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Created December 4, 2013 19:30
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Save nwhittaker/7793991 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Pen by Nathan Whittaker.
<header class="page-header">
<span class="first-word">Css</span>
<span class="second-word">Off</span>
<p class="issue-info">Volume 3&mdash;September 2013</p>
<article class="positioning-relatives is-feature">
<h2 data-text="Positioning Relatives">Positioning Relatives</h2>
<figure class="fading-away">
<img alt="&ldquo;Fading Away&rdquo; photograph." class="fading-away" width="794" height="496" src="//">
<p>In 1958, English pictorial photographer Henry Peach Robinson created the world&rsquo;s first photomontage by combining five different negatives to make one complete print of a young girl on her deathbed. <cite>&ldquo;Fading Away&rdquo;</cite>&mdash;Robinson&rsquo;s first and most famous composite photo&mdash;depicts a young girl dying of consumption and was controversial when it was exhibited, with many believing it was not a suitable subject for photography.</p>
<article class="box-model">
<h2>Box Model</h2>
<figure class="barbie">
<img alt="A Barbie box holds" class="box" width="192" height="287" src="//">
<img alt="a Barbie doll." class="doll" width="200" height="295" src="//">
<p>The Barbie doll was invented in 1959 by Ruth Handler (co-founder of Mattel), whose own daughter was called Barbara. Barbie was introduced to the world at the American Toy Fair in New York City. Barbie's job was teenage fashion doll. The full name of the &#64257;rst doll was Barbie Millicent Roberts, from Willows, Wisconsin<span class="hanging-punctuation">.</span></p>
<article class="staying-afloat">
<h2>Staying Afloat</h2>
<p>Lobsterman John Aldridge fell into the shark-infested water of Long Island while his crewmates were asleep. He was kept afloat for more than 12 hours by his rubber boots, which he used as flotation devices. The coast guard rescued him 43 miles south of Montauk where he fell off his vessel<span class="hanging-punctuation">.</span></p>
<article class="list-style-bullets">
<h2>List Style: Bullets</h2>
<h3>A round-up of popular ammunition</h3>
<ul class="bullets">
<li class="bullet remington">
<figure class="bullet">
<img alt="" class="bullet" src="//">
<span class="caliber">.223</span>
<span class="brand">Remington</span>
<span class="weight">69gr BTHP</span>
<li class="bullet winchester">
<figure class="bullet">
<img alt="" class="bullet" src="//">
<span class="caliber">.308</span>
<span class="brand">Winchester</span>
<span class="weight">168gr BTHP</span>
<li class="bullet russian">
<figure class="bullet">
<img alt="" class="bullet" src="//">
<span class="caliber">7.62×39mm</span>
<span class="brand">Russian</span>
<span class="weight">154gr JSP</span>
<li class="bullet thumper">
<figure class="bullet">
<img alt="" class="bullet" src="//">
<span class="caliber">7.62</span>
<span class="brand">Thumper</span>
<span class="weight">220gr RN</span>
<li class="bullet heavy-thumper last">
<figure class="bullet">
<img alt="" class="bullet" src="//">
<span class="caliber">7.62</span>
<span class="brand">Thumper</span>
<span class="weight">240gr BTHP</span>
<article class="displaying-famous-blocks contain-vertical-margins">
<h2>Displaying (Famous) Blocks</h2>
<figure id="AlbumCover" class="album-cover">
<img alt="The Abbey Road album cover photo." class="album-cover" width="960" height="635" src="//">
<a class="abbey-road-map" title="See the Abby Road map." data-alt-title="Back to the Abby Road Album Cover." href=",+London,+United+Kingdom&amp;hl=en&amp;ll=51.537527,-0.180824&amp;spn=0.008448,0.027037&amp;sll=51.52805,-0.178185&amp;sspn=0.00845,0.035212&amp;oq=abbey+road&amp;hnear=Abbey+Rd,+London,+United+Kingdom&amp;t=m&amp;z=16">
<img alt="Find Abbey Road on a map." class="abbey-road-map" src="//">
<p>Abbey Road is a thoroughfare located in the borough of Camden and the City of Westminster in London, running roughly northwest to southeast through St. John&rsquo;s Wood, near Lord&rsquo;s Cricket Ground. It is part of the B507. This road is best known for the Abbey Road Studios and the 1969 album, <cite>Abbey Road</cite>, by The Beatles.</p>
<dl class="asset-credit">
<dd><a href=""></a></dd>
<article class="film-review">
<h3>Revenge of the Fallen</h3>
<figure class="poster">
<img alt="The film's Blue Ray box is breathtaking." class="poster" width="185" height="244" src="//">
<p>A noisy, underplotted, and overlong special effects extravaganza that lacks a human touch.</p>
<dl class="rating">
<dt>Rotten Tomato Rating
<dd data-score="20"><!-- Collapse white-space.
