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Last active May 19, 2021 07:33
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  • Save nwittwer/60aef18c9b4e9506534bdcc0e4a7c3f5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Electron-Nuxt: TravisCI + Electron-Builder -> Github Releases
language: node_js
node_js: "10"
os: osx
osx_image: xcode10.2
- rm -rf $HOME/.cache/electron-builder/wine
yarn: true
- node_modules
- $HOME/.cache/electron
- $HOME/.cache/electron-builder
- stage: Test
- yarn test
- stage: Build Mac and Deploy to Github Release
- yarn run build
- rm -rf $HOME/.cache/electron-builder/wine
- "/^v\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+$/"

Electron-Nuxt: TravisCI + Electron-Builder -> Github Releases

This guide will help you setup your config files and services, so that you can easily create Github Releases from TravisCI—using Electron-Nuxt.

NOTE: This guide only covers building for MacOS. But with some modifications to the Travis setup, you could probably get Windows and Linux builds too.

There's three environment variables you'll need, that this guide will explain:

  • (Optional) CSC_KEY_PASSWORD

Export Xcode Certificate (.p12)

This will allow you to codesign your Mac application.

  1. Open Xcode > Accounts
  2. Manage Certificates...
  3. Find "Developer ID Application"
  4. Right-click, select "Export". This exports a .p12 file. NOTE: Remember if you set a password at this step.
  5. Choose destination
  6. Open Terminal,
  7. Run base64 path/to/the/p12/file
  8. Copy the all the encoded text

TravisCI: Codesign Mac

Now you need to set up the environment variables for codesigning your Mac application.

  1. Open the Settings menu for your repository
  2. Create a new Environment Variable called CSC_LINK, and paste your base64 encoded text into the value field
  3. (Optional—if you set a password) Create a new Environment Variable called CSC_KEY_PASSWORD, and paste your password into the value field

Github: Create token for Release access

  1. Create a Github token and copy the value

TravisCI: Configure Github

  1. Open the Settings menu for your repository
  2. Create a new Environment Variable called GH_TOKEN, and paste your Github token into the value field


// I'm using this file with Electron-Nuxt
// But you might use a electron-builder.yml instead
const ICONS_DIR = 'build/icons/'
const windowsOS = {
win: {
icon: ICONS_DIR + 'icon.ico',
target: 'nsis'
nsis: {
differentialPackage: true
const linuxOS = {
linux: {
icon: ICONS_DIR,
target: 'deb'
const macOS = {
mac: {
target: 'dmg',
icon: ICONS_DIR + 'icon.icns',
publish: ['github']
dmg: {
contents: [{
x: 410,
y: 150,
type: 'link',
path: '/Applications'
x: 130,
y: 150,
type: 'file'
module.exports = {
asar: true,
productName: require('./package.json').productName,
appId: '',
artifactName: 'yourapp-${version}.${ext}',
directories: {
output: 'build'
// default files:
files: [
from: 'dist/main/',
to: 'dist/main/'
from: 'dist/renderer',
to: 'dist/renderer/'
Copy link

wow .... Thanks for this! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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