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Forked from FawadHa1der/Authentication.m
Created December 6, 2011 00:10
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SocializeSDK iOS Code Snippets
// invoke the call
[socialize authenticateWithApiKey:@"YourApiKey" apiSecret:@"YourApiSecret"];
#pragma mark SocializeServiceDelegate implementation
// implement the delegate
// if the authentication fails the following method is called
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didFail:(NSError*)error{
NSLog(@"%@", error);
// longitude and latitude are optional
[socialize createCommentForEntityWithKey:@"" comment:@"comment over here" longitude:nil latitude:nil];
#pragma mark SocializeServiceDelegate implementation
// if the operation fails the following method is called
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didFail:(NSError*)error{
NSLog(@"%@", error);
//if the comment was created successfully
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didCreate:(id<SocializeObject>)object{
if ([object conformsToProtocol:@protocol(SocializeComment)]){
id<SocializeComment> comment = (id<SocializeComment>)object;
// a comment represented by id<SocializeComment> has been created, so have at it
// do your magic here
[socialize createEntityWithUrl:entityKey andName:name]
#pragma mark SocializeServiceDelegate
// if the operation fails the following method is called
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didFail:(NSError*)error{
NSLog(@"%@", error);
//if the delete is successful
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didCreate:(id<SocializeObject>)object{
NSLog(@"entity created");
#pragma mark -
// Allocate memory for the instance
Socialize* socialize = [[Socialize alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
[self.socialize createShareForEntityWithKey:@"" medium:SocializeShareMediumFacebook text:@"Check this out!"];
// if the operation fails the following method is called
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didFail:(NSError*)error{
NSLog(@"%@", error);
//if the delete is successful
-(void)service:(SocializeService *)service didCreate:(id<SocializeObject>)object{
if ([object conformsToProtocol:@protocol(SocializeShare)]) {
NSLog(@"create share succeeded");
// invoke the call if you would like the SDK to receive a third party access token
[socialize authenticateWithApiKey:@"Authenticating" apiSecret:@"ApiSecret" thirdPartyAppId:@"AppId" thirdPartyName:FacebookAuth];
// invoke the call if you already have the third party access token
[socialize authenticateWithApiKey:@"ApiKey" apiSecret:@"ApiSecret" thirdPartyAuthToken: @"ThirdPartyToken" thirdPartyAppId:@"AppId" thirdPartyName:FacebookAuth];
// Allocate memory for the instance
Socialize* socialize = [[Socialize alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
Each request is limited to 100 items.
If first = 0, last = 50, the API returns comments 0-49.
If last - first > 100, then last is truncated to equal first + 100. For example, if first = 100, last = 250, then last is changed to last = 200.
If only last = 150 is passed, then last is truncated to 100. If last = 25, then results 0...24 are returned.
[socialize getCommentList:@"urloftheentity" first:nil last:nil];
Implementing the delegate methods
getting/retrieving comments would invoke this callback and it would have elements of type id<SocializeComment>
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didFetchElements:(NSArray*)dataArray{
// the array will contain elements of type id<SocializeComment> from where further info could be retrieved
//in case of error
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didFail:(NSError*)error{
// Allocate
Socialize* socialize = [[Socialize alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
// We need the implement the delegate methods, none of which are required, they are all optional
#pragma mark SocializeServiceDelegate
// this method is optional
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didDelete:(id<SocializeObject>)object{
// this method is optional
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didUpdate:(id<SocializeObject>)object{
// this method is optional
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didFail:(NSError*)error{
// this method is optional
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didCreate:(id<SocializeObject>)object{
// this method is optional
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didFetchElements:(NSArray*)dataArray{
// this method is optional
#pragma mark -
// Allocate memory for the instance
Socialize* socialize = [[Socialize alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
// invoke the call (the latitude and the longitude can be nil)
[socialize viewEntity:entity longitude:nil latitude:nil];
// creating a view would invoke this callback and it would have an element of type id<SocializeView>
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didCreate:(id<SocializeObject>)object{
if ([object conformsToProtocol:@protocol(SocializeView)]){
// do your magic/logic here
//in case of error
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didFail:(NSError*)error{
// Allocate memory for the instance
Socialize* socialize = [[Socialize alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
// invoke the call (the latitude and the longitude can be nil)
[socialize likeEntityWithKey:@"" longitude:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:-37.256] latitude:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:122.452314]
#pragma mark SocializeServiceDelegate
//if the like fails this is called
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didFail:(NSError*)error{
// if the like is created this is called
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didCreate:(<id>SocializeObject)object{
//_like is object level instance of type <SocializeLike>
if ( [object conformsToProtocol:@protocol(SocializeLike)]){
//_like = (id<SocializeLike>)object;
// do your magic here
#pragma mark -
// Allocate memory for the instance
Socialize* socialize = [[Socialize alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
//like is the id<SocializeLike> object which was returned as a result of liking the entity.
[socialize unlikeEntity:like];
// if the operation fails the following method is called
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didFail:(NSError*)error{
NSLog(@"%@", error);
//if the delete is successful
-(void)service:(SocializeService*)service didDelete:(id<SocializeObject>)object{
NSLog(@"entity unlike succeeded");
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