--><progress value="0.2">20%</progress><!-- Collapse white-space.
<dl class="world-premier">
<dt>World Premiere
<dd class="venue">Den Haag Theatre
<dd class="country">The Netherlands
<dd class="date">June 23, 2011
<article class="border-bottom-line">
<h2>Border Bottom Line</h2>
<h3>Awful immigration laws from around the world</h3>
<ul class="immigration-laws">
<li class="law">
<span class="country">Italy</span> penalizes illegal immigrants with a fine of &euro;5,000-10,000 and allows immigration officials to detain them for up to 6 months.
<li class="law">
<span class="country">Switzerland</span> immediately deports all convicted criminals from other countries and potentially even their family members.
<li class="law">
<span class="country">Australia</span> detains all non-citizens without a valid visa.<!-- Collapse white-space.
--><li class="law">
<span class="country">Japan</span> is allowed to pay $3,000 to each unemployed Latin <span class="sic" title="[sic]" data-correction="American">Americn</span> immigrant of Japanese descent and $2,000 to each of that unemployed worker&rsquo;s family members to return to their country of origin.<!-- Collapse white-space.
--><li class="law"><!-- Collapse white-space.
-->The <span class="country">United Arab Emirates</span> prohibits foreigners from engaging in any sort of labor union-like activity, resulting in harsh living conditions, 80-hour work weeks, back-breaking manual labor, and below-minimum-wage pay.
<article class="overflow contain-vertical-margins">
<p>On the night of Aug 8, 1975, a line of people frantically piled sandbags atop Henan Province's <b>Banqiao Dam</b> while being battered by the worst storm ever recorded in the region. They were in a race with the rapidly rising Ru River to save the dam and the millions of people that lay sleeping downstream<span class="hanging-punctuation">.</span> &nbsp;It was a race they were about to lose<span class="hanging-punctuation">.</span></p>
<p>Just after 1:00 am, the sky cleared and stars emerged from behind the storm clouds. There was an eerie calm as someone yelled, <q>The water level is going down! The flood is retreating!</q></p>
<p>There was little chance to enjoy that calm. One survivor recalled that a few seconds later it <q>sounded like the sky was collapsing and the earth was cracking.</q> The equivalent of 280,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools burst through the crumbling dam, taking with it entire towns and as many as 171,000 lives.</p>
<footer class="page-footer">
<p class="issue-info">2013 CSSOff, <span class="vol">Volume 3</span></p>
<b>Route Gregory</b>, Building 31<br>
01630 Pr&eacute;vessin-Mo&euml;ns, France<br>
<a href="tel:+41227676111">+41 22 767 61 11</a>
<!-- Preferably put this in an external file, but there appear to be some cross-domain request restrictions that come in hand when deploying to Codepen's asset management service. -->
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var $cover = $( 'AlbumCover' );
$cover.addEvent( 'click:relay( a.abbey-road-map )', function( $e, $target ) {
var title = $target.get( 'title' ),
altTitle = $target.get( 'data-alt-title' );
$e.preventDefault( );
$cover.toggleClass( 'map-is-primary' );
$target.set( {
title: altTitle,
'data-alt-title': title
} );
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// Remove the <body> margin from consideration when a relative child calculates a percentage length.
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// The purple background.
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// Underlay everything.
z-index: -1
html.has-no-cssgradients &
background-color: #cdc9dd
content: none
overflow: hidden
font-style: normal
padding: 140px 12.5% 0
// Provide a positioning context for the <h1> child.
position: relative
z-index: 1 // Overlay <body::before> and <article.positioning-relatives>
background-color: rgba( #392878, .25 )
top: 5em
bottom: 5em
+experimental-value( display, box )
+experimental-value( display, flex )
display: -ms-flexbox
// @bug IE8 does not get the hairline font because it only pulls in one font per family name, regardless of style/weight values (
font: 100 27.9em/.806 Lato, sans-serif
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margin: 0
position: absolute
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// Provide positioning context for <figure.fading-away>
position: relative
z-index: 0 // @browser Explicitly overlay <body::before> for IE8.
