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Created November 18, 2014 02:18
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Calculates an arc by cutting apart cylinders. Only good in the z plane.
/* Yet Another Arc Library
* Calculates an arc by cutting apart cylinders. Only good in the z plane.
* What's kind of nice is that you can jsut specify what the coordinates of
* your arc should start and end at.
* Only good up to 180 degrees.
function scalar(vec) = sqrt(pow(vec.x, 2) + pow(vec.y, 2) + pow(vec.z, 2));
module arc(startCoordinates, endCoordinates, degrees, height, width) {
deltaCoordinates = endCoordinates - startCoordinates;
currArcLength = scalar(deltaCoordinates);
radius = currArcLength / (2 * sin(degrees/2));
render() {
rotate(atan2(-deltaCoordinates.y, -deltaCoordinates.x))
lineUpArc(currArcLength, degrees, radius, height, width);
cylinder(h = height, d = width);
cylinder(h = height, d = width);
module lineUpArc(currArcLength, degrees, radius, height, width) {
outerArcDiameter = radius * 2 + width;
innerArcDiameter = radius * 2 - width;
translate([currArcLength/2,-cos(degrees / 2)*radius,0])
rotate(degrees / 2)
roughArc(outerArcDiameter, innerArcDiameter, degrees, height);
module roughArc(outerArcDiameter, innerArcDiameter, degrees, height) {
difference() {
rotate(180 - degrees) difference() {
hollowCylinder(outerArcDiameter, innerArcDiameter, height);
translate([-outerArcDiameter / 2, -outerArcDiameter / 2, 0])
cube([outerArcDiameter / 2, outerArcDiameter, height]);
translate([-outerArcDiameter / 2, -outerArcDiameter / 2, 0])
cube([outerArcDiameter / 2, outerArcDiameter, height]);
module hollowCylinder(outerArcDiameter, innerArcDiameter, height) {
difference() {
cylinder(h = height, d = outerArcDiameter);
cylinder(h = height, d = innerArcDiameter);
// Several Different Arcs
translate([0, 0, 0])
arc([0,0,0], [0,5,0], 30, 7, 1);
translate([20, 0, 0])
arc([0,0,0], [0,5,0], 45, 7, 1);
translate([40, 0, 0])
arc([-5,0,0], [0,5,0], 90, 7, 1);
translate([60, 0, 0])
arc([5,0,0], [0,5,0], 135, 7, 1);
translate([80, 0, 0])
arc([0,0,0], [0,5,0], 180, 7, 1);
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