the end of the defualt questions URL, to get a list of top 50 questions.


A different Scraping Function

In this section, we will use select() and select_one() to return BeautifulSoup objects as per our requierment. While find_all uses tags, select uses CSS Selectors in the filter. I personally tend to use the latter one more.

For example:

  • p a — finds all a tags inside of a p tag.'p a')

  • div.outer-text — finds all div tags with a class of outer-text.
  • div#first — finds all div tags with an id of first.
  • body p.outer-text — finds any p tags with a class of outer-text inside of a body tag.


On Chrome, open questions page and right-click on the top question and choose Inspect.

Image for Reference

Image for Reference

We can see that the question is inside a tag, which has a class of question-hyperlink.

Taking cue from our previous Goal, we can use this class along with a tag, to extract all the question links in a list. However, there are more question hyperlinks in sidebar which will also be extracted in this case. To avoid this scenario, we can combine a tag, question-hyperlink class with their parent h3 tag. This will give us exactly 50 Tags.

[<a class="question-hyperlink" href="/questions/11227809/why-is-processing-a-sorted-array-faster-than-processing-an-unsorted-array">Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?</a>,
 <a class="question-hyperlink" href="/questions/927358/how-do-i-undo-the-most-recent-local-commits-in-git">How do I undo the most recent local commits in Git?</a>]

List comprehension, to extract all the questions.

['Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?',
 'How do I undo the most recent local commits in Git?']

On Chrome, open questions page and right-click on summary of the top question and choose Inspect.

Image for Reference

Image for Reference

We can see that the question is inside div tag, which has a class of excerpt. Using this class along with div tag, we can extract all the question links in a list.

<div class="excerpt">
            Here is a piece of C++ code that shows some very peculiar behavior. For some strange reason, sorting the data miraculously makes the code almost six times faster:

#include &lt;algorithm&gt;
#include &amp;...

List comprehension, to extract all the questions.

Here, we will also use strip() method on each div's text. This is to remove both leading and trailing unwanted characters from a string.

'Here is a piece of C++ code that shows some very peculiar behavior. For some strange reason, sorting the data miraculously makes the code almost six times faster:\n\n#include <algorithm>\n#include &...'

On Chrome, open questions page and right-click on summary of the top question and choose Inspect.

Image for Reference

Image for Reference

Extracting tags per question is the most complex task in this post. Here, we cannot find unique class or id for each tag, and there are multiple tags per question that we n eed to store.

To extract tags per question, we will follow a multi-step process:

  • As shown in figure, individual tags are in a third layer, under two nested div tags. With the upper div tag, only having unique class (summary).
    • First, we will extract div with summaryclass.
    • Now notice our target div is third child overall and second div child of the above extracted object. Here, we can use nth-of-type() method to extract this 2nd div child. Usage of this method is very easy and few exmaples can be found here. This method will extract the 2nd div child directly, without extracting summary div first.

<div class="tags t-java t-cçç t-performance t-optimization t-branch-prediction">
<a class="post-tag" href="/questions/tagged/java" rel="tag" title="show questions tagged 'java'">java</a> <a class="post-tag" href="/questions/tagged/c%2b%2b" rel="tag" title="show questions tagged 'c++'">c++</a> <a class="post-tag" href="/questions/tagged/performance" rel="tag" title="show questions tagged 'performance'">performance</a> <a class="post-tag" href="/questions/tagged/optimization" rel="tag" title="show questions tagged 'optimization'">optimization</a> <a class="post-tag" href="/questions/tagged/branch-prediction" rel="tag" title="show questions tagged 'branch-prediction'">branch-prediction</a>

[<a class="post-tag" href="/questions/tagged/java" rel="tag" title="show questions tagged 'java'">java</a>,
 <a class="post-tag" href="/questions/tagged/c%2b%2b" rel="tag" title="show questions tagged 'c++'">c++</a>,
 <a class="post-tag" href="/questions/tagged/performance" rel="tag" title="show questions tagged 'performance'">performance</a>,
 <a class="post-tag" href="/questions/tagged/optimization" rel="tag" title="show questions tagged 'optimization'">optimization</a>,
 <a class="post-tag" href="/questions/tagged/branch-prediction" rel="tag" title="show questions tagged 'branch-prediction'">branch-prediction</a>]
  • Now we will run a for loop for going through each question and use list comprehension inside it, to extract the tags names.

['java', 'c++', 'performance', 'optimization', 'branch-prediction']

On Chrome, open questions page and inspect vote, answers and views for the topmost answer.

Image for Reference

Image for Reference

No. of Votes

  • They can be found by using span tag along with vote-count-post class and nested strong tags

[<strong>23111</strong>, <strong>19690</strong>]

List comprehension, to extract vote counts.

[23111, 19690, 15321, 11030, 9718]

I'm not going to post images to extract last two attributes

No. of Answers

  • They can be found by using div tag along with status class and nested strong tags. Here, we don't use answered-accepted because its not common among all questions, few of them (whose answer are not accepted) have the class - answered.

[<strong>22</strong>, <strong>78</strong>]

List comprehension, to extract answer counts.

[22, 78, 38, 40, 34]

No. of Views

  • For views, we can see two options. One is short form in number of millions and other is full number of views. We will extract the full version.
  • They can be found by using div tag along with supernova class. Then we need to clean the string and convert it into integer format.

<div class="views supernova" title="1,362,267 views">

List comprehension, to extract vote counts.

[1362267, 7932952, 7011126, 2550002, 2490787]

<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
question summary tags no_of_votes no_of_answers no_of_views
0 Why is processing a sorted array faster than p... Here is a piece of C++ code that shows some ve... [java, c++, performance, optimization, branch-... 23111 22 1362267
1 How do I undo the most recent local commits in... I accidentally committed the wrong files to Gi... [git, version-control, git-commit, undo] 19690 78 7932952
2 How do I delete a Git branch locally and remot... I want to delete a branch both locally and rem... [git, git-branch, git-remote] 15321 38 7011126
3 What is the difference between 'git pull' and ... Moderator Note: Given that this question has a... [git, git-pull, git-fetch] 11030 40 2550002
4 What is the correct JSON content type? I've been messing around with JSON for some ti... [json, http-headers, content-type] 9718 34 2490787


Here, we may observe that there is no collinearity between the votes, views and answers related to a question.

Useful Resources:

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