// Using float, over inline-block display, to visually rearrange the order of the first two articles.
float: right
padding-top: 33.1%
float: none
width: auto
content: 'Feature'
color: #cbb8a0
font: 1.3em/1 Merriweather, serif
text-transform: uppercase
letter-spacing: .2em
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text-transform: uppercase
margin: 0
position: relative
z-index: 0 // Provide a layering context for the text-shadow.
// An approximation of the "Shield" layer.
html.has-textshadow &:before
content: attr( data-text )
position: absolute
top: 0
left: 0
z-index: -1 // Underlay the <h2> text.
color: transparent // @bug Safari hides the text-shadow if the text color is transparent.
text-shadow: -.89em -.2em .26em black
+transform( scaleY( 0.85 ) rotate( -3.84deg ) )
content: none
html.has-no-textshadow &
color: #ffffbb // Contrast the color with the photo a little more.
position: absolute
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// Underlay <> and any siblings.
z-index: -1
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margin: .74em 0 0
// @bug Safari does not render fractional letter-spacing lengths (//
letter-spacing: -.02em
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// Overlay <body::before>
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text-shadow: none
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right: auto
left: auto
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html.has-borderimage &
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html.has-borderimage &
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text-transform: uppercase
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font: 1.4em/1.355 Lato, sans-serif
margin: .5ex 0 0
letter-spacing: -.3px
width: 62.5%
margin: 1.6em 12.45% 0 0
+box-sizing( border-box )
// Since <article.staying-afloat> is floating, <article.list-style-bullets> cannot clear any previous floats. Remedy by also floating this article.
float: right
float: none
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text-transform: uppercase
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color: rgba( black, .1 )
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font: 1.5em Oswald, sans-serif
letter-spacing: .5px
padding: 0
content: '.'
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font: 700 1.2em Lato, sans-serif
letter-spacing: 1px
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color: #e0e0e0
font-family: Oswald, sans-serif
list-style: none
margin: 1.6em 0
padding: 0
text-align: center
cursor: ew-resize // Not really resizing here, but wanted some quick way to communicate the horizontal scroll.
// Going with a table display because it will allow for both stretching the height of each cell (flex box) AND vertically aligning the contents to the bottom (inline-block) -- and it will collapse the border.
display: table
width: 100%
border-collapse: collapse
overflow: auto
display: block
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left: 50%
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margin: 0 0 -61px
+transition-property( opacity, transform )
+transition-duration( 400ms )
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font-size: 2.8em
letter-spacing: -.7px
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letter-spacing: -1px
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color: #ccc
color: rgba( black, .1 )
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+transition( color 100ms )
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cursor: inherit
color: #666
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opacity: 1
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padding-left: 1%
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line-height: 1.2
line-height: 1
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left: 0
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line-height: .85
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clip: rect( 0, 717px, 276px, 630px )
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line-height: .8
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padding: 1em 12.5%
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width: 100%
overflow: auto
cursor: ew-resize // Not really resizing here, but wanted some quick way to communicate the horizontal scroll.
content: ''
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html.has-no-csstransforms &
top: 0
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border-width: 0
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+transition-delay( 0s )
+background-image( $pageCurlImg )
html.has-no-csstransforms &
left: 90%
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width: 100%
height: auto
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+transition( transform 1s )
width: 90%
position: relative
z-index: 0
position: absolute
z-index: 2
top: 100 - 20.5%
left: 100 - 13.5%
width: 100%
outline: none // @browser Firefox seems to confuse the focus/hover state after the map transitions back to the "secondary" position.
top: 0
left: 90%
width: 90%
cursor: inherit
// Map border
content: ''
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height: 20.5%
width: 7px 8px
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color: rgba( black, .1 )
+box-sizing( border-box )
position: absolute
top: 0
left: 0
// @browser Transitioning the width/height as the box grew worked smoothly in Firefox, but was jumpy in Blink/Webkit.
+transition( border-width 400ms 1s )
width: 100%
height: 100%
border-width: 5px
// The page curl.
