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Last active October 28, 2017 21:58
Data loading state machine enum
enum DataSourceState<D,E> {
case Empty
case Loading(Box<D?>)
case Ready(Box<D>)
case Error(Box<E>,Box<D?>)
func toLoading() -> DataSourceState {
switch self {
case .Ready(let oldData):
let value: D? = oldData.value
return .Loading(Box(value))
return .Loading(Box(nil))
func toError(error:E) -> DataSourceState {
switch self {
case .Loading(let oldData):
return .Error(Box(error),Box(oldData.value))
assert(false, "Invalid state transition to .Error from other than .Loading")
func toReady(data: D) -> DataSourceState {
switch self {
case .Loading:
return .Ready(Box(data))
assert(false, "Invalid state transition to .Ready from other than .Loading")
var data: D? {
switch self {
case .Empty:
return nil
case .Ready(let data):
return data.value
case .Loading(let data):
return data.value
case .Error(_, let data):
return data.value
var error: E? {
switch self {
case .Error(let error, _):
return error.value
return nil
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pappalar commented Jun 1, 2017

Hi! I saw this Gist on

I really like the idea of using function to handle the validity of state changes.
However I have a question for API design.

With this API I cannot forbid somebody else using my state (for example as part of a Framework) the wrong way.

If the developer changes always state like:

self.state = state.toLoading()

then every state change works fine.

however this does not forbid them to do

self.state = .loading

and removing the checks on state validity.
Do you have any ideas on how to mask it for the enum?

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