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Created November 7, 2014 06:40
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var tessel = require('tessel')
, fs = require('fs')
, ambient = require('ambient-attx4').use(tessel.port['A'])
, audio = require('audio-vs1053b').use(tessel.port['D']);
var audioFile = fs.readFileSync('sample.mp3') // load mp3 into memory (small 29kb - 2.5 secs)
, timeout = 1000 * 60 // how long to wait after trigger and actions have happened.
, threshold = .2 // ambient noise trigger
, queue = 2; // number of modules to wait for
ambient.on('ready', dequeue);
audio.on('ready', setVolume);
function watch () {
console.log('ready and listening');
var IntervalId = setInterval(function(){
ambient.getSoundLevel( function(err, sdata) {
console.log('getting sound level', sdata);
if(err) return error(err);
if(sdata >= threshold) {
setTimeout(action, 1000); // tried adding timeout here... made no difference
}, 1000);
function action (){
console.log('playing audio');, function(err){ // this sounds like crap... choppy small clips... never waited for it to complete. Minutes?
console.log('done playing'); // script never gets to this line
if(err) error(err);
if(err) error(err);
console.log('reseting audio');
setTimeout(watch, timeout); // done handling trigger, go back to listening
function dequeue() {
if(--queue <= 0) watch();
function setVolume(){
console.log('adjusting volume');
audio.setVolume(10, function(err){
if(err) error(err);
function error(err){
console.error("ERROR: ", err);
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