content: ''
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color: rgba( white, .5 )
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letter-spacing: -.35px
margin: 1.35em 2.5% 1.7em
margin: 1em 12.5%
& > dt,
& > dd
display: inline
& > dt
content: ':'
& > dd
margin-left: 0
+transition( color 100ms )
color: white
color: white
font-family: Oswald, sans-serif
float: right
width: 17.58%
background-color: #3a83bb
position: relative
margin: 1.5em 12.5% -2em 0
top: 13.9%
bottom: 12px
z-index: 1 // Overlay <article.displaying-famous-blocks> and <article.border-bottom-line>
float: none
width: 100%
margin: 0
padding-top: 228px
font-size: 210%
// The vertical rule
content: ''
width: 1px
height: 84.76%
position: absolute
top: -1.5em
left: -7%
margin-top: 13px
color: #eee
color: rgba( black, .1 )
// The "notch"
content: ''
position: absolute
bottom: -16px
left: 52.5%
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text-transform: uppercase
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left: 12.5%
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margin: 0
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font-size: 2.1em
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width: 8px
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color: #619cc8
color: rgba( white, .2 )
padding-bottom: .8em
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top: -9.25%
left: 0
width: 100%
text-align: center
padding-left: 2%
+box-sizing( border-box )
z-index: -1 // Underlay <header>
top: -25px
// Probably more performant to use an image for the shadow/reflection, but where is the fun in that?
content: '' // @browser Firefox does not appear to support generated images in the "content" property, using background-image instead.
// Reflection
html.has-cssfilters.has-svgfilters &:before,
html.has-no-cssfilters.has-svgfilters &:before,
html.has-cssfilters.has-no-svgfilters &:before
position: absolute
top: 90%
right: 0
width: 70%
height: 50%
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filter: url( '#blur-20' )
-webkit-filter: blur( 20px )
// Accommodate the augmentations from the blur filter.
padding: 20px
background-clip: content-box
// Shadow
html.has-cssfilters.has-svgfilters &:after,
html.has-no-cssfilters.has-svgfilters &:after,
html.has-cssfilters.has-no-svgfilters &:after
width: 118%
height: 12%
+background-image( radial-gradient( ellipse closest-side at center, rgba( black, .9), rgba( black, 0.5 ) 60%, transparent ) )
position: absolute
bottom: 0
left: -8%
margin: 0 0 -15px -10px
+rotate( -4.5deg )
filter: url( '#blur-5' )
-webkit-filter: blur( 5px )
// Accommodate the augmentations from the blur filter.
padding: 10px
background-clip: content-box
width: 100%
left: 0
right: 0
left: 0
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width: 100%
height: 100%
position: relative
z-index: 1
font: italic 1.6em/1.5 Lora, serif
letter-spacing: -.35px
margin: .95em 7%
right: 12.5%
left: 12.5%
text-transform: uppercase
& > dd
margin-left: 0
margin: 2.25em 0 1.55em
padding: 5px 0
width: 2px 0
style: dashed
color: #234f70
color: rgba( black, .4 )
+box-shadow( 0 5px 0 0 rgba( black, .1 ) inset, 0 -5px 0 0 rgba( black, .1 ) inset )
position: relative
& > dt,
& > dd
display: inline-block
+box-sizing( border-box )
margin: 10px 0
margin: 1rem 0
html.has-progressbar &
bottom: 25px
bottom: 2.5rem
bottom: 22px
bottom: 2.2rem
& > dt
color: #75a8d0
color: rgba( white, .3 )
font-size: 3.2em
line-height: 1.07
text-align: center
margin-top: -0.15ex
padding-left: 1.5%
width: 49%
font-size: .4375em
padding-left: 12.5%
& > dd
font-size: 5.4em
line-height: 1
width: 51%
white-space: nowrap
padding-right: 12.5%
// @browser Would be more appropriate on <progress> so it can reference the "value" attribute (and drop "data-score"), but Firefox does not render pseudo elements in <progress> tags, yet.
html.has-progressbar &:before
content: attr( data-score )
html.has-progressbar &:after
content: '%'
display: inline-block
+scaleX( .8 )
+transform-origin( left )
margin: 1.55em 4.5%
text-align: center
background: #619cc9
background: rgba( white, .2 )
right: 12.5%
left: 12.5%
& > dt,
& > dd
background: #3a83bb
& > dt,
& >
color: #88aed1
& > dt
font-size: 1.4em
line-height: 1.36
letter-spacing: 0.03ex
text-align: center
display: inline-block
margin: 0
padding: 0 .85em
vertical-align: middle
& > dd
white-space: nowrap
font-size: 2.7em
line-height: 1.2
font-size: 2.8em
line-height: 1.35
font-size: 3.9em
line-height: 1
// A <meter> tag may be more appropriate, but the browser styling support is far inferior.
