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Tools for fast Pyomo problem building
## Copyright 2015-2017 Tom Brown (FIAS), Jonas Hoersch (FIAS), David
## Schlachtberger (FIAS)
## Licensed under the Apache 2.0 Licence.
Tools for fast Pyomo linear problem building.
Essentially this library replaces Pyomo expressions with more strict
objects with a pre-defined affine structure.
This is a code extract from Python for Power System Analysis (PyPSA)
with a more permissive licence to allow sharing with other projects.
# make the code as Python 3 compatible as possible
from __future__ import division, absolute_import
from six.moves import range
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from pyomo.environ import Constraint, Objective, Var, ComponentUID
from weakref import ref as weakref_ref
import pyomo
from contextlib import contextmanager
from six import iteritems
from six.moves import cPickle as pickle
import pandas as pd
import gc, os, tempfile
__author__ = "Tom Brown (FIAS), Jonas Hoersch (FIAS), David Schlachtberger (FIAS)"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015-2017 Tom Brown (FIAS), Jonas Hoersch (FIAS), David Schlachtberger (FIAS). Licensed under the Apache 2.0 Licence."
class LExpression(object):
"""Affine expression of optimisation variables.
Affine expression of the form:
constant + coeff1*var1 + coeff2*var2 + ....
variables : list of tuples of coefficients and variables
e.g. [(coeff1,var1),(coeff2,var2),...]
constant : float
def __init__(self,variables=None,constant=0.):
if variables is None:
self.variables = []
self.variables = variables
self.constant = constant
def __repr__(self):
return "{} + {}".format(self.variables, self.constant)
def __mul__(self,constant):
constant = float(constant)
logger.error("Can only multiply an LExpression with a float!")
return None
return LExpression([(constant*item[0],item[1]) for item in self.variables],
def __rmul__(self,constant):
return self.__mul__(constant)
def __add__(self,other):
if type(other) is LExpression:
return LExpression(self.variables + other.variables,self.constant+other.constant)
constant = float(other)
logger.error("Can only add an LExpression to another LExpression or a constant!")
return None
return LExpression(self.variables[:],self.constant+constant)
def __radd__(self,other):
return self.__add__(other)
def __pos__(self):
return self
def __neg__(self):
return -1*self
class LConstraint(object):
"""Constraint of optimisation variables.
Linear constraint of the form:
lhs sense rhs
lhs : LExpression
sense : string
rhs : LExpression
def __init__(self,lhs=None,sense="==",rhs=None):
if lhs is None:
self.lhs = LExpression()
self.lhs = lhs
self.sense = sense
if rhs is None:
self.rhs = LExpression()
self.rhs = rhs
def __repr__(self):
return "{} {} {}".format(self.lhs, self.sense, self.rhs)
def l_constraint(model,name,constraints,*args):
"""A replacement for pyomo's Constraint that quickly builds linear
Instead of = Constraint(index1,index2,...,rule=f)
call instead
where constraints is a dictionary of constraints of the form:
constraints[i] = LConstraint object
OR using the soon-to-be-deprecated list format:
constraints[i] = [[(coeff1,var1),(coeff2,var2),...],sense,constant_term]
i.e. the first argument is a list of tuples with the variables and their
coefficients, the second argument is the sense string (must be one of
"==","<=",">=","><") and the third argument is the constant term
(a float). The sense "><" allows lower and upper bounds and requires
`constant_term` to be a 2-tuple.
Variables may be repeated with different coefficients, which pyomo
will sum up.
model : pyomo.environ.ConcreteModel
name : string
Name of constraints to be constructed
constraints : dict
A dictionary of constraints (see format above)
*args :
Indices of the constraints
v = getattr(model,name)
for i in v._index:
c = constraints[i]
if type(c) is LConstraint:
variables = c.lhs.variables + [(-item[0],item[1]) for item in c.rhs.variables]
sense = c.sense
constant = c.rhs.constant - c.lhs.constant
variables = c[0]
sense = c[1]
constant = c[2]
v._data[i] = pyomo.core.base.constraint._GeneralConstraintData(None,v)
v._data[i]._body = pyomo.core.base.expr_coopr3._SumExpression()
v._data[i]._body._args = [item[1] for item in variables]
v._data[i]._body._coef = [item[0] for item in variables]
v._data[i]._body._const = 0.
if sense == "==":
v._data[i]._equality = True
v._data[i]._lower = pyomo.core.base.numvalue.NumericConstant(constant)
v._data[i]._upper = pyomo.core.base.numvalue.NumericConstant(constant)
elif sense == "<=":
v._data[i]._equality = False
v._data[i]._lower = None
v._data[i]._upper = pyomo.core.base.numvalue.NumericConstant(constant)
elif sense == ">=":
v._data[i]._equality = False
v._data[i]._lower = pyomo.core.base.numvalue.NumericConstant(constant)
v._data[i]._upper = None
elif sense == "><":
v._data[i]._equality = False
v._data[i]._lower = pyomo.core.base.numvalue.NumericConstant(constant[0])
v._data[i]._upper = pyomo.core.base.numvalue.NumericConstant(constant[1])
else: raise KeyError('`sense` must be one of "==","<=",">=","><"; got: {}'.format(sense))
def l_objective(model,objective=None):
A replacement for pyomo's Objective that quickly builds linear
Instead of
model.objective = Objective(expr=sum(vars[i]*coeffs[i] for i in index)+constant)
call instead
where objective is an LExpression.
Variables may be repeated with different coefficients, which pyomo
will sum up.
model : pyomo.environ.ConcreteModel
objective : LExpression
if objective is None:
objective = LExpression()
#initialise with a dummy
model.objective = Objective(expr = 0.)
model.objective._expr = pyomo.core.base.expr_coopr3._SumExpression()
model.objective._expr._args = [item[1] for item in objective.variables]
model.objective._expr._coef = [item[0] for item in objective.variables]
model.objective._expr._const = objective.constant
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JasperNL commented Dec 5, 2017

@nworbmot where is this file supposed to be imported to, in order to use it together with pyomo?

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