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Created June 14, 2013 15:21
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Examples of using Visiblox Charts with F#, with a simple wrapper.
namespace Visiblox.FSharp.Charting
open Visiblox.Charts
open System.Collections.Generic
module Data =
let private ds (x: DataPoint<_,_> seq) = new DataSeries<_,_>(x)
let Point (x,y) = new DataPoint<_,_>(x,y)
let MultiValuePoint x ys = new MultiValuedDataPoint<_,_>(x, new Dictionary<_,_>(dict ys))
let BandPoint (x, y1, y2) = MultiValuePoint x [upcast BandSeries.Lower, y2; upcast BandSeries.Upper, y1 ] :> DataPoint<_,_>
let HlocPoint (x, yhigh, ylow, yopen, yclose) =
MultiValuePoint x [upcast HlocSeries.High, yhigh; upcast HlocSeries.Low, ylow;
upcast HlocSeries.Open, yopen; upcast HlocSeries.Close, yclose] :> DataPoint<_,_>
let HlcPoint (x, yhigh, ylow, yclose) =
MultiValuePoint x [upcast HlocSeries.High, yhigh; upcast HlocSeries.Low, ylow;
upcast HlocSeries.Close, yclose] :> DataPoint<_,_>
let Series data = data |> Point |> ds
let SeriesBand data = data |> BandPoint |> ds
let SeriesHloc data = data |> HlocPoint |> ds
let SeriesHlc data = data |> HlcPoint |> ds
module Series =
open Data
let Line data = LineSeries(DataSeries=Series data)
let Point data = LineSeries(DataSeries=Series data, ShowPoints=true, ShowLine=false)
let Spline data = SplineSeries(DataSeries=Series data)
let Staircase data = StaircaseSeries(DataSeries= Series data)
let Bar data = BarSeries(DataSeries=Series data)
let Column data = ColumnSeries(DataSeries=Series data)
let Band data = BandSeries(DataSeries=SeriesBand data)
let Hloc data = HlocSeries(DataSeries=SeriesHloc data)
let Hlc data = HlcSeries(DataSeries=SeriesHlc data)
let Candlestick data = HlocSeries(DataSeries=SeriesHloc data)
let stack toDataSeries (series: ChartMultipleSeriesBase) data =
data |> toDataSeries |> Seq.iter series.Series.Add
let StackedLine data = stack Line (StackedLineSeries()) data
let StackedBar data = stack Bar (StackedBarSeries()) data
let StackedColumn data = stack Column (StackedColumnSeries()) data
let RadialLine data = RadialLineSeries(DataSeries=Series data)
module Charts =
let ShowChart c =
let w = new System.Windows.Window()
do w.Content <- c
do w.Show()
let Chart series =
let c = new Chart()
c.Series.Add series
let Combine series =
let c = new Chart()
Seq.iter c.Series.Add series
let Line d = d |> Series.Line |> Chart
let Point d = d |> Series.Point |> Chart
let Spline d = d |> Series.Spline |> Chart
let Bar d = d |> Series.Bar |> Chart
let Column d = d |> Series.Column |> Chart
let Band d = d |> Series.Band |> Chart
let Hloc d = d |> Series.Hloc |> Chart
let Hlc d = d |> Series.Hlc |> Chart
let Candlestick d = d |> Series.Candlestick |> Chart
let StackedLine ds = ds |> Series.StackedLine |> Chart
let StackedBar ds = ds |> Series.StackedBar |> Chart
let StackedColumn ds = ds |> Series.StackedColumn |> Chart
(* Pie Charts! *)
let Pie d = new PieChart(DataSeries=Data.Series d)
(* Radial Charts! *)
let Radial series =
let c = new RadialChart()
Seq.iter c.Series.Add series
let RadialLine d = Radial [Series.RadialLine d]
let RadialLines ds = Radial ( Series.RadialLine ds)
#r "C:\Program Files (x86)\Visiblox\Visiblox Charts v4.0.4\Ultimate\Wpf\4.0\Visiblox.Charts.dll"
#r "System.Core"
#r "System.Xml.Linq"
#r "System.Windows"
#r "PresentationFramework"
#r "PresentationCore"
#r "WindowsBase"
#r "System.Xaml"
#load "Charting.fs"
open Visiblox.FSharp.Charting
open System.Windows
// Any value is printed by opening a window with a chart in it!
// Concept courtesty of FSharp.Charting
fsi.AddPrinter(fun (c:Visiblox.Charts.ChartBase) -> Charts.ShowChart c |> ignore; "(Chart)")
// Display a simple line chart
[for x in 1..10 -> x, x*x] |> Charts.Line
// Configure the chart before display
let c =
let c = [for x in 1.0 .. 0.1 .. 10.0 -> x, sin(x)] |> Charts.Line
c.Title <- "My Second Chart"
// A pie chart has a different Visiblox type entirely
["A", 1; "B", 24; "C", 72] |> Charts.Pie
let multiData = [for x in 1..5 -> [for y in 1..10 -> y, y*y*x]]
// Multiple series charted together
multiData |> Series.Line |> Charts.Combine
// Stacked column series - for Visiblox this is one container series with multiple column series "inside"
multiData |> Charts.StackedColumn
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