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Forked from GianpaoloBranca/
Last active April 23, 2024 14:11
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Copy all components from an Entity to another in Bevy
//! Bevy Version: 0.10
//! Original:
//! See also:
use bevy::ecs::system::Command;
use bevy::prelude::*;
pub struct CloneEntity {
pub source: Entity,
pub destination: Entity,
impl CloneEntity {
// Copy all components from an entity to another.
// Using an entity with no components as the destination creates a copy of the source entity.
// Panics if:
// - the components are not registered in the type registry,
// - the world does not have a type registry
// - the source or destination entity do not exist
fn clone_entity(self, world: &mut World) {
let components = {
let registry = world.get_resource::<AppTypeRegistry>().unwrap().read();
.map(|component_id| {
.map(|type_id| {
for component in components {
let source = component
let mut destination = world.get_entity_mut(self.destination).unwrap();
component.apply_or_insert(&mut destination, &*source);
// This allows the command to be used in systems
impl Command for CloneEntity {
fn write(self, world: &mut World) {
// **********************************************************
// Adapt the code below to your needs
// **********************************************************
// Components must derive Reflect and use reflect(Component)
// If your component includes some other structs, these have to derive from Reflect and FromReflect
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Default)]
pub struct Foo {
pub bar: i32,
pub baz: bool,
// In your system, clone an entity like this:
fn clone_entity(mut commands: Commands /* whatever you want that gets your entity */) {
// your code here to fetch the source entity
// ...
let copy = commands.spawn_empty().id();
commands.add(CloneEntity {
source: entity,
destination: copy,
// Also, remember to register your components in the App Type Registry!
// Some predefined components are already registered (e.g. Name)
// You can write your own plugin where you put all your registrations
fn main() {
let mut app = App::new();
let registry =<AppTypeRegistry>();
let mut wr = registry.write();
// other structs...
Copy link

insert_or_apply now takes a TypeRegistry so I had to make the following adjustment

let registry = world.get_resource::<AppTypeRegistry>().unwrap().internal.to_owned();
let mut destination = world.get_entity_mut(self.destination).unwrap();
component.apply_or_insert(&mut destination, &*source, &;

not too happy about that to_owned, but without cloning the arc I hit the borrow checker due to the &mut destination

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