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Forked from bobspace/css_colors.js
Last active October 15, 2016 10:01
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All of the CSS Color names as an array in javascript.
// CSS Color Names
// Compiled by @bobspace.
// A javascript array containing all of the color names listed in the CSS Spec.
// The full list can be found here:
// Use it as you please, 'cuz you can't, like, own a color, man.
var CSS_COLOR_NAMES = {"aliceblue":1, "antiquewhite":1, "aqua":1, "aquamarine":1, "azure":1, "beige":1, "bisque":1, "black" :1, "blanchedalmond":1, "blue":1, "blueviolet":1, "brown":1, "burlywood":1, "cadetblue":1, "chartreuse":1, "chocolate":1, " coral":1, "cornflowerblue":1, "cornsilk":1, "crimson":1, "cyan":1, "darkblue":1, "darkcyan":1, "darkgoldenrod":1, "darkgray ":1, "darkgrey":1, "darkgreen":1, "darkkhaki":1, "darkmagenta":1, "darkolivegreen":1, "darkorange":1, "darkorchid":1, "dark red":1, "darksalmon":1, "darkseagreen":1, "darkslateblue":1, "darkslategray":1, "darkslategrey":1, "darkturquoise":1, "dark violet":1, "deeppink":1, "deepskyblue":1, "dimgray":1, "dimgrey":1, "dodgerblue":1, "firebrick":1, "floralwhite":1, "forest green":1, "fuchsia":1, "gainsboro":1, "ghostwhite":1, "gold":1, "goldenrod":1, "gray":1, "grey":1, "green":1, "greenyellow" :1, "honeydew":1, "hotpink":1, "indianred":1, "indigo":1, "ivory":1, "khaki":1, "lavender":1, "lavenderblush":1, "lawngreen ":1, "lemonchiffon":1, "lightblue":1, "lightcoral":1, "lightcyan":1, "lightgoldenrodyellow":1, "lightgray":1, "lightgrey":1 , "lightgreen":1, "lightpink":1, "lightsalmon":1, "lightseagreen":1, "lightskyblue":1, "lightslategray":1, "lightslategrey" :1, "lightsteelblue":1, "lightyellow":1, "lime":1, "limegreen":1, "linen":1, "magenta":1, "maroon":1, "mediumaquamarine":1, "mediumblue":1, "mediumorchid":1, "mediumpurple":1, "mediumseagreen":1, "mediumslateblue":1, "mediumspringgreen":1, "mediu mturquoise":1, "mediumvioletred":1, "midnightblue":1, "mintcream":1, "mistyrose":1, "moccasin":1, "navajowhite":1, "navy":1 , "oldlace":1, "olive":1, "olivedrab":1, "orange":1, "orangered":1, "orchid":1, "palegoldenrod":1, "palegreen":1, "paleturq uoise":1, "palevioletred":1, "papayawhip":1, "peachpuff":1, "peru":1, "pink":1, "plum":1, "powderblue":1, "purple":1, "red" :1, "rosybrown":1, "royalblue":1, "saddlebrown":1, "salmon":1, "sandybrown":1, "seagreen":1, "seashell":1, "sienna":1, "sil ver":1, "skyblue":1, "slateblue":1, "slategray":1, "slategrey":1, "snow":1, "springgreen":1, "steelblue":1, "tan":1, "teal" :1, "thistle":1, "tomato":1, "turquoise":1, "violet":1, "wheat":1, "white":1, "whitesmoke":1, "yellow":1, "yellowgreen":1};
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