html.has-progressbar & progress
+experimental( appearance, none )
background-color: rgba( white, .2 )
border: none
position: absolute
bottom: 27px
bottom: 2.7rem
left: 0
width: 100%
height: 8px
padding: 0 9% 0 6%
+box-sizing( border-box )
+background-clip( content-box )
right: 12.5%
left: 12.5%
// @browser IE10
color: white
background-color: rgba( white, .2 )
background-color: white
background-color: white
color: black
margin: 0 12.5%
padding: 11.875% 20.1% 0 0
repeat: no-repeat
position: 8px 0
size: 75%
image: url( '//' )
position: relative
z-index: 0 // Underlay <> and <article.overflow>
background-size: 100%
padding-right: 0
margin-bottom: 5em
// Eyelids
+respond( '( min-width: 1280px )' )
html.has-opacity &:after
content: url( '//' )
width: 55px
height: 14px
position: absolute
top: 10.9%
left: 64.5%
+opacity( 0 )
+experimental( animation-name, blink )
+experimental( animation-duration, 10s )
+experimental( animation-iteration-count, infinite )
font-family: Oswald, sans-serif
margin: 2.5em 0
font-weight: normal
line-height: 1
display: inline-block
font-size: 8.2em
letter-spacing: -.001em
text-transform: uppercase
margin: .3ex 0 .33ex
padding-bottom: .25em
border-bottom: 21px solid
font-size: 3.9em
margin: 0 0 .325em
padding-bottom: .56em
border-bottom: 3px solid
content: '.'
// Hang it
position: absolute
// Cannot seem to find a (derived) width that will wrap the copy consistently in Firefox and Chrome.
font: 300 2.2em/1.315 Merriweather, serif
letter-spacing: -.475px
padding: 0 1% 0 0
margin: 0
display: inline
content: '\2022'
font-size: 41px // @browser IE8
font-size: 4.1rem
line-height: 0
vertical-align: middle
margin-right: .25ex
content: none
font-weight: 900
margin-top: -2em
padding: 0 12.5% 7.25em
repeat: no-repeat
position: 62% 0
size: 82.5% // @browser IE8 drops the background if background-size is represented in the shorthand notation.
image: url( '//' )
position: relative // Overlay the previous <article>
z-index: 1 // Overlay <article.border-bottom-line> and <>
clear: right // Clear <>
background-size: 100%
color: transparent
font: 8.2em/1 Oswald, sans-serif
//font-size: 6.1vw
text-transform: uppercase
margin: 4.25% 4.75%
+rotate( 5.5deg )
+transform-origin( left, top )
html.has-no-csstransforms &
+opacity( 0 )
background-color: rgba( #a0b4c0, .5 )
visibility: hidden
padding: 0
color: #5e6c74
font: italic 1.6em/1.6 Lora, serif
// @bug Safari does not render fractional letter-spacing lengths (//
letter-spacing: -.04ex
text-align: right
width: 72.8%
margin: 3.3em 0 0 26%
+rotate( 2.1deg )
margin: 2.5em 0
width: auto
&:nth-of-type( 2 )
width: 70%
margin: -.25em 0 0 .9%
+rotate( -.73deg )
margin: 2.5em 0
width: auto
&:nth-of-type( 3 )
width: 73%
margin: 1.8em 0 0 12.9%
+rotate( .94deg )
margin: 2.5em 0
width: auto
margin-bottom: 0
font-weight: 700
padding: 1.9em 0 5.5em
margin: 0 12.5% 0
width: 1px
style: solid
color: #ccc
color: rgba( black, .1 )
+experimental-value( display, box )
+experimental-value( display, flex )
display: -ms-flexbox
+experimental( box-flex, 1 )
+experimental( flex, 1 )
color: black
font: 1.7em Lato, sans-serif
letter-spacing: -.04ex
margin: 0
opacity: .6 // @browser Looks like garbage in IE8 with the filter style.
color: #8c8c8c
color: #989898
font: 300 1.3em/1.45 Merriweather, serif
letter-spacing: -.02ex
text-align: right
margin-top: .3em
font-weight: 900
color: inherit
text-decoration: none
content: ''
display: block
padding-top: 1px
margin-top: -1px
position: absolute
cursor: help
position: relative
content: attr( data-correction )
line-height: 1
white-space: nowrap
position: absolute
left: -2px
top: -2px
padding: .25ex .4ex
margin-left: -.4ex
border: 2px solid lightblue
border-radius: .7ex
+box-shadow( 0 0 3px lightblue )
background-color: white
+opacity( 0 )
+transition( opacity 100ms )
// @browser IE8 does not apply filters to pseudo elements.
html.has-no-opacity &
content: none
+opacity( 1 )
+keyframes( blink )
opacity: 0
opacity: 0
opacity: 1
opacity: 0
opacity: 0
opacity: 1
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