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Created July 27, 2018 10:49
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Thu Jul 26 02:46:13 EDT 2018
Tadah. I finally installed Debian 9 with Xfce4.
Everything is noticeably smooth and faster,
compared to Winlag 10. I initially tried installing
Debian testing, but it seems there was a problem
with the build (something about lvm modules not being loaded).
No matter, not having the latest packages from apt repository
shouldn't be much of a problem.
The things I did have a bit of trouble with were:
(1) Booting linux
(2) Wireless card driver
As for (1), the first thing I tried was .exe installer
from from disc image. It didn't work, so I went with the
usual route: booting from a flashdrive. The thing with
these recent windows laptops is that they don't show
the POST/BIOS info when I boot them up.
Funny I need to shift-click restart from windows, then select
some shit menu item so I could just get to the BIOS setup.
Gladly I altered some settings so I could open the BIOS setup
by pressing F10, and also selecting boot device by F9.
Oh yeah, Prior to that, I also did disable fastboot on windows, as well
as secure boot from BIOS. Wew.
Then after after a successful debian installation, I rebooted
but I didn't see a grub menu so the fuck I said, but F9-ing
from boot, I actually could select debian partition
and finally boot linux/debian/gnu!?!?! Double wew.
For (2), I actually assumed it was using an intel wireless card
because it's was using intel core, so I installed firmware-iwlwifi.
But nope, I've read at least three debian wiki about wifi and wireless.
lsmod, lscpi, dmesg... none of these $DEROGATORY__IST_WORD could find
my shit wireless card. I resigned for the day and went back to windows
to watch weaboo toons. As a side note, Hanebado was actually fun to watch.
While on windows, I checked what the model name of my wireless, and it was
actually Realtek rtl8723DE. Figures. The following day,
I first googled the model name, and I saw github repo.
I installed firmware-realtek, because I'd rather not build from source.
But still nope. I went back to debian wikis for answers, some package specifically.
I depmod'ed and rebooted several, hoping I just missed a step. Nothing.
I went with the source building instead. Build failed.
I found a forum, pointing a different repository. Build successful,
but dmesg reports failing to load a (wrong) wireless module.
Sunnabvakvetch installed the wrong module...
I aptremoved the fucker out of system.
I went back to the original repo, and _actually_ read
the error messages. Missing bc and headers.
For bc, I just apt install bc
For the missing linux header, it was actually because
the kernel version is incompatible.
I checked out the branch 4.9-down, and build successful.
I rebooted and finally, finally, be able to connect
Fri Jul 27 06:31:37 EDT 2018
Well, for today I tried getting into my
ideal fullstack environment with typescript/express
with server-side rendering, and as well code-sharing
between client and server. I get didn't far. The thing
I had trouble most with was the guddarn modules.
Typescript couldn't damn find it's modules even
it's right front of its typed ass.
I resigned to using starter projects, but
I ended up with a fatigue because of indecisiveness
with all the choices I have. This is a
shallow rabbit hole that spans a two continents.
I'll try again after reading a bit about modules
for node and typescript.
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