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Last active March 9, 2020 11:28
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Idioms, Phrases, Slangs, Proverbs
Date : 12/5/19
Hit the hay : tired & want to go to sleep
To be in one's shoes : facing same situation same as one.
having same problem as another
To get foot in the door : to begin with
Latin :
Cogito, ergo Sum : I think , So I Am
Acta non verba : It is better to do well than to say well.
maden agan : nothin in excess, / everything in moderate
Thou wilt find rest from vain fancies if thou doest every act in life as though it were thy last meaning
carpe diem : live fuuly in present and spent little time to think about future
Acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt : Mortal actions never deiceve the gods
Ref :
Good Para :
like all rivers the river ahead of us already exists before we arrive there. In the same way the future already exists now.
Not in a pre-determined sense but at least as some potentiality. As we arrive at the future moment our arrival marks the
passage from the fluid form that we call future to the definitive solid form that we experience as the past.
We do not create time by passing through it; we simply freeze it in its tracks.
One cannot step twice in same river. ( be adaptive )
You reap what you sow. ( actions & result of actions )
Burn Daylight ( Waste time )
rubs it on someone : keep talking abt someone that makes him/her embarrased/upset
a volatile argument
all virtue is summed up in dealing justly
Slangs :
BuzzWords :
Articles :
philosophy :
1] Life after death - (
[ life, soul, spirit, righteous, wicked, divine ]
-> Death is am unconquerable foe
is a cloud of inevitable mortality
-> Soul is immoral entity
2] Conflicts - Science & Spirituality (
3] The Non-Locality of Self
Personal Trasformation : mind shapes our perception of reality
So We could change our experience of reality by altering our minds.
Reality : It is not fixed that we exist in & don't have to take as given.
It can be altered and creative role is own to us.
This insight is heart & Soul of Conscious Evolution
It is much bigger than what previously thought
Our spiritual awakenings and realizations confront us with an experience of a reality that lies beyond our current perception.
4] Science - Spirituality Conflicts
Facts vs faith based, Analytical & Moral Network ( 2 suppress each other ), theoritaical vs practical
-> Believe in religion, spiritual - empathic feelings, concerns & views
analytical thinking : disbelief in spiritual/religious idea. Why ?
faith requires disengagement of brain networks
Moral thinking : correlated with meditation, doing prayer
Religion & Science,actually are different kind of insight
Taking a leap of faith involves shutting down brain regions involved in analytic reason
5] Beyond Human perspectives - (
ref : [ Aristotle Logic behind ]
Latin :
Tea = gossip, (spill tea)
Beat = makeup
Snatched = looks good
Gucci = good
keep it 100 = keep it real
garden-variety { old }
slice ! dice ! makes juliene fries !
Buzz Word
cathedral thinking
Date : 30/12/19
Risk Appetitie - level of risk you can accept
needless frills - choti choti bato mai badi badi bate karna
trash talks
fortunate happenstance - unexpected happiness
frenzy of discord - a tiff or quarrel
pesky details
nifty things
regular, old, garden-variety
shiny, new, fancy
Date : 26/11/19
hurling abuses : shout at someone in loud and angry way, insult, accusations
volatile arguments : changing at any time
belitteling each other : feel oppenent dismissive
colonialism : acquiring full/partial political control over country & exploiting it economically
gamut : scope, range, span, spectrum
insinuating : suggest/hinting somehting bad in indirect/unpleasant way
obfuscate : obscure, confuse, unclear, unintelligeble
oneiric : relating to dream
reposte : counterstroke ( i.e in speech )
epistemic : related to knowledege or degree of its validation
latch : hold, grab
vapid : dull or uninteresting
impavid : fearless
frill : unnecessary extra features or embellishment
berserk : mad, crazy, insane, frenzied
frenzied : wildly excited or uncontrolled
Nefarious : wicked or underhanded, skullduggery
Draconian : severe and harsh ( related to laws or rules )
ineffable : too great / overwhelming to be expressed in words
bonhomie : friendliness, amicable
Vexed : irritated or annoyed
scarf : eat quickly & voraciously, scorff
snarf :
Obliteration : Complete Destruction, Annihilation
plaintiff : person who bring case against another
snollygoster : shrewd, unprincipled person
vacillate : be indecisive, dither
arcane : undertsand by few, mysterious, secret, hidden
serendipity : smthng pleasant you were not looking for
fortunate happenstance
Fanfaronade : trash talks, boasting, empty bragging
Loquacious : easily talkative
luddite :reluctant about new technology
tinselry : cheap and pretentious display
deipnosophist : adept conversational at meal
splore : floric, revel, carouse
lively, overwhelmed, noisy in delighted
imponderabilia : things that cannot be precisely determined, measured, evaluated
beaucoup : numerous, much
corybantic : frenzied, agitated, unrestrained
postprandial : after meal, especially after dinner
obdurate : stubborn, obstinate, unyielding
flinting : unyielding, unmerciful, obdurate
mythomane : person with strong/irresistable tendency of lying, exaggerating, fanatasizing
anew : in a new & different way, once more, again
euchred : utterly done in, exhausted
rechauffe : warmed up dish or food
pesky : annoying
nifty : skilful, useful, effective
attractive or stylish
glean : obtain, get, take, gather after quite difficulty
inveigle : to entice, lure, ensnare by flattery/artful talk
gree : price for victory
fettle : state, condition
desuetude : the state of being no longer used/practiced
conciliate : overcome distrust/hostility of, win over
quiddity : the quality that make thing what it is, essential quality
plethoric : overfull, inflated, turgid, bombastic
thersitical : scurrilous, foulmouthed, groslly abusive
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