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Created April 18, 2017 19:47
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autoscaling_enter_standby() {
local instance_id=$1
local asg_name=${2}
msg "Checking if this instance has already been moved in the Standby state"
local instance_state=$(get_instance_state_asg $instance_id)
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
msg "Unable to get this instance's lifecycle state."
return 1
if [ "$instance_state" == "Standby" ]; then
msg "Instance is already in Standby; nothing to do."
return 0
if [ "$instance_state" == "Pending:Wait" ]; then
msg "Instance is Pending:Wait; nothing to do."
return 0
if [ "$HANDLE_PROCS" = "true" ]; then
msg "Checking ASG ${asg_name} suspended processes"
# Suspend troublesome processes while deploying
msg "Checking to see if Lambda has added item to DynamoDB table"
msg "Checking to see if ASG ${asg_name} will let us decrease desired capacity"
local min_desired=$($AWS_CLI autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \
--auto-scaling-group-name "${asg_name}" \
--query 'AutoScalingGroups[0].[MinSize, DesiredCapacity]' \
--output text)
local min_cap=$(echo $min_desired | awk '{print $1}')
local desired_cap=$(echo $min_desired | awk '{print $2}')
if [ -z "$min_cap" -o -z "$desired_cap" ]; then
msg "Unable to determine minimum and desired capacity for ASG ${asg_name}."
msg "Attempting to put this instance into standby regardless."
set_flag "asgmindecremented" "false"
elif [ $min_cap == $desired_cap -a $min_cap -gt 0 ]; then
local new_min=$(($min_cap - 1))
msg "Decrementing ASG ${asg_name}'s minimum size to $new_min"
msg $($AWS_CLI autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group \
--auto-scaling-group-name "${asg_name}" \
--min-size $new_min)
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
msg "Failed to reduce ASG ${asg_name}'s minimum size to $new_min. Cannot put this instance into Standby."
return 1
msg "ASG ${asg_name}'s minimum size has been decremented, creating flag in file $FLAGFILE"
# Create a "flag" denote that the ASG min has been decremented
set_flag "asgmindecremented" "true"
msg "No need to decrement ASG ${asg_name}'s minimum size"
set_flag "asgmindecremented" "false"
msg "Putting instance $instance_id into Standby"
$AWS_CLI autoscaling enter-standby \
--instance-ids $instance_id \
--auto-scaling-group-name "${asg_name}" \
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
msg "Failed to put instance $instance_id into Standby for ASG ${asg_name}."
return 1
msg "Waiting for move to Standby to finish"
wait_for_state "autoscaling" $instance_id "Standby"
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
local wait_timeout=$(($WAITER_INTERVAL * $WAITER_ATTEMPTS))
msg "Instance $instance_id did not make it to standby after $wait_timeout seconds"
return 1
return 0
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