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Last active August 29, 2022 19:20
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Updated Bronco Registration Custom Question query
UPDATE `pfg`.`events` SET `custom_questions` = '[{\"key\": \"how_likely_acquire\", \"type\": \"radio\", \"answers\": [{\"label\": {\"en\": \"Own\", \"es\": \"\"}, \"value\": \"Purchase\"}, {\"label\": {\"en\": \"Lease\", \"es\": \"\"}, \"value\": \"Lease\"}], \"appOrWeb\": \"both\", \"question\": {\"en\": \"Do you own or lease your current vehicle?\", \"es\": \"\"}, \"required\": true, \"app_survey_key\": \"purchaseType\", \"web_survey_key\": \"how_likely_acquire\"}, {\"key\": \"in_market_timing\", \"type\": \"radio\", \"answers\": [{\"label\": {\"en\": \"0-30 Days\", \"es\": \"\"}, \"value\": \"0-30 Days\"}, {\"label\": {\"en\": \"1-3 Months\", \"es\": \"\"}, \"value\": \"1-3 Months\"}, {\"label\": {\"en\": \"4-6 Months\", \"es\": \"\"}, \"value\": \"4-6 Months\"}, {\"label\": {\"en\": \"7+ Months\", \"es\": \"\"}, \"value\": \"7+ Months\"}, {\"label\": {\"en\": \"No Definite Plans\", \"es\": \"\"}, \"value\": \"No Definite Plans\"}], \"appOrWeb\": \"both\", \"question\": {\"en\": 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