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Last active May 19, 2020 23:20
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Project Romcom: Romance Novel Generator

Paired project by Naomi Ware & Ian Holladay

Turing's 2005FE week 2 paired projects

The link to our project can be found here:

Project Overview

We designed a webpage using primarily JavaScript (the HTML and CSS were provided by our instructors) that generates a random romcom novel cover, and has functionality to create and save custom covers based on user input. In short, this webpage will:

  • Generate random romcom covers
  • Create custom covers from user input form
  • Save random and user input covers if desired
  • View saved covers on a separate page
  • Delete saved covers

Learning Goals

  • Write clean, DRY JavaScript to store our data
  • Use a provided class by creating object instances using the new keyword
  • Manipulate the page after is has loaded adding, removing, and updating elements on the DOM
  • Understand event bubbling and use event delegation on dynamic elements
  • Begin to understand how to write effective, clean HTML & CSS


  • Both partners understanding every line of code in our project (yay learning!)
  • Being able to work on and complete a project remotely from one another
  • Integrating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Better understanding git workflow-e.g. push/pull requests, branches, and merging of said branches
  • The app actually works!


  • Working remotely
  • Using Git workflow consistently and effectively
  • Learning how to manipulate the DOM
  • Learning how to integrate multiple data types
  • Understanding event bubbling
  • Learning how to utilize adjacent HTML insertion

Contact us on GitHub at: -Ian Holladay -Naomi Ware

This is the home page. It is what you will see when the page loads.

image of home page

On this page, users can create a custom cover (as weird and cheesy as they like).

image of form page

Here is a picture of our saved cover page. You can a collection of covers we had saved.

image of saved covers page

Here is a gif of our page in action!

Project spec & rubric can be found here:

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