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Created February 17, 2017 22:14
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# ESX Start Host deployment Settings
$ESXIP = ""
$ESXUser = "root"
$ESXPWD = "VMware1!"
# VCSA Configuration
$VCSACDDrive = "D:\"
$SSODomainName = ""
$VCNAME = "vlab-vcsa"
$VCUser = "Administrator@$SSODomainName"
$VCPass = "VMware1!"
$VCIP = ""
$VCDNS = ""
$VCGW = ""
$VCNetPrefix = "24"
$VCSADeploymentSize = "tiny"
# vCenter Configuration
$SSOSiteName = "vlab"
$datacenter = "vlab-dc"
$cluster = "vlab-mgmt"
$ntpserver = ""
# VSAN Configuration
#$VSANPolicy = '(("hostFailuresToTolerate" i1) ("forceProvisioning" i1))'
#$VMKNetforVSAN = "Management Network"
# General Settings
$verboseLogFile = "$ENV:Temp\vsphere65-NUC-lab-deployment.log"
# End of configuration
Function My-Logger {
$timeStamp = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_hh:mm:ss"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White "[$timestamp]"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " $message"
$logMessage = "[$timeStamp] $message"
$logMessage | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
$StartTime = Get-Date
Write-Host "Writing Log files to $verboselogfile" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ""
If (-not (Test-Path "$($VCSACDDrive)vcsa-cli-installer\win32\vcsa-deploy.exe")){
Write-Host "VCSA media not found at $($VCSACDDrive) please mount it and try again"
My-Logger "Connecting to ESXi Host: $ESXIP ..."
$connection = Connect-viserver $ESXIP -user $ESXUser -Password $ESXPWD -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
My-Logger "Enabling SSH Service for future troubleshooting ..."
Start-VMHostService -HostService (Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostService | Where { $_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} ) | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Configuring NTP server to $ntpserver and retarting service ..."
Get-VMHost | Add-VMHostNtpServer $ntpserver | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostFirewallException | where {$_.Name -eq "NTP client"} | Set-VMHostFirewallException -Enabled:$true | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
Get-VMHost | Get-VmHostService | Where-Object {$_.key -eq "ntpd"} | Start-VMHostService | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
Get-VMhost | Get-VmHostService | Where-Object {$_.key -eq "ntpd"} | Set-VMHostService -policy "automatic" | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
#Configure VSAN Bootstrap (
#My-Logger "Setting the VSAN Policy for ForceProvisiong ..."
#$esxcli = get-esxcli -V2
#$VSANPolicyDefaults = $esxcli.vsan.policy.setdefault.CreateArgs()
#$VSANPolicyDefaults.policy = $VSANPolicy
#$VSANPolicyDefaults.policyclass = "vdisk"
#$esxcli.vsan.policy.setdefault.Invoke($VSANPolicyDefaults) | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
#$VSANPolicyDefaults.policyclass = "vmnamespace"
#$esxcli.vsan.policy.setdefault.Invoke($VSANPolicyDefaults) | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
# Create new VSAN Cluster
#My-Logger "Creating a new VSAN Cluster ..."
#$ | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
#$VSANDisks = $ | Where {$_.isremovable -eq "false"} | Sort size
#"Found the following disks to use for VSAN:" | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
#$VSANDisks | FT | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
#$Performance = $VSANDisks[0]
#"Using $($Performance.Model) for Performance disk" | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
#$Capacity = $VSANDisks[1]
#"Using $($Capacity.Model) for Capacity disk" | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
#My-Logger "Tagging $($Capacity.Model) as Capacity ..."
#$capacitytag = $
#$capacitytag.disk = $Capacity.Device
#$capacitytag.tag = "capacityFlash"
#$$capacitytag) | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
#My-Logger "Create VSAN Diskgroup to back VSAN Cluster ..."
#$addvsanstorage = $
#$addvsanstorage.ssd = $Performance.Device
#$addvsanstorage.disks = $Capacity.device
#$$addvsanstorage) | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Deploying VCSA using Script CLI + JSON ..."
$config = (get-content –raw “$($VCSACDDrive)vcsa-cli-installer\templates\install\embedded_vCSA_on_ESXi.json” ) | convertfrom-json
$config.'new.vcsa'.esxi.hostname = $ESXIP
$config.'new.vcsa'.esxi.username = $ESXUser
$config.'new.vcsa'.esxi.password = $ESXPWD
$config.'new.vcsa'.esxi.datastore = "vLab-NFS-DS-SSD"
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.ip = $VCIP
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.'dns.servers'[0] = $VCDNS
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.gateway = $VCGW
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.'' = $VCIP #Change to $VCName if you have DNS setup
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.prefix = $VCNetPrefix
$config.'new.vcsa'.os.password = $VCPass
$config.'new.vcsa'.appliance.'deployment.option' = $VCSADeploymentSize
$config.'new.vcsa'.sso.password = $VCPass
$config.'new.vcsa'.sso.'site-name' = $SSOSiteName
$config.'new.vcsa'.sso.'domain-name' = $SSODomainName
$config | convertto-json | set-content –path “$($ENV:Temp)\jsontemplate.json”
invoke-expression “$($VCSACDDrive)vcsa-cli-installer\win32\vcsa-deploy.exe install --no-esx-ssl-verify --accept-eula --acknowledge-ceip $($ENV:Temp)\jsontemplate.json” | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
#My-Logger "Enable VSAN Traffic on VMKernel Network ..."
