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Last active May 12, 2020 23:56
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DTR for RomCOm

Learning Goals

  • Ian would like to become more fluent with JS
  • Naomi would like to improve pseudocoding and confidence in her own coding ability


  • Ian is more familiar with Divide and Conquor, but is open to using Driver Navigator as well
  • Naomi prefers Driver Navigator for projects, so that the whole project is collaborative

Communication Styles

  • we agree that communicating through messages is valuable for relating minor issues or details or to confirm something we have agreed to, but we both prefer speaking directly and preferably where we can the other person's face

Work Style

  • Ian and Naomi are both "Mavericks" in the Pairing survey. We are both pretty driven and we like to work for longer periods of time, and take moderate breaks. We will try 1.5 hour every weekday in addition to any scheduled worktime
  • on weekends we will work 3 hour and a half sessions depending on progress


  • Ian and Naomi feel that their strengths coincide with each other, include being flexible, they are both always willing to try a new approach. they are both calm and patient when things are not going well, they do not get frustrated easily.
  • Since Ian and Naomi have similar strengths and attitudes towards challenges, they will probably not run into conflicts over small things

Past Experiences

  • Ian has been on a project with a friend who had personal issues that impacted the project, and worked at being supportive, and the other person did not seem to be giving anything back.
  • Naomi worked on a project with peers who were not willing to put in very much time and were ok with a mediocre product. I also worked an another project were my partner and I worked long hard hours, but remained light hearted, we laughed a lot and learned a lot more.

Making Decisions

  • We have decided to aim for a functioning project and not worry about hitting a 4.
  • If we do not agree on the direction that the project is going or the methods to get there, we will ask our program manager for input.

Overcoming Obstacles

  • Talk through or pseudocode the problem
  • Check MDN docs or other online resources
  • reach out to peers or mentors
  • reach out to program manager


  • Naomi works best in a quiet environment
  • Ian listens to quiet music (which is not intrusive)
  • We have the resources that we need

Scheduling Constraints

  • Naomi has regularly scheduled appointments with mentors
  • Ian prefers to have a break after class each day

Giving Feedback

  • Naomi and Ian are both open and straightforward people, feedback will be given before issues become pressing.
  • Communication will be framed positively and both parties will confirm that they are ready to give/recieve feedback

Technical Strengths

  • Ian feels secure with his HTML skills and would like to cement his Javascript
  • Naomi is comfortable with basic JS (like event listeners) but would like to improve in more complex Javascript


  • Slack
  • Atom
  • MDN Docs
  • Mentors

Feature Issues

  • Maintain calm and find the humur in the situation
  • takes breaks as needed
  • PseudoCode everything
  • If we are not moving forward, we will reach out for help after no more than 30 minutes

Measuring Success

  • Both team members understand every piece of the code
  • Both team members have gained new/deeper understanding of web developement
  • Completing Iteration 2 with no bugs is a minimum goal

Recognizing and Celebrating Success

  • Verbal recongnition of overcoming personal obstacles
  • We will have Retros on Thurs, Sat and Tues

Day One Agenda

  • Work from 5 to 6:30

  • Read through all the code

  • Pseudocode and begin to strategize

  • Begin

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