#$VMKernel = Get-VMHost $ESXIP | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMKernel | Where {$_.PortGroupName -eq $VMKNetforVSAN }
#$IsVSANEnabled = $VMKernel | Where { $_.VsanTrafficEnabled}
#If (-not $IsVSANEnabled) {
# My-Logger "Enabling VSAN Kernel on $VMKernel ..."
# $VMKernel | Set-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VsanTrafficEnabled $true -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
#} Else {
# My-Logger "VSAN Kernel already enabled on $VmKernel ..."
My-Logger "Disconnecting from ESXi Host: $ESXIP ..."
Disconnect-VIServer $ESXIP -Force -Confirm:$false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
My-Logger "Connecting to vCenter: $VCIP ..."
$connection = Connect-VIServer -Server $VCIP -User $VCUser -Password $vcpass -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
My-Logger "Creating Datacenter: $datacenter ..."
New-Datacenter -Name $datacenter -Location (Get-Folder -Type Datacenter) | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Creating Cluster: $cluster ..."
New-Cluster -Name $cluster -Location (Get-Datacenter -Name $datacenter) -DrsEnabled -VsanEnabled | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Adding ESXi Host $ESXIP to vCenter ..."
Add-VMHost -Location (Get-Cluster -Name $cluster) -User $ESXUser -Password $ESXPWD -Name $ESXIP -Force | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Setting the VCSA NTP server to: $NTPServer ..."
Connect-CISServer -Server $VCIP -User $VCUser -Password $VCPass
(Get-CISService com.vmware.appliance.techpreview.ntp.server).set(@($NTPServer)) | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Configuring Host syslog to VC ..."
Get-VMHost | Set-VMHostSysLogServer -SysLogServer $VCIP | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Acknowledging Alarms on the cluster ..."
$alarmMgr = Get-View AlarmManager
Get-Cluster | where {$_.ExtensionData.TriggeredAlarmState} | %{
$cluster = $_
$Cluster.ExtensionData.TriggeredAlarmState | %{
$alarmMgr.AcknowledgeAlarm($_.Alarm,$vm.ExtensionData.MoRef) | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
#My-Logger "Creating @lamw Content Library with Nested ESXi Images ..."
# Get a Datastore to create the content library on
#$datastoreID = (Get-Datastore "vsanDatastore").extensiondata.moref.value
# Get the Service that works with Subscribed content libraries
#$ContentCatalog = Get-CisService com.vmware.content.subscribed_library
# Create a Subscribed content library on an existing datastore
#$createSpec = $
#$createSpec.subscription_info.authentication_method = "NONE"
#$createSpec.subscription_info.ssl_thumbprint = "69:d9:9e:e9:0b:4b:68:24:09:2b:ce:14:d7:4a:f9:8c:bd:c6:5a:e9"
#$createSpec.subscription_info.automatic_sync_enabled = $true
#$createSpec.subscription_info.subscription_url = ""
#$createSpec.subscription_info.on_demand = $false
#$createSpec.subscription_info.password = $null
#$createSpec.server_guid = $null
#$ = "virtuallyGhetto CL"
#$createSpec.description = "@lamw CL:"
#$createSpec.type = "SUBSCRIBED"
#$createSpec.publish_info = $null
#$datastoreID = [VMware.VimAutomation.Cis.Core.Types.V1.ID]$datastoreID
#$StorageSpec = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
# datastore_id = $datastoreID
# type = "DATASTORE"
# }
#$UniqueID = [guid]::NewGuid().tostring()
#$ContentCatalog.create($UniqueID, $createspec) | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
#My-Logger "Changing the default VSAN VM Storage Policy to FTT=0 & Force Provisioning to Yes ..."
#$VSANPolicy = Get-SpbmStoragePolicy "Virtual SAN Default Storage Policy"
#$Ruleset = New-SpbmRuleSet -Name “Rule-set 1” -AllOfRules @((New-SpbmRule -Capability VSAN.forceProvisioning $True), (New-SpbmRule -Capability VSAN.hostFailuresToTolerate 0))
#$VSANPolicy | Set-SpbmStoragePolicy -RuleSet $Ruleset | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Enabling VM Autostart for the VCSA VM ..."
$VCVM = Get-VM
$vmstartpolicy = Get-VMStartPolicy -VM $VCVM
Set-VMHostStartPolicy (Get-VMHost $ESXIP | Get-VMHostStartPolicy) -Enabled:$true | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
Set-VMStartPolicy -StartPolicy $vmstartpolicy -StartAction PowerOn -StartDelay 0 | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Enabling SSH on VCSA for easier troubleshooting ..."
$vcsassh = Get-CIsService com.vmware.appliance.access.ssh
$EndTime = Get-Date
$duration = [math]::Round((New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime).TotalMinutes,2)
My-Logger "================================"
My-Logger "vSphere Lab Deployment Complete!"
My-Logger "StartTime: $StartTime"
My-Logger " EndTime: $EndTime"
My-Logger " Duration: $duration minutes"
Write-Host ""
My-Logger "Access the vSphere Web Client at https://$VCIP/vsphere-client/"
My-Logger "Access the HTML5 vSphere Web Client at https://$VCIP/ui/"
My-Logger "Browse the vSphere REST APIs using the API Explorer here: https://$VCIP/apiexplorer/"
My-Logger "================================"
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